Sunday, February 6, 2011

February 6, 2011

My 365...

The weekend is almost over?  Where did it go?  Come back, I am not finished with you!

It has been a really nice weekend, so thank God for that.  We had hoped to go to the park and the greenbelt today for a bike ride, but it is so cold and damp outside.  Fortunately Jack is off tomorrow, so perhaps we can try again.

I asked Casey how he would like to spend his birthday today, and he replied that he would love to spend it with Garrett if I did not mind.  Sure enough, about noon Garrett called me on his cell phone asking if he could have Casey for the day.  I did not even have to ask him!  So he picked Casey up and surprised his little brother with a "dudes" day out.  What an awesome big brother Garrett is.  :)

The plan was some shopping, some good 4-wheeling fun in the red beast, followed by some target shooting.  Just the kind of day that would make Casey's 16th birthday the perfect day!

I love my boys, they are so amazing.  Thank you Garrett for being the most awesome big brother in the whole wide world.

My photo of the day, a magic 8 ball!  Well not really, it is an actual 8 ball that Blake found in the back yard.  He gave it to me and said, "Here mom, a magic 8 ball just for you."

We really don't need any magic this year, things seem to be going fine without the need for magic.  This year started on the right foot for me, aside from some matters that are completely out of my control, life is great.  Who needs magic when you just know how to get it right?  Not I.  :)

I am not a football fan, but mama and I always loved the Steelers, Go Steelers!  *\o/*

"My birthday wish for myself today is gratitude.  Gratitude for all the things in my life that have turned out just right."

Have an awesome Monday world!

Music I am listening to today.

Until next time...


Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

Thank you for stopping by! :)

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