Wednesday, January 29, 2014
January 29, 2014
My 365...
Decisions, decisions! This weekend is the long planned trip to McCall, Idaho for the Winter Carnival with Brandon, Amber and the children. Blake and I have been so excited about this trip for months. Initially, the trip was on hold for me because of Casey's surgery. I was not going to leave him until I was sure he was okay. Well, he is...thank God. The wires are off now, and he is getting around just fine. He still has to take it easy, but he does not need mama hovering over him 24/7 (Even though I still do.)
So what is the problem? The weather! A winter storm has moved in over the mountains, and we have had snow/sleet/freezing rain all day today in the valley, which means a lot of snow in the mountains. We will be driving 106 miles into the mountains. This is the last weekend of the Winter Carnival, so I know the highway department is going to keep the roads clear. I hope they are. It is a beautiful drive, but it is a small two lane road all the way there. Not a lot of room for mistakes. I am great driver though, so I know I can do this. Right?
Bottom line is Amber and Brandon are going, Blake really wants to we are going! This has been a tough couple of weeks for this family, and Blake and I could use some fun. Garrett and Jack will take care of Casey, so I know it will be okay. Right? Plus it will be nice to get some fresh mountain air, and out of this valley inversion we have been in. I have made a huge pot of veggie stew for Casey, and he has three new X-Box games to keep him entertained. I feel so bad for waiting until the last minute to decide, as my daughter-in-law is an epic planner. Amber plans, packs and prepares "weeks" in advance. Poor dear, I am driving her crazy. "Sorry Amber honey, I love you!"
So today I blog, we leave tomorrow...then no blog until Sunday. I will take pictures every day of course...hundreds of pictures I am sure...then update the blog when we return late Saturday evening.
Please send me safe driving, safe travel prayers and vibes. Have an awesome tomorrow, Friday and Saturday, and see you on Sunday. :)
Until next time...
I can't! :)
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Decisions, decisions! This weekend is the long planned trip to McCall, Idaho for the Winter Carnival with Brandon, Amber and the children. Blake and I have been so excited about this trip for months. Initially, the trip was on hold for me because of Casey's surgery. I was not going to leave him until I was sure he was okay. Well, he is...thank God. The wires are off now, and he is getting around just fine. He still has to take it easy, but he does not need mama hovering over him 24/7 (Even though I still do.)
So what is the problem? The weather! A winter storm has moved in over the mountains, and we have had snow/sleet/freezing rain all day today in the valley, which means a lot of snow in the mountains. We will be driving 106 miles into the mountains. This is the last weekend of the Winter Carnival, so I know the highway department is going to keep the roads clear. I hope they are. It is a beautiful drive, but it is a small two lane road all the way there. Not a lot of room for mistakes. I am great driver though, so I know I can do this. Right?
Bottom line is Amber and Brandon are going, Blake really wants to we are going! This has been a tough couple of weeks for this family, and Blake and I could use some fun. Garrett and Jack will take care of Casey, so I know it will be okay. Right? Plus it will be nice to get some fresh mountain air, and out of this valley inversion we have been in. I have made a huge pot of veggie stew for Casey, and he has three new X-Box games to keep him entertained. I feel so bad for waiting until the last minute to decide, as my daughter-in-law is an epic planner. Amber plans, packs and prepares "weeks" in advance. Poor dear, I am driving her crazy. "Sorry Amber honey, I love you!"
So today I blog, we leave tomorrow...then no blog until Sunday. I will take pictures every day of course...hundreds of pictures I am sure...then update the blog when we return late Saturday evening.
Please send me safe driving, safe travel prayers and vibes. Have an awesome tomorrow, Friday and Saturday, and see you on Sunday. :)
Until next time...
How can I say no to this face?
I can't! :)
Music I am listening to today...Selected by Casey...Bang A Gong
I am not much of a Superbowl fan...although I do love the Broncos! Go Broncos, Woot! But I do love the commercials. This one is amazing. :)
The Daily V...Too cute!
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
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Tuesday, January 28, 2014
January 28, 2014
My 365...
We had an awesome day today! Casey had his two week post-operative visit with the oral surgeon, and the surgeon was able to remove the wire holding his mouth closed, and even better, remove the heavy rubber bumper between his teeth. Yay! The surgeon replaced the wires with heavy rubber bands, so Casey still has to keep his mouth closed. But he can now brush his teeth twice a day, and even better, he can talk. The doctor still says he has to be on liquids and soft foods for another six weeks, as he still has a lot of healing to do, but Casey is doing great. I am so happy for him! Thursday he has an appointment with his orthodontist, and is very excited about seeing him again. Casey really loves his doctors. They are awesome!
Now that the mouth guard is gone, his liquids can be a little thicker. Just since being home from the doctor, he has eaten and entire can of blended corn, a can of Progresso Chicken Noodle and Vegetable soup, some blended beef Ramen with fresh peas, blended spaghetti I made for dinner, apple sauce, blended can of fruit cocktail and a bowl of blended Cap'n Crunch with Crunch Berries cereal. Tonight he wants me to make some blueberry muffins and let them soak in milk and run them through the blender. He is an eating machine...which is good since he has lost 20 pounds. I am happy because now I don't have to run everything through a fine strainer, which leaves all the goodness behind.
Casey has always been an awesome spirit. Very positive and strong. This experience has made him stronger and even more positive about his future, which makes me so happy for him. He now has a perma-grin etched across his face. This is a good thing.
Thank you everyone for all your thoughts and prayers as Casey has made his way through this journey. He is very appreciative of all the support he has gotten. We are all very thankful. God is good. :)
Until next time...
Waiting for Dr. Griffiths.
Home from the wires, no mouth guard.
Looking and feeling awesome!
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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We had an awesome day today! Casey had his two week post-operative visit with the oral surgeon, and the surgeon was able to remove the wire holding his mouth closed, and even better, remove the heavy rubber bumper between his teeth. Yay! The surgeon replaced the wires with heavy rubber bands, so Casey still has to keep his mouth closed. But he can now brush his teeth twice a day, and even better, he can talk. The doctor still says he has to be on liquids and soft foods for another six weeks, as he still has a lot of healing to do, but Casey is doing great. I am so happy for him! Thursday he has an appointment with his orthodontist, and is very excited about seeing him again. Casey really loves his doctors. They are awesome!
Now that the mouth guard is gone, his liquids can be a little thicker. Just since being home from the doctor, he has eaten and entire can of blended corn, a can of Progresso Chicken Noodle and Vegetable soup, some blended beef Ramen with fresh peas, blended spaghetti I made for dinner, apple sauce, blended can of fruit cocktail and a bowl of blended Cap'n Crunch with Crunch Berries cereal. Tonight he wants me to make some blueberry muffins and let them soak in milk and run them through the blender. He is an eating machine...which is good since he has lost 20 pounds. I am happy because now I don't have to run everything through a fine strainer, which leaves all the goodness behind.
Casey has always been an awesome spirit. Very positive and strong. This experience has made him stronger and even more positive about his future, which makes me so happy for him. He now has a perma-grin etched across his face. This is a good thing.
Thank you everyone for all your thoughts and prayers as Casey has made his way through this journey. He is very appreciative of all the support he has gotten. We are all very thankful. God is good. :)
Until next time...
Pictures just before we left for the doctor's office.
Still with his mouth guard and wires.Waiting for Dr. Griffiths.
Home from the wires, no mouth guard.
Looking and feeling awesome!
Here is a video I took just before the doctor visit, and just after. Yay Casey! *love*
And this was Garrett when he got home. Casey thought it was hilarious, and it totally made his day. Silly Garrett. Brotherly love at its finest. Thank you Garrett. lol :)
Music I am listening to today...The glorious sound of Casey's clear voice. :)
The Daily V...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
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Monday, January 27, 2014
January 27, 2014
My 365...
Happy Monday planet!
Tomorrow is the big day. Casey has an appointment with the surgeon, to see how his healing is progressing. We are really hoping that the wires come off, so Casey can open his mouth at least a little bit. That would be awesome! He still has some swelling, and some discomfort. He so desperately wants to return to normal activities, but it is entirely too soon for that I think. Casey is very healthy and strong, so keeping him down is difficult. He is ready to hit the ground running.
Today he has decided that there are two bodily functions in the existence of the cosmos, that should be banned forever...sneezing, and yawning. Go ahead, give it a try, whilst pretending that your mouth is wired closed. I'll wait.....
In a word...OUCH! Yawning is anticlimactic if you can not open your mouth to the fullest extent of your face. And sneezing with your mouth closed. Well, can you say "brain explosion?" Poor guy. Enough is enough.
Please send prayers and good vibes for his appointment tomorrow.
My daughter-in-law Amber started a new blog. I am so glad she did, because she is brilliantly funny, an amazing writer, and the most epic of all young mothers on the face of this here planet. The other day Blake told me that I am hanging out with Amber too much, because I have adopted her sense of humor. We were talking and he said...
Blake: "Mom, do you know what is really funny?"
Me: "Your face?"
Blake: "Mom! You have been hanging around Amber too much. You are grounded!"
Me: "You can't ground me. You are not my real father!"
LOL, yep...I have. :)
You can find Amber's new blog *HERE* I love the title..."My Children are Ridiculous."
Hope you had a good day everyone.
Until next time...
Practicing his trumpet this afternoon. Blake is so musically talented. I want to buy him a new guitar and keyboard this year. He loves singing, and is very good at it too. Actually, Blake is pretty much awesome at everything he does. :)
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Happy Monday planet!
Tomorrow is the big day. Casey has an appointment with the surgeon, to see how his healing is progressing. We are really hoping that the wires come off, so Casey can open his mouth at least a little bit. That would be awesome! He still has some swelling, and some discomfort. He so desperately wants to return to normal activities, but it is entirely too soon for that I think. Casey is very healthy and strong, so keeping him down is difficult. He is ready to hit the ground running.
Today he has decided that there are two bodily functions in the existence of the cosmos, that should be banned forever...sneezing, and yawning. Go ahead, give it a try, whilst pretending that your mouth is wired closed. I'll wait.....
In a word...OUCH! Yawning is anticlimactic if you can not open your mouth to the fullest extent of your face. And sneezing with your mouth closed. Well, can you say "brain explosion?" Poor guy. Enough is enough.
Please send prayers and good vibes for his appointment tomorrow.
My daughter-in-law Amber started a new blog. I am so glad she did, because she is brilliantly funny, an amazing writer, and the most epic of all young mothers on the face of this here planet. The other day Blake told me that I am hanging out with Amber too much, because I have adopted her sense of humor. We were talking and he said...
Blake: "Mom, do you know what is really funny?"
Me: "Your face?"
Blake: "Mom! You have been hanging around Amber too much. You are grounded!"
Me: "You can't ground me. You are not my real father!"
LOL, yep...I have. :)
You can find Amber's new blog *HERE* I love the title..."My Children are Ridiculous."
Hope you had a good day everyone.
Until next time...
My awesome son, Blake. :) He requested that I cut his hair last night. He has the same style as his big brother Garrett, and I love it because it is easy to cut. Long on top...shaved close everywhere else. He looks very handsome too.
Practicing his trumpet this afternoon. Blake is so musically talented. I want to buy him a new guitar and keyboard this year. He loves singing, and is very good at it too. Actually, Blake is pretty much awesome at everything he does. :)
Music I am listening to today...Bon Jovi, Dead or Alive
The Daily V...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
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Sunday, January 26, 2014
January 26, 2014
My 365...
Well hello energy! Where have you been for the last week? I am so glad you are back. :)
Today I got my energy back. I cleaned the entire house, and did four loads of laundry. Even had time to pause for some photo selfie's with my Blake. Today has been a good day.
Casey had a bit of a rough night. His hip starting hurting him really badly, as did his jaw. It hit him out of left field, and left him feeling really down. I am happy to report that it seems to have passed. He is feeling much stronger today. Only two more days to go. Tuesday we see the surgeon, and we will have more of an idea how things are going. Until then it is more soup, fruit puree and rest.
Next weekend is the McCall Winter Carnival trip that Amber and Brandon invited Blake and I to attend. They have the trip all set up for us. Initially, I cancelled on them as there was no way I was going to leave Casey for three days. However, if the doctor says Casey is doing okay, and if Casey does not mind....Blake and I might go ahead and join them. I hope so, we have been looking forward to this trip for months, and I miss Brandon, Amber and the babies. I always have so much fun with them. We shall see. :)
Thank you God for the great weekend, and thank You for the incredible week ahead. Seize the week planet! You can do it...make it awesome.
Another amazing video created by my son Garrett and his friends for their company. Amazing!
Idaho City - 57mins from downtown Boise, Idaho from Red Mountain Creative on Vimeo
Until next time...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Well hello energy! Where have you been for the last week? I am so glad you are back. :)
Today I got my energy back. I cleaned the entire house, and did four loads of laundry. Even had time to pause for some photo selfie's with my Blake. Today has been a good day.
Casey had a bit of a rough night. His hip starting hurting him really badly, as did his jaw. It hit him out of left field, and left him feeling really down. I am happy to report that it seems to have passed. He is feeling much stronger today. Only two more days to go. Tuesday we see the surgeon, and we will have more of an idea how things are going. Until then it is more soup, fruit puree and rest.
Next weekend is the McCall Winter Carnival trip that Amber and Brandon invited Blake and I to attend. They have the trip all set up for us. Initially, I cancelled on them as there was no way I was going to leave Casey for three days. However, if the doctor says Casey is doing okay, and if Casey does not mind....Blake and I might go ahead and join them. I hope so, we have been looking forward to this trip for months, and I miss Brandon, Amber and the babies. I always have so much fun with them. We shall see. :)
Thank you God for the great weekend, and thank You for the incredible week ahead. Seize the week planet! You can do it...make it awesome.
Another amazing video created by my son Garrett and his friends for their company. Amazing!
Idaho City - 57mins from downtown Boise, Idaho from Red Mountain Creative on Vimeo
Until next time...
Everyone complains because there are no pictures of me, so I set the Canon up to the computer, and had some selfie fun. And that my my self-photo quota for another year. Now I can get behind the camera, where I belong. :)
This is me...mama bear, with my baby bear Blake. *love*
I think I have aged a few hundred years since my last selfie. But that is has been good. Fifty-two has been a good year for me, and I know, fifty-three is going to be fabulous! :)
The diva, Miss Lilly and I. Us girls have to stick together.
Grandpa Dozer...the other senior citizen of the household.
Music I am listening to today...Kina Grannis, The World in Front of Me
The Daily V...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
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Saturday, January 25, 2014
January 25, 2014
My 365...
It is a circus up in here today! And that is a good thing. :) Casey eats and drinks through multiple syringes with feeding tubes on the end. He has one for soup, one for fruit and one for whatever he happens to be drinking. Usually that is juice or water. I was refilling his fruit and reached for his water so I could give him fresh water. Without thinking, I grabbed the syringe and plunged it all the way, completely unaware that it was full of water. Guess where the tip was aiming? Yep, Casey's face. "Sploosh!" He got an unexpected shower sitting right there in his chair, and we laughed so hard. It was not on purpose I assure you, I think mama is just too delirious to think straight.
Fast forward to a few hours later. Casey reaches for his water syringe, because he was going to grab some soda with it. Faces it away from himself, and without thinking, plunges it all the way..."Sploosh!" Clear across the room, and right at me as I am sitting on my bed reading. Ice cold water to my face. "Ack!" A moment of silence...followed by uproarious laughter. LOL, "what the hell Casey?" It was so freaking funny...and cold! I think Casey and I are both ready for a long vacation.
I will say this, I adore Casey's new smile. It is so different, and so amazing. When he smiles it lights up the room. So as he sat across the room with this ridiculous grin, mixed with shock and terror, I had to laugh. Truly a funny moment following a week of stress. It was awesome...and wet.
Casey is doing very well. He feels as if his jaw is settled in place now, as it has stopped clicking and popping, this is a good thing. His lower lip and chin are still numb, but he is getting some tingling, hopefully signaling that feeling will be returning soon. The pain in his hip is pretty much all gone, and the surgical sight has healed nicely. As I mentioned above, he can smile! The rubber bumper between his teeth is pretty thick, much like the mouthpiece a football player wears, so speech is still a bit tricky. And best of all, he can breathe clearly through his nose for the first time in his life! This makes having a mouth full of rubber and metal a whole lot easier. All in all, his recovery has been excellent...thank you God.
Tuesday is his first post op visit with the surgeon. If all goes well, the surgeon may be able to cut the wires and remove the bumper from between his teeth. That will be a HUGE relief for Case. Then he will be able to breathe, talk and eat a little easier. I am very proud of my son. I endured having my mouth wired closed for 8 weeks when I was 18, and I remember how claustrophobic it was. Pure torture! But Casey has not complained once. He is handling it very well. Every few hours I ask him if he is hungry, and what he would like to eat? His reply every time..."I want a steak!"
Things are looking up planet, and that makes this mama bear very happy.
Hope you had a great Saturday. Ours was pretty amazing.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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It is a circus up in here today! And that is a good thing. :) Casey eats and drinks through multiple syringes with feeding tubes on the end. He has one for soup, one for fruit and one for whatever he happens to be drinking. Usually that is juice or water. I was refilling his fruit and reached for his water so I could give him fresh water. Without thinking, I grabbed the syringe and plunged it all the way, completely unaware that it was full of water. Guess where the tip was aiming? Yep, Casey's face. "Sploosh!" He got an unexpected shower sitting right there in his chair, and we laughed so hard. It was not on purpose I assure you, I think mama is just too delirious to think straight.
Fast forward to a few hours later. Casey reaches for his water syringe, because he was going to grab some soda with it. Faces it away from himself, and without thinking, plunges it all the way..."Sploosh!" Clear across the room, and right at me as I am sitting on my bed reading. Ice cold water to my face. "Ack!" A moment of silence...followed by uproarious laughter. LOL, "what the hell Casey?" It was so freaking funny...and cold! I think Casey and I are both ready for a long vacation.
I will say this, I adore Casey's new smile. It is so different, and so amazing. When he smiles it lights up the room. So as he sat across the room with this ridiculous grin, mixed with shock and terror, I had to laugh. Truly a funny moment following a week of stress. It was awesome...and wet.
Casey is doing very well. He feels as if his jaw is settled in place now, as it has stopped clicking and popping, this is a good thing. His lower lip and chin are still numb, but he is getting some tingling, hopefully signaling that feeling will be returning soon. The pain in his hip is pretty much all gone, and the surgical sight has healed nicely. As I mentioned above, he can smile! The rubber bumper between his teeth is pretty thick, much like the mouthpiece a football player wears, so speech is still a bit tricky. And best of all, he can breathe clearly through his nose for the first time in his life! This makes having a mouth full of rubber and metal a whole lot easier. All in all, his recovery has been excellent...thank you God.
Tuesday is his first post op visit with the surgeon. If all goes well, the surgeon may be able to cut the wires and remove the bumper from between his teeth. That will be a HUGE relief for Case. Then he will be able to breathe, talk and eat a little easier. I am very proud of my son. I endured having my mouth wired closed for 8 weeks when I was 18, and I remember how claustrophobic it was. Pure torture! But Casey has not complained once. He is handling it very well. Every few hours I ask him if he is hungry, and what he would like to eat? His reply every time..."I want a steak!"
Things are looking up planet, and that makes this mama bear very happy.
Hope you had a great Saturday. Ours was pretty amazing.
Casey Day 12 post surgery...looking great!
He still has quite a bit of swelling that needs to be resolved, but the difference in his face is dramatic. It has been pretty traumatic for Casey. We all think he looks amazing, but Casey hates that he does not look like himself anymore, and it has been a huge adjustment for him. This will be the hardest period of time. Once the wires are off, and he is feeling more normal, he can enjoy the benefits of having a normal bite for the first time in his life. Being able to breath normally for the first time in his life. What has yet to be revealed, is the changes to his speech, which will be dramatic as well. For now, it is hard, and a bit of an identity crisis. We will continue one day at a time.
Music I am listening to today...The Wreckers, Leave the Pieces
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Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
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Friday, January 24, 2014
January 24, 2014
My 365...
And it happened, mama crashed and burned. Well, not really, but today it felt like I did. I had been running on pure adrenaline for the last week and a half. Being super mom, taking care of everyone all on my own. And I did good. This morning my body laughed at me and said..."you are done mama!" I could barely get out of bed. I tried a few times, to be sure Casey had everything he needed, but then it was right back to bed. It sucks getting old.
Casey is doing better today, and he looks pretty awesome too. He woke up with a sore throat, we both did, but after some good afternoon rest, we are both feeling a bit more alive this evening. Today was one day I was glad Casey was up all night. With Blake at school all day, and Casey catching up on some rest, it was okay for me to do the same.
Brandon and Amber stopped by this afternoon with the children, and I could not even enjoy them. Now I am really mad that I missed the opportunity to spend some time with Amber, Cooper and Penny since I have not seen them all week. *sniff* :*( They were very understanding about it though, and let grandma rest.
We are all just feeling a little off. This evening, I was sitting at my desk just staring off in space, unable to wrap my mind around a single thought. I think that is what happens when one becomes a bit overwhelmed? Either that, or just a touch of post traumatic..."OMG what just happened?"...disorder. Thankfully it is the weekend, and there is nothing scheduled. Time for this mama bear to shake off the blues, and get everyone back to normal. I can do that. :)
Have a great weekend everyone!
Until next time...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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And it happened, mama crashed and burned. Well, not really, but today it felt like I did. I had been running on pure adrenaline for the last week and a half. Being super mom, taking care of everyone all on my own. And I did good. This morning my body laughed at me and said..."you are done mama!" I could barely get out of bed. I tried a few times, to be sure Casey had everything he needed, but then it was right back to bed. It sucks getting old.
Casey is doing better today, and he looks pretty awesome too. He woke up with a sore throat, we both did, but after some good afternoon rest, we are both feeling a bit more alive this evening. Today was one day I was glad Casey was up all night. With Blake at school all day, and Casey catching up on some rest, it was okay for me to do the same.
Brandon and Amber stopped by this afternoon with the children, and I could not even enjoy them. Now I am really mad that I missed the opportunity to spend some time with Amber, Cooper and Penny since I have not seen them all week. *sniff* :*( They were very understanding about it though, and let grandma rest.
We are all just feeling a little off. This evening, I was sitting at my desk just staring off in space, unable to wrap my mind around a single thought. I think that is what happens when one becomes a bit overwhelmed? Either that, or just a touch of post traumatic..."OMG what just happened?"...disorder. Thankfully it is the weekend, and there is nothing scheduled. Time for this mama bear to shake off the blues, and get everyone back to normal. I can do that. :)
Have a great weekend everyone!
Until next time...
I took one single photo today. Can you believe it? Just one. I must really be
Dozer looks like I feel. Blech....
The Daily V...I am helpful, I am loved, and I am not alone? There now, I feel better already. Thank you John Green. :)
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
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Thursday, January 23, 2014
January 23, 2014
My 365...
Day 10 post-op, and Casey is ready for the wires to come off. We are all ready to fast forward about a month or so. Eating through a tube has been very frustrating for him. Hopefully, if everything is healing well, he can have his wires removed next Tuesday. It still seems terribly soon to me, but the surgeon knows what he is doing. I trust him. I know it will be awesome for Casey to be able to open his mouth a little bit more, lick his lips, and perhaps have a few more food options. He will still have heavy rubber bands keeping his jaw stable, but it will allow him to open his mouth a bit...which will be awesome.
Blake is ready for normalcy too. Today I could tell that all of this stress has taken a toll on my youngest son. I think it has taken a toll on all of us. Today has been a major decompression day. It feels like we have all had a major "exhale," and it has left the boys and I pretty deflated. At least the worst part is over, and it is only uphill from here.
This is going to be a great year for my boys and I. We are just getting all the stress out of the way early. :)
We did experience a funny moment. Casey was trying some macaroni and cheese through the tube last night. Well, let me tell you, you can liquefy mac-n-cheese, but once the cheese sets up, it hardens. Casey was trying to force it through the tube and it got stuck. With a little force, it got unstuck, but all at once the contents exploded on his face. He laughed so hard! We all It was nice to see his smile again.
Hope your day was good.
Until next time...
A random photo taken by Blake.
This evening I was going to trying some pasta...minus the cheese...for dinner, but Casey opted for some cream corn instead. And a coke float for desert. Poor kid is so sick of soup! He has been craving bacon, so I am going to make some home made split pea, carrot and potato soup with lots of bacon. He can at least enjoy the bacon flavor.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Day 10 post-op, and Casey is ready for the wires to come off. We are all ready to fast forward about a month or so. Eating through a tube has been very frustrating for him. Hopefully, if everything is healing well, he can have his wires removed next Tuesday. It still seems terribly soon to me, but the surgeon knows what he is doing. I trust him. I know it will be awesome for Casey to be able to open his mouth a little bit more, lick his lips, and perhaps have a few more food options. He will still have heavy rubber bands keeping his jaw stable, but it will allow him to open his mouth a bit...which will be awesome.
Blake is ready for normalcy too. Today I could tell that all of this stress has taken a toll on my youngest son. I think it has taken a toll on all of us. Today has been a major decompression day. It feels like we have all had a major "exhale," and it has left the boys and I pretty deflated. At least the worst part is over, and it is only uphill from here.
This is going to be a great year for my boys and I. We are just getting all the stress out of the way early. :)
We did experience a funny moment. Casey was trying some macaroni and cheese through the tube last night. Well, let me tell you, you can liquefy mac-n-cheese, but once the cheese sets up, it hardens. Casey was trying to force it through the tube and it got stuck. With a little force, it got unstuck, but all at once the contents exploded on his face. He laughed so hard! We all It was nice to see his smile again.
Hope your day was good.
Until next time...
No picture of Casey today. He feels like the swelling is not going down, so I told him we will wait a few days between pictures to that he can see the difference I am seeing.
My Blake. :)
A random photo taken by Blake.
This evening I was going to trying some pasta...minus the cheese...for dinner, but Casey opted for some cream corn instead. And a coke float for desert. Poor kid is so sick of soup! He has been craving bacon, so I am going to make some home made split pea, carrot and potato soup with lots of bacon. He can at least enjoy the bacon flavor.
Music I am listening to today...Ray Charles, Ray's Blues
The Daily V...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
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I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.
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