Saturday, February 26, 2011

February 26, 2011

My 365...

We woke to a beautiful day, clear blue skies and sun shining bright.  The boys wanted to go bike riding saying "the weather is perfect!"  I did a quick check of the temperature to discover that it is only 29 degrees outside.  We would end up a family of Popsicles if we tried bike riding in this weather.  Hopefully it will be a warmer day tomorrow.  It does look to be a perfect day, but looks can be deceiving.  Blake went outside to have a run with Dozer and he lasted all of five minutes.  "Darn, it is freezing outside!"

Looks like our adventures will have to be inside ones.

My photo of the day, Blake enjoying a game of Minecraft.  Such a simple game, but the boys really enjoy it.

They would prefer outdoor adventures, but it is just too cold!

My heart is still smiling from seeing Brandon and Amber yesterday, and getting to meet my first grandchild Cooper.  Such a sweet, perfect and happy little baby, and it felt amazing to hug my son after a long hard year.  I have missed them so much!!
Sweet little Cooper feet left footprints all over our hearts.  :)  I am looking forward to seeing them again, and so thankful to have them back in my life.  I am so very proud of the parents that Brandon and Amber have become.  So proud!  And I had faith that Brandon would be back.  I love him so much, and Amber too.  It has been a difficult year for all of us, and I know they have struggled a lot.  Despite all the growing pains, I think they know that my love for them has never been greater. Blake, Casey and Garrett love them so much as well.  It warmed my heart seeing Garrett and Blake hold Cooper and seeing them in awe of the perfect little miracle that Cooper is.  I had to laugh when we tried to get Casey to hold him.  In typical teenage fashion he freaked.  lol

I am proud of me as a mom too.  :)

Enjoy your weekend!

Music I am listening to today, Norah Jones.

Until next time...


Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

Thank you for stopping by! :)

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