Saturday, March 31, 2012

Good-Bye March!

Now we say goodbye to March.  This has been a terrific month!

Looking forward to April!  :)

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

March 31, 2012

My 365...

Another month of this 2012 year over.  Of course time passes too quickly, we all know that, which is why I take the time every single day to take a few pictures.  That single moment captured in time that will remain forever.

Today our adventures took us East.  We walked out the door and headed in an easterly direction until our feet decided it was time to head home.

I stopped along the way to snap some color in our neighborhood.  The weather was perfect, a breezy partly-cloudy 77 degrees.  Rather warm for these parts, but it was nice outside.

My photos of the day...
Photo of Jack and I by Blake.
Our lovely neighborhood.

 A curious random collection of pebbles.

 Still some snow in the mountains.

 Hi grandpa.  :)
I spy a squirrel!
 ***Doggy Daily***
"Who loves you Dozer?'
Music I am listening to today...Stars

Random Link of the Day...*click*

Until next time..."Blue skies and fresh air are available to everyone.  All you have to do is open the door...and step outside."


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
Friday, March 30, 2012

March 30, 2012

My 365...

"Oh my goodness I am so blessed!"

"Oh my goodness what a perfect day!"

Oh my goodness...Veronica shut up!

Do I make you all nauseous?

Let me explain...

Perfection for me is a state of mind.  Feeling blessed, is a state of mind.  I am not saying my life is perfect, and rained upon by the gods of "Happiness', "Fortune", "Good Health", or by God himself.  Nothing, or no one, is that perfect or has such a golden life.

However, I sincerely feel that all that good fortune, happiness, and blessings, do indeed reside in my brain.

It is a state of mind.

Life is by no means perfect.  I have the same problems that everyone else experiences.  A not-so-great marriage, Rheumatoid Arthritis, a daughter who has no clue who I am, who I really am, four mischievously stubborn sons, a seriously overcharged procrastination gene, ridiculously high utility bills, a single gray hair that resides on my left eyebrow.  "Really gray hair?  Is it not enough that you own 90 percent of the real estate on the top of my head?"  The list goes on.

Now let me explain the blessed perfection....

"None of it really matters to me!"

I reside in a mental state of "being" where I have learned to accept the things I can not change.  I no longer take anything personally.  I have realized that everyone on this planet comes with their own character, and their own pre-conceived notion of "me", and none of that matters as long as "I" know who I am.  And I do.

We all have a story.  I have a story.  The key to a happy my humble opinion... is that you do not go through life re-living, obsessing, re-telling, feeding that story.  Instead, take today, take this opportunity in life to create a new story.  A good story, a happy story, a positive story where circumstance, tragedy, genetics, and hard luck are NOT the writer...YOU are now the writer.  You yourself determine the path of the story line....not fate, not all the people you feel have done you wrong, not all that negative baggage and spooky skeletons in the closet waiting to pounce!  Rawrrr....


Sure life can be hard, and it can really suck, but so what?  Life only sucks if you let it.  We all have the "God" given intelligence to move on, rise above, and make the best of whatever time we have left on this planet.

I chose happiness.

And I chose to live with that gray hair that feels the need to invade the space over my left eye.  "Hello gray hair."  (Who am I kidding here...where are my tweezers?)  *pluck*  Ahhhh, now life has found balance.  Nirvana....

Have a stupendously magnificent weekend.

I know I will.  :)

My photos of the day...

What is this curious little shrine?

I placed the zen garden that Kori and Garret brought me on my windowsill.  Over time, more treasures have gathered there.
Blake has added most of them.  I single silk carnation, a pink granite egg, a beautiful sea shell, and a mayonaise lid of interesting rocks he found in the garden.  All for mama.  :)
***Doggy Daily***

"Mama, what about my story?"
"Let me guess Miss Lilly, "My Pawfectly Purrfect Life?"
You spoiled little diva you.  :)
Music I am listening to today...Nickelback

Random link of the day...Photoshop CS6 new deliciousness!  Download Free Beta *Click*

Until next time..."Do the hokey pokey, then turn yourself around!"


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
Thursday, March 29, 2012

March 29, 2012

My 365...

I keep saying that everyday is "the perfect day", but today was indeed the perfect day.  My son Brandon came over with my grandson Cooper!  I was so happy and excited to see them.

Cooper ran right into my arms and melted grandma's heart.  We had some fun playing in the front yard, then came inside to visit for a while.  He came over to me, crawled up on my lap just like old times, and snuggled with me for a while.  It felt wonderful holding him in my arms again.

He is so animated and funny, and is saying a lot of words now too.  He knows what he wants, and knows just how to ask for it too.  It is hard to believe he is only 15 months old.  He acts so much older than he is.  What can I say, my grandchild is a brilliant, beautiful child...just like his daddy.  :)

I took a million and a half are my favorites.

My photos of the day...

 My gorgeous son Brandon.  The best daddy in the world!
I shared a fortune cookie with Cooper, and it reads..."Stop searching forever.  Happiness is just next to you."

That is so right!
We did indeed have a perfect day.  This has been a perfect week!

You can see all the photos by clicking here *CLICK*

***Doggy Daily***
"There is a little human visiting today."
"I think I love him...he drops foods." 

Music I am listening to today...Boston

Random Link of the Day...Brandon showed me this video today.  It is adorable!

Until next time..."Scratch here ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ to reveal today’s status." *giggle*


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March 28, 2012

My 365...

Today has been one of those days where it feels magical to breathe.  There is much about life I wish I could change, and that I wish could be better, but on days like today...there is nothing wrong with my world.

I leashed up Dozer, slipped on my walking shoes, put on my straw hat, and told Blake it was time to explore our neighborhood.  I really haven't taken the time to do that since we moved because I was missing living in the foothills so much.  Well that and when you stop a good brisk exercise program, it is hard to start back up again.

So today we walked out the front door adventured west, as far as our feet would take us...and it was awesome.  :)

My photos of the day...

Beautiful colors.

 The most peculiar weather vane I have ever seen.
 My Blake.  <3

 St. Marks.
A seagull.  Yes, we have seagulls in Boise....but no sea?  :)
Snow in the mountains.
Flowers for mom.

For dinner I made baked potatoes, sausage gravy and stir fried edamame.  It was delish!

Tomorrow we head east....
***Doggy Daily***

Dozer loves adventuring with Blake and I.
Such a handsome pup.
And he walks himself too!
Music I am listening to today...Guns N Roses

Random Link of the Day...To Do list.  (click on the image to enlarge)

Until next time..."How old would you be...if you didn't old you are?"


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

Thank you for stopping by! :)

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