Saturday, February 5, 2011

February 5, 2011

My 365...

Happy lazy Saturday world.  :)

The boys and I enjoyed movie night last night, so today is lazy Saturday.  Supra the wonder dog stayed the night with us last night because Garrett had to work today.  We really love it when Supra comes to visit.

I was taking a picture of Blake this morning and Supra came in to give Blakey a kiss.
 Supra dragon breath just about knocked him out.  lol

"Whoa dude, eat a mint!"

They are so cute together.

Hope you are all enjoying a nice peaceful lazy Saturday.

"My birthday wish for myself today, lots of "Lazy Saturdays" to enjoy."

Until next time...


Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

Thank you for stopping by! :)

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