Saturday, November 30, 2013

Good-Bye November!

Good-Bye November!

It is hard to believe this month is already over, and we are entering into December.  November is the month for thanks, and thankful we are.  Thankful that Jack is doing so well post-surgeries, thankful for the new and exciting chapter in Garrett's and Casey's lives, thankful for the blessings of son Brandon, daughter-in-law Amber and my precious grandchildren Cooper and Penny, and thankful for another successful school month for Blake.

Bottom line...we are thankful for our everyones and our everythings.  :)

Welcome to December, and the wonderful memories to come...and hopefully lots and lots of snow.  :)


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

November 30, 2013

My 365...

Happy Saturday planet!

Today was a really good day, a nice peaceful day.  I did not sleep a wink last night because our eldest dog Dozer was not feeling well.  Just like a newborn baby, he woke me up every 3 hours to go outside.  It is my fault he not feeling well, I gave him some leftover turkey, and it gave him the turkey trots.  I know better because this happens every year.  I can not resist his big brown eyes, and end up tossing him a piece of turkey or two...or three. He is feeling much better today, so hopefully I can sleep tonight.

Blake and I worked on Christmas lights this evening.  Our "pre-lit" tree was not pre-lighting at all.  I would get half the tree working, and the other half would stop working.  Rather than get all frustrated, I just added a new strand of white lights.  We were going to add some color lights as well, but only half of that strand was working.  For now it is just white lights until I get to the store to buy some new ones.  The tree looks nice though.  Now we need to decide on how we will decorate it.

Today marks the last day of NANOWRIMO.  I did not make it to the 50,000 word goal, but I am happy to report that I did write 30,152 words!  That is 30,152 more words than I wrote last year.  It was a fun experience, and now I just have to figure out what I am going to do with all the words I wrote.  I know there is a great novel in there somewhere.  :)

Hope your day was a good one!

Until next time...

Working on Christmas lights.

 That will do for now.

***Doggy Daily***
30,152 words written to-date

Music I am listening to today...No music today, instead I am enjoying the "Alaska, The Last Frontier" series on the Discovery Channel.  It is really an awesome program!

Random Link of the Day...Lemon Cake

The Daily V...


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
Friday, November 29, 2013

November 29, 2013

My 365...

And just like that, the long week off of school is almost over.  :*(  I have loved having Blake home all week, it reminded me of home schooling.  We still have two days to go though, so we are going to enjoy them!

We had such a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday.  Jack has changed so much since he had his surgery, and is more like the man I married.  I have always loved him...just never liked him very much.  Lately, I like him a lot more.  After almost 30 years of marriage, this is a good thing.  :)

The plan for today was Christmas decorating, but my cold seems to be getting worse.  I did manage to re-arrange the living room, and get the tree "floofed" and vertical.  It is not decorated yet, but I will get there...eventually.  No shopping on this Black Friday for me.  I don't fall into the hopeless black hole that is a commercialized Christmas.  For me, Christmas is about spending time with family, and celebrating the awesome that is life.  That is what He intends for us after all.

Hope you had a great day!

Until next time...
"Oh I am sorry son...did not mean to interrupt your X-Box game."  lol :)

 My little Christmas tree is floofed, vertical, and ready to receive some lights and decorations.

 Miss Lilly photo bomb.

***Doggy Daily***


Music I am listening to today...Pentatonix & Lindsey Sterling , Radioactive

Random Link of the Day...Muffin Pan Potatoes

The Daily V...


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
Thursday, November 28, 2013

November 28, 2013

My 365...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today we had a forever thankful, however gloriously lazy sort of day.  My favorite kind.  Jack was up early to put the turkey on, so when we woke up, the house smelled amazing!  Casey worked late last night, did not get home till this morning, but was able to be home today.  Blake and I planned on re-arranging the living room, and setting up the Christmas tree, but after turkey, all we wanted to do was take a nap.

That solo bike ride I took to my doctor's appointment was probably not the best idea, because now I have a terrible cold, but I am not letting that slow me down.  I am too silly happy to feel sick.  I have no time for that kind of nonsense.

Today was perfect day.  I wish Brandon, Amber and the children could have been with us, but that is okay, we can celebrate Thanksgiving with them anytime.  Everyday with family should be Thanksgiving.  Jack's turkey was perfect!  And all my sides came out yummy too.  Thank you God for for my beautiful family, and the delicious meal, .  *love*

Hope your day was uh-mazing!

Until next time...

Daddy and I.  :)

Time to decorate for the holidays!


 My boys.  We missed you Brandon!
 Dinner was delicious.
 Having fun with Garrett's lighting equipment.
Yeah....decorating can wait until tomorrow.  :)

***Doggy Daily***
The diva is ready for the holidays.

Music I am listening to today...Lindsey Stirling, We Found Love

Random Link of the Day...Breakfast Frittata

The Daily V...


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

November 27, 2013

My 365...

It is almost turkey day!!  Yay!!!  I get so excited about Thanksgiving.  It is definitely my favorite holiday of the year.  Not only is it awesome turkey dinner day, and spend time with the people you LOVE day, but it is also....time to decorate for the Holidays day.  Yeep!  "Yeep" is my new, "OMG I am so excited" sound.

I have learned many valuable lessons this year, but the one that I am most thankful for is learning that the key to happiness is gratitude.  It truly is.  And what better reason is there to have a holiday than gratitude?  When I wake up in the morning, I do not think about the things in life that make me sad.  I don't think about lost relationships with others in my family, because it was not I who lost them.  The key to my happiness this year has been starting every single day with tremendous gratitude.  I am SO very thankful for my sons Garrett, Brandon, Casey and Blake, my daughter-in-law Amber, and my precious grandchildren Cooper and Penny, And of course my husband Jack.  I am even thankful for my hairy babies, Dozer, Supra, Ducati and the incomparable Miss Lilly.

That gratitude fills my heart with so much love and joy that it is impossible to be anything BUT extraordinarily happy.  And I am planet....I am so extraordinarily happy that it is impossible to measure.  Yes, there is sunshine coming from my  I am silly happy right now.  :)

Be grateful!  Start each and every day focused on all the awesomeness that is in your life, be grateful, and I promise you, nothing but pure 100 percent Grade A happiness will come your way.

And then we cook!  Jack is in charge of the turkey every year, and he does an amazing job..."Thank you Honey!"  I am in charge of everything else.  Tomorrow will be a traditional turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, glazed carrots, fresh green beans and crescent rolls for dinner.

I had a doctor's appointment this morning to see my Rheumatologist.  Since the temperature manage to crawl just above freezing, I decided to be brave and ride my bike.  I am so glad I did.  I enjoyed a nice solo winter bike ride.  When I got home I was very happy to see that I had surprise visitors.  Amber and the children stopped by to see me.  Brandon has to work tomorrow, so I was not going to be able to see them for Thanksgiving.  Being able to see them today was awesome!  "Thank you Amber for coming by.  It was the best surprise ever."

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow planet.  And remember...they key to happiness ALL year long, is gratitude.  Start every day thankful, and you will discover that life is so much sweeter.

I love you planet!!!

Happy cooking.  :)

A little snow in the higher elevations today.
 A lovely winter day for a bike ride.
 My beautiful daughter-in-law Amber, and grandson Cooper.
 My precious granddaughter Penny.

 Penny and mommy.
 Cooper and uncle Blake.
 My adorable Cooper.  *love*
"It's Turkey Time!"

***Doggy Daily***
I even had a visit from Rayray my grandpuppy.  :)
 Watching over his little Penny.  :)

Music I am listening to today...Amy Grant, Better than a Hallelujah

Random Link of the Day...Turkey Pot Pie

The Daily V...


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

Thank you for stopping by! :)

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