Saturday, June 30, 2012

Good-Bye June!

Good-Bye June, thank you for the beautiful weather, and amazing adventures!

Welcome July!

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

Biking Adventure, June 30, 2012

Tonight it was just Jack and I on our ride...the boys were too tired.  It was only 4 miles, but it was a beautiful night for a bike ride.  :)

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

June 30, 2012

My 365...

Finally I can say goodbye to June.  "Goodbye June!"

This has been a particularly difficult month for us, but we have learned a lot, and have gained a whole new appreciation for this thing called life.  Every dark storm cloud that rained on our head, provided a rainbow and a silver lining.  We are thankful for that.

I have learned to appreciate private health insurance.  Why is that Veronica?  I take medication for Rheumatoid Arthritis, High Blood Pressure and Diabetes.  Cost of meds with private insurance, $47.85 per month.  Cost of my medication without private insurance...$2,950.00 per month.  That is per month!  It is expensive to be sick in this country without insurance.  Frightening.  Today was the last day of our private insurance coverage, but no worries, we will figure something out...we always do. :)

Despite all the difficulties, it has also been a month full of adventure and fun.  We did have a whole lot of fun.

July will be a month of promise for us.  New experiences, new lessons and above adventures!

My photos of the day...

My Blake is one cool kid.  However, he is never too cool to partake in a little Hot Wheel action.

For dinner I made a chicken breast, baby green, spinach, cucumber, orange salad.  With some crispy whole wheat tortilla strips.  Honey mustard dressing.

For desert...a nice evening bike ride.  :)

***Doggy Daily***

"Mama, call 911!  There is a slobbery male doggy in my immediate vicinity!"
 "Now now Miss Lilly, that is hardly a reason to call 911?"
 "But mama, he stinks!"
Such a little diva brat.

Music I am listening to today...Stephen Bennett
Random Link of the Day...Baked Parmesan Tomatoes

Until next time...


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
Friday, June 29, 2012

Biking Adventure, June 29, 2012

It was a beautiful evening for a bike ride.  We rode to the edge of the bench overlooking the valley, and watched some fireworks from the Boise Hawks Baseball Stadium

The weather was a perfect 76 degrees.  :)

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

June 29, 2012

My 365...

Life can truly be unfair sometimes.  Things happen out of left field, and seem to set off a serious of unforeseen and unfortunate events that make it feel as if the world is crumbling around us.  It happens to everyone from time to time.

The key is never settling for unfair.  Sure bad things happen to everyone, but that is no reason to simply accept the bad and sulk, feeling completely defeated and wounded in a dark corner.  No.  Never accept unfair.  Fight it.  If something happens to you, and it is completely unfair, say "Stop!"  Not happening!  Not without a fight anyway.  :)

Accepting defeat is so much easier when you know you have given the fight your best try.

Any good life worth worth fighting for don't you think?

Welcome weekend!  We are very happy to see you.  We will be enjoying a late evening bike ride, followed by a fireworks display.  It should be great fun!

A perfect a perfect weekend.

Hope yours is amazing!

My Photos of the day...

The beautiful lily from yesterday, already gone today.  This beauty took her place.

***Doggy Daily***

"Shhhh, my boy is napping." 

Zzzzzzz.....Blake has been hitting the yard sales with Jack all morning. He is plum tuckered out!
Music I am listening to today...Allison Krauss & Union Station

Random Link of the Day...Amazing 3-D Illustrations.

Until Next time...


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Dinner is Served!

Casey has been driving me crazy all day that he wants some Gator Gumbo!  Good luck finding gator meat in the great

So I made the next best thing...smoked sausage, chicken gumbo.

 It was delicious!
For desert I made some root beer, strawberry, vanilla ice cream floats.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

June 28, 2012..

My 365...

How is your vision?  I always thought the boys, Casey and Blake, had perfect vision, but I was wrong.  Both boys are near sighted like mama. After eye exams this morning, Blake will need to wear glasses all the time.  Casey's vision is not as bad, but the doctor recommends he wear glasses often as well.

With our vision insurance we are able to pick a free pair of frames annually.  Would that do for the boys, oh no, they HAD to have Ray-Ban!  Jack said yes because he firgured if they had the cool frames at least they would be comfortable wearing them.  Makes sense to me.  With insurance we only had to pay $40 for each pair.  Not too bad, and they tint in the sunlight which I wanted as well.  Blake got the Rb5277 , and Casey got the Rb5228.  I think they will look very handsome in their glasses.  We should receive them in a week or so. 

I am happy that they are excited about having to wear glasses, and that is all that matters to me.  Well that, and the fact that they can see clearly now!  :)

My new glasses came in today too.  I really like them, but it is going to take a few days to get used to the new prescription.  My eyes have changed a lot in the past year, so I do not have to wear any glasses while reading or sitting at the computer...just for distance.  I am so happy the Nikon and Canon cameras adjust for vision when I am shooting pictures.

In other news...

Life continues to hand me lemons, and in true "Veronica" fashion, I continue to make lemon-aide.  I have a feeling if this continues I will become a professional lemon-aide maker!  I can add that to my resume as well. But no worries, that which does not break me...only makes me stronger.  I truly believe that.  :)

I am hoping for a bike ride this evening, but Blake said only if his eyes stop being HUGE.  The doctor dilated them for the exam, and they have been slow to return to normal.  His pupils are so big,, you can barely see the blue at all.  He looks a bit like an extraterrestrial from out space.  lol

Hope your Thursday has been grand!

My photos of the day...

A new bloom in my garden today.
 My new glasses.
 Ceareal, it is what is for breakfast, lunch, dinner, midnight snack.  I am supposed to eat more frequently throughout the day, but I really hate stopping for food.  I swear I could eat a bowl of Cherrios with fruit every day, and never get bored.

I have also taken milk out of my diet.  Silk is a good healhy alternative.
 It is almost 9pm, and Blake's eyes are still pretty dilated.  He is not happy!

***Doggy Daily***
"Let me check out your new glasses mama."
 "Yes, these will do nicely mama, good choice."
"Thank you Dozer."

Music I am listening to today...Hem

Random Link of the Day...Out of this world.

Until next time...

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

Thank you for stopping by! :)

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