Monday, June 28, 2010

Doggy Daily

Doggy Daily for June 28, 2010

I was letting Dozer out for his morning business, and I have to tie Miss Lilly to her castle or she will follow us out. Dozer can not stand going outside with Miss Lilly because she jumps all over him!

I am standing in the living room waiting on Dozer and I hear strange shuffling sounds coming down the hallway...

"Miss Lilly! What in the sam hill are you doing?"

"Who me? Oh nothing mama, just checking the shocks on the castle."

"Miss Lilly, there are no shocks on your Castle, now you take that back to the bedroom where it belongs right now!"

"Uhmmm...mama? Carry me?"

Oh Miss Lilly, you "stinker" you!

Gotta love her. Needless to say we need a little more work on her "stay" skills. LOL! Silly little puppy.

Until next time...


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I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

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