Monday, March 28, 2011

March 28, 2011

My 365...

Happy Monday world.  :)

We had some snow just after midnight...
...however this morning the sun was shinning and there was no trace of winter at all.  It is a bit chilly today, but otherwise a gorgeous day!

We planted some grass seed on the side yard to recover the yard from all the leaves and snow.  Under all that dirt is some new grass growing.  The grass in the back yard is lush and green, now to balance the back yard with the side yard and it will look awesome.  I also want to get new patio furniture and make the side yard a great outdoor room.  Right now it is a blank slate, so I look forward to starting that project.  :)
With all the snow and rain lately, it is going to be a very green Spring!

The boys are on Spring break this week, but unfortunately mama has to work.  :(  I should have coordinated my time a little better.  I know I can fit in some fun time somewhere! 

I was thinking a bit more about all the issues with my daughter and I think, no I truly believe, that our children come into this world who they are.  Happy or sad, positive or cynical, trusting or paranoid, gay or straight...loving or judgemental.  No matter what we do as parents, they are who they are from the day they make their grand entrance into life.  How they are raised, where they are raised, really does not have an impact on the person who they are or who they end up being.  

Thinking back to where I came from, and the person I am compared to the women and mothers my sisters are is night and day, yet we were raised by the same parents.  The only thing we have in common is genetics.  I look at my sons, and how different they are from my daughter and it makes even more sense. I am always beating myself up, "Where did I go wrong?"  The answer is...I did not go wrong.  She is who she is and has been from the moment she was born.  Nothing I could say or do would change the essence of who she is or who my sons are.  They are their own person, and I love them.  That is all I can do. is something to think about anyway.  :)

Music I am listening to today, Leigh Nash.

Have a great week!  Until next time...


Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

Thank you for stopping by! :)

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