Sunday, March 13, 2011

March 13, 2011

My 365...

Happy Sunday.  I am trying really hard to lighten my mood after yesterday.  The conversation I engaged in on Facebook following the insensitive post by a relative regarding the catastrophe in Japan left me feeling completely and utterly disgusted.  It really truly bothered me to my core.  I find myself comparing these people to blind clueless sheep.  The more they wrote, the more I wanted to vomit.  I can't remember a recent conversation that upset me so much. 

Spouting vile nonsense in the name of Jesus Christ is laughable.  It is mentality such as theirs that is breaking our society apart.  They are the problem with our world today.  I suppose I should turn the other cheek, lift my chin and walk away.  Stop wasting my valuable time on worthless rhetoric, but it is hard for me.  It is ironic that in general, I have great faith in the power and sincerity of man.  Yet I look at these people, who "claim" to be in the service of Jesus Christ, and all I see is bigoted ignorance.  They are so far from the truth it is depressing.

I am proud that I held my own, and I had my say.  It is difficult at best to care about the opinion of someone you have no respect it is time to walk away.  Take a deep breath, consider the source, and continue on my path.

My photo of the wall clock.  The only clock in the house that did not automatically "spring" forward last night.  And I have decided to leave it be.  lol :)

My thoughts and prayers continue for the people of Japan. 

I am looking forward to an amazing week ahead!  :)

Music I am listening to today, Vince Gill.

Until next time...


Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

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