Sunday, March 31, 2013

Good-Bye March!

Good-Bye March!

Thank you for all the great memories.  It has been a great month.
Welcome to April!

April is my favorite month of the year.  It is Spring, and that is always exciting.  Especially this year as we are going to be planting a garden.

It is also the anniversary of my first time as a mom...27th anniversary this year, as my daughter's birthday is in April.  And my birthday too.  Yay for birthdays!  I will be celebrating my 52nd year.

Thus far, 50 has definitely been "FABULOUS!"


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

March 31, 2013

My 365...

I enjoyed a great evening (well into the morning) with three of my sons, Garrett, Casey and Blake (we missed you Brandon), playing video games, talking and just chilling.  It was awesome.  I feel so blessed that they like to hang out with their old mama.  :)

I made the grievous error of telling the boys about Pho, so we decided to try make some at 3:00am.  Who does that?  We do. Unfortunately we did not have all the ingredients we needed, so a trip to the Vietnamese Market is in order for this week.  We were up until 4:00AM, then I made the boys head to bed.  My silly boys, I love them so much.  <3

It was a nice relaxing way to welcome in Easter 2013, and say good-bye to March.  Now that I live in a House-O-GROWN-Men, there is no Easter Bunny fun for mama.  But that is okay, I will celebrate my Easter Bunny fun when grandson Cooper comes to visit on Thursday.  Blake will enjoy that too.

Today we simply enjoyed the day.  I called my Auntie in Texas to tell her I love her, then relaxed the rest of the day with my awesome family.

Have a terrific Monday planet!

A beautiful patch of flowers under the living room window.

***Doggy Daily***
Blake and the Diva, Miss Lilly.
"Hello mama, focus please.  I am down here!"

***Yoshi Cam!***

Since today is the last day of March, I thought we would do one last Yoshi Cam.

Blake added some flowers to Princess Yoshi's spot under the tree.

He noticed a little lady bug crawling close by, so he placed it on Yoshi's rock.  I used to call her "Little Bug."  We still miss her.

Music I am listening to today...Andrew Belle , Open Your Eyes

Random Link of the Day...Time to get your garden growing.  We can't wait to get started!  :)

The Daily V...


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
Saturday, March 30, 2013

March 30, 2013

My 365...

Happy Saturday planet.  Hope your Saturday was peaceful and full of love.  Mine sure was.  :)

Easter Egg decorating time.
 Garrett, Blake and I take our Easter Egg decorating...
 ...very seriously!
 Our 2013 masterpieces.
 We had so much fun creating these.

Who won the best design this year?  

It was a three way tie of course.  

It always is.  :)

***Doggy Daily***

"Really mama?  Have you lost your mind?"
"Come one step closer with that camera...I bite your nose off!"
Miss Lilly is not a fan of "frou frou"

Music I am listening to today...Mads Langer , The River Has Run Wild

Random Link of the Day...26 Letters on the wings of butterflies.

The Daily V...


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
Friday, March 29, 2013

March 29, 2013

My 365...

Happy Friday planet!

It was a perfect Spring day in Idaho today.  Blue skies and 65°f.  I had a lot of work to do, and the boys a lot of studying for their finals, but we just had to get out!  Working and studying can wait a day.

Casey headed out early for a fun day, and evening, with his friends.  Blake and I dusted off our bikes and decided a fun adventure down to the Boise river was in order.

I had a wonderful day with my youngest son.

"Thank you Blake."

Have a great weekend planet.  :)
It is almost possible to find the words to describe how sweet the air is in Idaho.  So clean, and so fresh.  
Especially on gorgeous Spring days like today.
We decided to hit the BMX trails first so that Blake could get his "ride" on.
He is getting very good at it too!

I managed to talk him into a little break...
...for an impromptu picnic of granola bars and fresh fruit.
We stopped at the baseball diamonds, as no one was there.
Of course the perfect opportunity to make a home run...
...then SLIDE in home.
"And the crowd goes wild!!!"
No time for autographs...Blake needed to get the sand out of his Vans.   :)
One more adventure before we went home.
Hop across the river, while the river is still low.
This will all be under raging waters in a few weeks...
...when the snow starts to melt in the mountains.
Ice cold, crystal clear water!
"Come on mom, I will race you to the top of the hill!"
"Uhmmm yeah son.  Did you forget something? Like maybe your bike?"
I can tell you it was 5:46PM when we got home.  As for how many miles?  You have to remember to set the odometer when you leave the house in order to record that information.  (Ooops...I am such a dork.)  That is okay though, Google Maps said we went about 7.5 miles.  :)
It was the perfect way to start the weekend.

***Doggy Daily***

Guest Doggy Daily.  This gorgeous Chocolate Lab was enjoying the river too.

Music I am listening to today...Mindy Gledhill , Hourglass

The Daily V...


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
Thursday, March 28, 2013

March 28, 2013

My 365...

I believe that today is a blessing, tomorrow is a gift yet to be received.  Celebrate today and look forward to tomorrow with excited anticipation.  As if every day is your birthday.  

Even if you are worried about what may be coming...greet it with a smile on your face, hope in your spirit, and fierce determination in your heart.  Knowing with absolute certainty that all is well, and all shall remain well.  No matter what happens...everything is going to be okay.

Then it will be.  :)

Above all, be kind, and open your mind.  Treat everyone with the love, respect, consideration and dignity that is their right just as it is yours.  The blessings of today and gifts of tomorrow are not only reserved for you.  They are reserved for everyone!

It is a nice peaceful day in my world today...just the way I like it.  <3

Great way to practice your swing...
 ...without having to worry about the ball flying over the fence.  :)

***Doggy Daily***
Hard left!
Hard right!

Airborne Diva Piranha!  
There is no escaping her!

Garrett and Kori went hiking today with Supra and Stella.  He took this cool GoPro video. :)

Music I am listening to today...Andrew Belle , Knockin on Heaven's Door

Random Link of the Day...Dealing with Negative People.  <---I love this.  :)

The Daily V...


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

Thank you for stopping by! :)

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