Thursday, February 17, 2011

February 17, 2011

My 365...

Good Morning Winter!

I love it when it snows in February.  I just checked the Fed Ex tracking, and my bike will be delivered today and I am so excited!  It will be arriving in a box, so due to current weather conditions, there is no rush to assemble.  It is the Panama Jack Huffy, and I can hardly wait to try out my new ride!  My very first 10 speed was a yellow Huffy my parents bought for my birthday one year.  That was a great bike!

Looks like the other bikes need a day or so to thaw before we start our daily biking adventures.

Garrett came by for a visit last night, and it was so good to see him.  I talk to him every day at least twice a day, but it is not the same as seeing him for a big "Garrett" bear hug.  The boys love seeing him too.  Being around Garrett reminds me why I love being a mother so much, he is such a sweet amazing young man and I am so proud of him.

Only four days left to my vacation, then back to work on Monday.  It has been an awesome week, and it did not pass too quickly.  It was nice being able to relax during the boy's lessons, and not feel so hurried with work still left to be done.  I love my job, and I love my clients as well, however a little break every now and then is a good thing.


My bike is a giant box!  It looks beautiful, what I can see of it.  lol

I am assembled!  Isn't she beautiful?  :)

Blake and Miss Lilly think the box is much cooler than the bike!

Music I am listening to today, a little Jim Brickman and John Mayer.

Until next time...


Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

Thank you for stopping by! :)

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