Saturday, April 9, 2011

April 9, 2011

My 365...

Hello Saturday.  You are a little gloomy, grey and chilly.  We are still getting down to freezing at night, so no garden planting this weekend.

Today is a perfect day for a nice warm cup of Chai tea and music.  That is just what I am doing.

I am backed up on my graphics work too, and need to complete two special projects this weekend.  I love working on graphics, it is very relaxing.

The boys and I are very tired too.  Garrett stopped by just before noon today and the boys and I were still sleeping because we were up all night.  It was good to see him though.  He had to work photography today and was starving for some lunch, so I made him something yummy to eat and we had a nice visit.  I do love my Garrett.  :)

Casey has been having a really hard time this past week.  His anxiety is at an all time high and has been very hard to manage.  Nights are particularly hard.  He stays as close to me as he can and says, "Just talk to me mom, help me feel better."  :*(  I want to cry!  My poor baby has so much on his mind all the time and it can make it very difficult to cope.  "Just breathe baby..."  All I can do is reassure him, remind him to breathe and tell him how much I love him.  Puberty and anxiety disorder are not a good combination.  We are seeing his doctor on Wednesday.  Our big priority for Casey is seeing what we can do to make his life as normal as possible.  He wants to join the army so badly, and I want to help him see his dream come true.  I worry that his illness will make that difficult.  I hope not.
Casey is such an amazing young man.  Incredibly intelligent, loving, sensitive and kind.  He is also very brave.  I love him so much, and pray that all his dreams come true for him.

Music I am listening to today, Angel Taylor.

Until next time...

"Incurable means curable from within."


Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

Thank you for stopping by! :)

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