Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Good-Bye April!
April was a great month. We made many wonderful memories as a family, and enjoyed being together. It does not get much better than that. :)
Welcome to May, and all the fun it will bring!
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Welcome to May, and all the fun it will bring!
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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April 30, 2014
Hello Dear Family,
Today I feel a bit like a bump on a log. My back has decided to go out, and it was not even by doing something exciting, like climbing a mountain. No, I just twisted the wrong way and boom...ouch. :( My best friend today has been a nice hot heating pad, and a comfy chair. I have just been feeling a bit of blech, which really sucks because it is a gorgeous day outside.
I seriously need to shake things up a bit. I was telling my Rheumatologist on Monday, that I feel as if I have been really slow to ramp up my activity levels this season, and it is making me feel a bit blue. She told me she has been having the same problem. It seems that shaking off the winter blues has been a bit slow going for a lot of people this year.
But not to worry, I shall remain persistent. I will get past these blues soon. No reason not to, and I can think of at least a dozen reasons to make it happen!
I KNOW for a fact that once you get into a good exercise routine, you simply can not live without it. Exercise becomes something that you look forward to every single day. It is just getting past that first step. Granted, I have taken quite a few first steps this season, then something happens to toss me back in first place. ARGH. I can do this!!
Come on mama...get with the program already. And body, you had better cooperate with me, or I am going to trade you in for a newer model.
Until next time...
My 365...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Today I feel a bit like a bump on a log. My back has decided to go out, and it was not even by doing something exciting, like climbing a mountain. No, I just twisted the wrong way and boom...ouch. :( My best friend today has been a nice hot heating pad, and a comfy chair. I have just been feeling a bit of blech, which really sucks because it is a gorgeous day outside.
I seriously need to shake things up a bit. I was telling my Rheumatologist on Monday, that I feel as if I have been really slow to ramp up my activity levels this season, and it is making me feel a bit blue. She told me she has been having the same problem. It seems that shaking off the winter blues has been a bit slow going for a lot of people this year.
But not to worry, I shall remain persistent. I will get past these blues soon. No reason not to, and I can think of at least a dozen reasons to make it happen!
I KNOW for a fact that once you get into a good exercise routine, you simply can not live without it. Exercise becomes something that you look forward to every single day. It is just getting past that first step. Granted, I have taken quite a few first steps this season, then something happens to toss me back in first place. ARGH. I can do this!!
Come on mama...get with the program already. And body, you had better cooperate with me, or I am going to trade you in for a newer model.
Until next time...
My 365...
Two great reasons to stay active. :)
Music I am listening to today...John Farnham, You're The Voice
The Daily V...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Tuesday, April 29, 2014
April 29, 2014
Hello Dear Family,
I was sitting at my desk this afternoon, working on a very special project. My amazing daughter-in-law has been working hard to make her small business dream come true, and she has honored me with the task of helping her create a logo. What? Ahhhhhh, the stress! It has to be perfect!
But then I realized, that there is no need to stress this. If you don't like it Amber, you will tell me, and we will work together until it IS perfect. Communication is the key, and you and I have learned how to communicate. I think back to all the unnecessary stress we experienced on our journey together, and I am thankful that we have landed here. Here is a place where we are awesome with each other, and I am not that over-protective, neurotic, boyfriend's mom. Remember her? Yikes! I can not imagine a life without you in it. I am very honored to be your mother-in-law, grandmother to my precious Cooper and Penny...and your logo designer. Always remember, I am your biggest cheerleader! *\o/* Go Amber!
I am very excited about your business venture, and I am so proud of you and Brandon for having the courage to live the life you want to, and live it on your terms. You are both amazing people, amazing parents, bad-ass LOL champions, and I love you both soooo much! You guys make my heart happy.
Okay, back to work on that logo for you. :)
Until next time.
My 365...
Garrett and Casey taking "The Kraken" for a spin. Garrett's restoration project is going well. The truck is looking great Garrett!
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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I was sitting at my desk this afternoon, working on a very special project. My amazing daughter-in-law has been working hard to make her small business dream come true, and she has honored me with the task of helping her create a logo. What? Ahhhhhh, the stress! It has to be perfect!
But then I realized, that there is no need to stress this. If you don't like it Amber, you will tell me, and we will work together until it IS perfect. Communication is the key, and you and I have learned how to communicate. I think back to all the unnecessary stress we experienced on our journey together, and I am thankful that we have landed here. Here is a place where we are awesome with each other, and I am not that over-protective, neurotic, boyfriend's mom. Remember her? Yikes! I can not imagine a life without you in it. I am very honored to be your mother-in-law, grandmother to my precious Cooper and Penny...and your logo designer. Always remember, I am your biggest cheerleader! *\o/* Go Amber!
I am very excited about your business venture, and I am so proud of you and Brandon for having the courage to live the life you want to, and live it on your terms. You are both amazing people, amazing parents, bad-ass LOL champions, and I love you both soooo much! You guys make my heart happy.
Okay, back to work on that logo for you. :)
Until next time.
My 365...
"Sweet Miss Penny, you left your slippers here at grandma's house. But don't worry my little Sweet P, I will take care of them for you. I love you honey."
How adorable are these?
Blake, I snapped this picture of you this afternoon when you got home from school. Why are you in such an all-fired hurry to grow up honey? Slow the heck down son!Garrett and Casey taking "The Kraken" for a spin. Garrett's restoration project is going well. The truck is looking great Garrett!
I love this old truck.
Today was a great day.
Music I am listening to today...Tristan Prettyman, Say Anything
The Daily V...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Monday, April 28, 2014
April 28, 2014
Hello Dear Family,
Casey, thank you for driving me to my doctor's appointment today. I hate going to the doctor, but spending a little time with you this afternoon made it all better.
The staff thought you were pretty awesome too. When the nurse came to take me back, you looked at him and said, "Don't you hurt my mama." That was sweet son. I think you melted all the ladies' hearts when it was time to leave and you asked me..."They did not hurt you, did they mama?" Yeah, I have the best son in the world. :)
Just in case I have not told you enough lately, I appreciate you. I am very proud of you too son. You are an amazing young man, and I am very blessed to be your mama.
I am very proud of all four of my sons. They take such good care of me. :)
I love you honey.
Until next time...
My 365...
And I enjoyed a delightful afternoon with my son Casey.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Casey, thank you for driving me to my doctor's appointment today. I hate going to the doctor, but spending a little time with you this afternoon made it all better.
The staff thought you were pretty awesome too. When the nurse came to take me back, you looked at him and said, "Don't you hurt my mama." That was sweet son. I think you melted all the ladies' hearts when it was time to leave and you asked me..."They did not hurt you, did they mama?" Yeah, I have the best son in the world. :)
Just in case I have not told you enough lately, I appreciate you. I am very proud of you too son. You are an amazing young man, and I am very blessed to be your mama.
I am very proud of all four of my sons. They take such good care of me. :)
I love you honey.
Until next time...
My 365...
With a view like this, waiting to see the doctor is not so bad.
It was a beautiful day in my Boise today.And I enjoyed a delightful afternoon with my son Casey.
Music I am listening to today...Dave Matthews Band, Crash Into Me
The Daily V...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Sunday, April 27, 2014
April 27, 2014
Hello Dear Family,
What a weird day we had today. It started out rainy and cold. So chilly in fact that we had to turn the heater on. In a way I was happy the weather was a bit dreary today. It was one of those "oh woe is me, I can not decide what I want to do today" sort of days. Mother nature decided for us. Thank you Mother Nature.
But then all that changed. The sun came out and turned our grey, rainy day into a beautiful, sunny, awesome, Idaho spring day. Mother Nature tends to be a bit bi-polar in our neck of the woods. Too bad we did not change with her. Blake, you and I were not feeling very springy today at
Casey on the other hand, was out the door as soon as he woke up. And this, after he worked from 12 noon yesterday through to 6 AM this morning! I think he slept all of four hours before he was ready to go out and enjoy the day. I would love to have just a tiny bit of his energy. Just a wee little bit.
With all the severe weather taking place from Texas to Arkansas, I appreciate living in a state where the weather is gloriously, peacefully, predictable and somewhat boring. We never get severe weather here in Idaho. Sure, we do experience the occasional thunderstorm, but they are often over just as soon as they begin. I will admit, I miss the excitement of a good "Texas sized" thunderstorm, but I do not miss the stress that often accompanied them. Late this afternoon I saw we had a severe weather alert in the area. But where that severe weather is hiding, I do not know?
All in all it has been a quiet day for you and I Blake.
Tomorrow will be a new day of adventures for everyone. :)
Until next time...
My 365...
Then later this afternoon...this is what severe Idaho weather looks like...
My goodness, so much blue!
In other news, my excitement for the Android auto-updated. Yay! You know you are a die hard geek, when you realize your technology has automatically updated to the latest version of Android, and you squeal with joy. Yes, I did that last night, I literally squealed with joy. #nerdgasm
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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What a weird day we had today. It started out rainy and cold. So chilly in fact that we had to turn the heater on. In a way I was happy the weather was a bit dreary today. It was one of those "oh woe is me, I can not decide what I want to do today" sort of days. Mother nature decided for us. Thank you Mother Nature.
Casey on the other hand, was out the door as soon as he woke up. And this, after he worked from 12 noon yesterday through to 6 AM this morning! I think he slept all of four hours before he was ready to go out and enjoy the day. I would love to have just a tiny bit of his energy. Just a wee little bit.
With all the severe weather taking place from Texas to Arkansas, I appreciate living in a state where the weather is gloriously, peacefully, predictable and somewhat boring. We never get severe weather here in Idaho. Sure, we do experience the occasional thunderstorm, but they are often over just as soon as they begin. I will admit, I miss the excitement of a good "Texas sized" thunderstorm, but I do not miss the stress that often accompanied them. Late this afternoon I saw we had a severe weather alert in the area. But where that severe weather is hiding, I do not know?
All in all it has been a quiet day for you and I Blake.
Tomorrow will be a new day of adventures for everyone. :)
Until next time...
My 365...
It started out a grey and rainy day.
"No bike ride for you today mama."Then later this afternoon...this is what severe Idaho weather looks like...
My goodness, so much blue!
In other news, my excitement for the Android auto-updated. Yay! You know you are a die hard geek, when you realize your technology has automatically updated to the latest version of Android, and you squeal with joy. Yes, I did that last night, I literally squealed with joy. #nerdgasm
Android 4.4.2...woot! Sometimes it is the little things that bring such joy. Especially if you are a geek. :P
Music I am listening to today...Iron and Wine, Upward Over the Mountain
The Daily V...I do love the crap out of is what I do. :)
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Saturday, April 26, 2014
April 26, 2014
Hello Dear Family,
Lazy Saturday is lazy. That is what today is...a lazy Saturday. Daddy, Garrett and Casey have to work today, so that leaves you and I, Blake...the opportunity to be lazy.
It is a lovely day outside. We could take a nice bike ride and get some fresh air, but someone managed to misplace his bike helmet. Hopefully you will find it...ermmmm, it will come out of hiding...tomorrow, and we can ride to the green belt and get some fresh air and exercise. Just a short ride, nothing too intense. We have to start back up slowly after being sick for a week. Or maybe we can take Dozer and Supra for a walk? First I need to trim Supra's nails, which will take a small army to hold him down. If a Great Dane does not want his nails trimmed...there is NO WAY anyone is going to trim his nails. If only he could be as laid back as Dozer when it comes to grooming. Love you Dozer.
So today we are enjoying a Minecraft sort of day. Blake, you are playing the latest Minecraft mods, and I am relaxing and getting caught up on some reading. A nice, easy Saturday.
For dinner, I am making your favorite cheesy enchiladas, with some papitas on the side. And for desert, the peach jello that Amber brought us yesterday. Yummy!
All in all just a gloriously, ordinary day. My favorite kind. :)
Until next time...
My 365...
Blake...enjoying some Youtube Minecraft videos on his tablet, while playing Minecraft on the big screen. I only let him use my new computer if he brings his own keyboard and mouse. No one is permitted to use my keyboard and mouse, especially for gaming! Gaming can be brutal on peripherals. :P
I am enjoying some snuggle time with Miss Lilly.
And Miss Lilly is enjoying some snuggle time with me.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Lazy Saturday is lazy. That is what today is...a lazy Saturday. Daddy, Garrett and Casey have to work today, so that leaves you and I, Blake...the opportunity to be lazy.
It is a lovely day outside. We could take a nice bike ride and get some fresh air, but someone managed to misplace his bike helmet. Hopefully you will find it...ermmmm, it will come out of hiding...tomorrow, and we can ride to the green belt and get some fresh air and exercise. Just a short ride, nothing too intense. We have to start back up slowly after being sick for a week. Or maybe we can take Dozer and Supra for a walk? First I need to trim Supra's nails, which will take a small army to hold him down. If a Great Dane does not want his nails trimmed...there is NO WAY anyone is going to trim his nails. If only he could be as laid back as Dozer when it comes to grooming. Love you Dozer.
So today we are enjoying a Minecraft sort of day. Blake, you are playing the latest Minecraft mods, and I am relaxing and getting caught up on some reading. A nice, easy Saturday.
For dinner, I am making your favorite cheesy enchiladas, with some papitas on the side. And for desert, the peach jello that Amber brought us yesterday. Yummy!
All in all just a gloriously, ordinary day. My favorite kind. :)
Until next time...
My 365...
I am enjoying some snuggle time with Miss Lilly.
And Miss Lilly is enjoying some snuggle time with me.
Music I am listening to today...Claude Debussy Clair De Lune
The Daily V...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Friday, April 25, 2014
April 25, 2014
Hello Dear Family,
Amber, thank you for stopping in to visit this evening. I always enjoy your company so much. You are the Thelma to my Louise...only, lets not drive off a mountain together. Instead, we can conquer the world. In this family full of men, we need to stick together. Although with Penny on our side, we can do pretty much anything! We know we rule this planet of ours. :)
I want you to know that I think you are pretty much the bees knees. Translation, you rock honey! :)
Cooper and Penny, I enjoyed snuggling with you today. I always do. *love* You make my world so much sweeter. I think that you two are the most precious little people on the planet and I love you "infinity x infinity!"
Have a wonderful weekend planet!
My 365...
Family time.
Sweet Penny, Eskimo kisses.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Amber, thank you for stopping in to visit this evening. I always enjoy your company so much. You are the Thelma to my Louise...only, lets not drive off a mountain together. Instead, we can conquer the world. In this family full of men, we need to stick together. Although with Penny on our side, we can do pretty much anything! We know we rule this planet of ours. :)
I want you to know that I think you are pretty much the bees knees. Translation, you rock honey! :)
Cooper and Penny, I enjoyed snuggling with you today. I always do. *love* You make my world so much sweeter. I think that you two are the most precious little people on the planet and I love you "infinity x infinity!"
Have a wonderful weekend planet!
My 365...
My grandson Cooper, I love this face!
My sweet granddaughter Penny, she is the best little snuggler in the world. :)Family time.
Sweet Penny, Eskimo kisses.
Music I am listening to today...Owl City, Shooting Star
The Daily V...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Welcome to Mommy plus Five
I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.
Time to start a new 365.
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