Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Doggy Daily

Doggy Daily for June 9, 2010

"Mama! What is this ridiculous monstrosity you have brought into my bedroom?"

Miss Lilly, it is an Elliptical so mama can exercise.

"Elliptiwho? No way, remove this at once! It takes up entirely too much Miss Lilly room!"

"Never mind, I will move it myself!" Arrruffff....arghhhhhhhhh...heaveeeee.....hooooo....

"excuse me, I could use a little help here!

"I mean really, pffft!"


Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

Thank you for stopping by! :)

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