Friday, February 28, 2014
Good-Bye February!
Good-Bye February, and welcome to March!
February has been an awesome month. It started with an amazing vacation in McCall, Idaho, and got better from there.
My sons, my daughter-in-law and my grandchildren are happy and healthy, and that makes this mama very happy too. Casey's post orthognathic surgery recovery has gone perfectly, and he is doing amazingly well. Thank you God.
I predicated this year would be a great year for us. Thus far, it has not disappointed.
Life is good. :)
We are looking forward to a terrific March!
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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February has been an awesome month. It started with an amazing vacation in McCall, Idaho, and got better from there.
My sons, my daughter-in-law and my grandchildren are happy and healthy, and that makes this mama very happy too. Casey's post orthognathic surgery recovery has gone perfectly, and he is doing amazingly well. Thank you God.
I predicated this year would be a great year for us. Thus far, it has not disappointed.
Life is good. :)
We are looking forward to a terrific March!
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
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February 28, 2014
My 365...
"Flu-Mania" 2014 continues. The mama is still down. I repeat, the mama is still down! *blurghhh*
We are all still feeling under the weather today. Blake stayed home from school as well, as he woke feeling really sick this morning. I made a delicious breakfast, thinking it would help us all feel better. Buttermilk biscuits, eggs, sausage and orange juice, but I could not eat it. You know I am sick when I turn down breakfast. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day.
Thank God it is Friday. Tomorrow will be better.
Have a great weekend planet!
Until next time...
"It is official woman, we need to get you out riding your bike and STAT. You are starting to worry me now."
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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"Flu-Mania" 2014 continues. The mama is still down. I repeat, the mama is still down! *blurghhh*
We are all still feeling under the weather today. Blake stayed home from school as well, as he woke feeling really sick this morning. I made a delicious breakfast, thinking it would help us all feel better. Buttermilk biscuits, eggs, sausage and orange juice, but I could not eat it. You know I am sick when I turn down breakfast. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day.
Thank God it is Friday. Tomorrow will be better.
Have a great weekend planet!
Until next time...
The evil queen and her minions...
"The evil what? What did you call me mama?""It is official woman, we need to get you out riding your bike and STAT. You are starting to worry me now."
"Evil queen. Pfft! Who is she calling evil? Queen yes, but evil? I may be a diva, but I am certainly NOT a diabolical diva."
Music I am listening to today...The Lumineers , Scotland
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Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
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Thursday, February 27, 2014
February 27, 2014
My 365...
So sick, that is this family today. If Casey is not better tomorrow, I am definitely taking him to the doctor. I am worried he may have pneumonia, poor guy. We had all been battling cold-like symptoms for about a week now, by yesterday, it felt more like the full-blown flu. It hit me about 4:00pm. Suddenly everything hurt. My eyes, every joint in my body, every inch of me was in pain. Even Garrett was feeling it last night, and Garrett never gets sick. Blake came home from school today looking and sounding a lot worse too. Just when I thought he was better... :(
Sadly, I had to ask Amber not to bring the children by today. That is my least favorite thing to do, but if I don't listen to my body when I am sick, it can be a disaster. After having rested all day, I am feeling a little better this evening. I was able to get up and fix dinner for the boys. My joints still ache, which is kind of a bummer. I hope this flu/cold did not awaken the mean ugly monster that is my RA. It is important to keep that beast sleeping and quiet where he belongs. Remission is a good thing.
It is almost impossible for me to stay well when the boys get sick. They hover over me constantly. Am I complaining? Of course not, I love being around my boys. However, today I told Casey to keep his germs to himself!
"Mom, you have got to hear this cool song/watch this amazing video!" then he hovers over me, typing on my computer. "Dude, Facebook me the URL, I can pull it up myself." I think I may need to invest in some surgical masks and hand sanitizer. :P
The weather took a turn for the "blech" today too. It has been raining, dreary and cold all day.
Until next time...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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So sick, that is this family today. If Casey is not better tomorrow, I am definitely taking him to the doctor. I am worried he may have pneumonia, poor guy. We had all been battling cold-like symptoms for about a week now, by yesterday, it felt more like the full-blown flu. It hit me about 4:00pm. Suddenly everything hurt. My eyes, every joint in my body, every inch of me was in pain. Even Garrett was feeling it last night, and Garrett never gets sick. Blake came home from school today looking and sounding a lot worse too. Just when I thought he was better... :(
Sadly, I had to ask Amber not to bring the children by today. That is my least favorite thing to do, but if I don't listen to my body when I am sick, it can be a disaster. After having rested all day, I am feeling a little better this evening. I was able to get up and fix dinner for the boys. My joints still ache, which is kind of a bummer. I hope this flu/cold did not awaken the mean ugly monster that is my RA. It is important to keep that beast sleeping and quiet where he belongs. Remission is a good thing.
It is almost impossible for me to stay well when the boys get sick. They hover over me constantly. Am I complaining? Of course not, I love being around my boys. However, today I told Casey to keep his germs to himself!
"Mom, you have got to hear this cool song/watch this amazing video!" then he hovers over me, typing on my computer. "Dude, Facebook me the URL, I can pull it up myself." I think I may need to invest in some surgical masks and hand sanitizer. :P
The weather took a turn for the "blech" today too. It has been raining, dreary and cold all day.
Until next time...
I was not really feeling like taking photos today. Casey was in my room chatting this afternoon, kicked back with his Chuck Taylors on my desk. So for today's "photo of the day" I give you...
Hey...don't judge me, that is an awesome pair of feet. :)
Music I am listening to today...Matthew West, Family Tree
The Daily V...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
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Wednesday, February 26, 2014
February 26, 2014
My 365...
I enjoyed a surprise visit from my grand babies today. They will be back tomorrow too. If the weather is nice, and I am feeling better, we will be going to the park. I hope I feel better. :(
I love them SO much.
That is all.
What else is needed? Seriously! :)
Until next time...
Mommy and Penny, photo-bombing Cooper!
My daughter-in-law brought some yummy Disney Princess cupcakes.
"Red Velvet cupcake anyone?"
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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I enjoyed a surprise visit from my grand babies today. They will be back tomorrow too. If the weather is nice, and I am feeling better, we will be going to the park. I hope I feel better. :(
I love them SO much.
That is all.
What else is needed? Seriously! :)
Until next time...
Beautiful little Penny and gorgeous mommy Amber. :)
Amber always wears the nursing necklace I ordered her on Etsy, lovingly made by Sveta from Kiev, Ukraine. I am so glad she likes it. Mommy and Penny, photo-bombing Cooper!
Cooper was hiding from the camera.
Enjoying some Yogscast Minecraft videos on the Youtubes with grandma Ronica. Grandma Ronica...that is me. :)My daughter-in-law brought some yummy Disney Princess cupcakes.
"Red Velvet cupcake anyone?"
Music I am listening to today...OneRepublic, Counting Stars
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Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
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Tuesday, February 25, 2014
February 25, 2014
My 365...
I had myself a good cry this afternoon. Oh don't worry, nothing terrible happened, it was the onion. I can't remember the last time I cried cutting an onion? I am making some delicious meatballs for dinner, and decided to add some finely chopped onion. These meatballs better be good!
We did enjoy a beautiful "almost" spring day in my Boise today. Too bad I spent most of it shivering under the covers. Casey and I have caught Blake's cold, and we were pretty miserable. I did open all the windows to let some fresh air into the house. Hopefully this beautiful weather will continue, and we can get out for a bike ride this weekend. Or not...
This will be one time that I hope the weatherman is wrong! :)
Hope the sun is shining in your world today planet.
Until next time...
This is Blake "supposedly" doing his homework. The rule, is that he has to sit down and finish his homework, before he can do anything else. He would disappear for a few moments, and I would hear the sound of a basketball hitting the pavement. "Blake?"
"Be right there mom."
Such a little rascal, this boy of mine. :)
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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I had myself a good cry this afternoon. Oh don't worry, nothing terrible happened, it was the onion. I can't remember the last time I cried cutting an onion? I am making some delicious meatballs for dinner, and decided to add some finely chopped onion. These meatballs better be good!
We did enjoy a beautiful "almost" spring day in my Boise today. Too bad I spent most of it shivering under the covers. Casey and I have caught Blake's cold, and we were pretty miserable. I did open all the windows to let some fresh air into the house. Hopefully this beautiful weather will continue, and we can get out for a bike ride this weekend. Or not...
This will be one time that I hope the weatherman is wrong! :)
Hope the sun is shining in your world today planet.
Until next time...
Feeling a little bit like spring up in here. :)
This is Blake "supposedly" doing his homework. The rule, is that he has to sit down and finish his homework, before he can do anything else. He would disappear for a few moments, and I would hear the sound of a basketball hitting the pavement. "Blake?"
"Be right there mom."
Such a little rascal, this boy of mine. :)
Music I am listening to today...The Script, The Man Who Can't Be Moved
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Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
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Monday, February 24, 2014
February 24, 2014
My 365...
Happy Monday planet!
Today has been a good day and a bad day. Good day in that Casey got the okay from his surgeon to start introducing solid food. No steak or beef jerky yet, but he is not limited to soups and smoothies...yay! I am so excited for him, he can eat now. The surgeon says he is doing great, and we need to come in for another follow-up in three weeks.
The bad...I called regarding Jack's benefits, and the news is not good. He has been working at his new job since April of 2013, and we had not received any information on insurance coverage for the boys or I. When he was hired, he was told there would be a 6 month waiting period to add the boys, and a 9 month waiting period before he could add me. Jack's benefits started in October, and today I found out through the union that he belongs to, that he can not add the boys or I to his insurance policy for another 19 months! WHAT?? Unbelievable.
My current coverage, and Casey's current coverage, end on February 28th. Thank GOD Casey has had all of his surgery and dental work done. I am not sure what I am going to do? Step one would be, not to panic. Step two...take a deep breath. Step three...remember step one, and figure it out. Fortunately I have enough medication to last me a few months. Hopefully by then I will have some coverage through ObamaCare. With my RA, the annual costs for my medication alone are over $38,000. Yes, there are three zeros after that 38, and this is not including the costs for doctor visits and lab work I have to have every 90 days. Oh lawdy, this is going to be interesting...
Time to look for some natural remedies to manage my disease. Or better yet, how about a cure? may be time to move to Canada!
Other than that, it has been an awesome Monday. The temperature made it up to 58°f, and tomorrow it is supposed to be 60°f. If it is, I feel a bike ride coming on. :)
Until next time...
Day 42, post double orthognathic surgery, and cleared for solid foods!
And I even got a smile.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Happy Monday planet!
Today has been a good day and a bad day. Good day in that Casey got the okay from his surgeon to start introducing solid food. No steak or beef jerky yet, but he is not limited to soups and smoothies...yay! I am so excited for him, he can eat now. The surgeon says he is doing great, and we need to come in for another follow-up in three weeks.
The bad...I called regarding Jack's benefits, and the news is not good. He has been working at his new job since April of 2013, and we had not received any information on insurance coverage for the boys or I. When he was hired, he was told there would be a 6 month waiting period to add the boys, and a 9 month waiting period before he could add me. Jack's benefits started in October, and today I found out through the union that he belongs to, that he can not add the boys or I to his insurance policy for another 19 months! WHAT?? Unbelievable.
My current coverage, and Casey's current coverage, end on February 28th. Thank GOD Casey has had all of his surgery and dental work done. I am not sure what I am going to do? Step one would be, not to panic. Step two...take a deep breath. Step three...remember step one, and figure it out. Fortunately I have enough medication to last me a few months. Hopefully by then I will have some coverage through ObamaCare. With my RA, the annual costs for my medication alone are over $38,000. Yes, there are three zeros after that 38, and this is not including the costs for doctor visits and lab work I have to have every 90 days. Oh lawdy, this is going to be interesting...
Time to look for some natural remedies to manage my disease. Or better yet, how about a cure? may be time to move to Canada!
Other than that, it has been an awesome Monday. The temperature made it up to 58°f, and tomorrow it is supposed to be 60°f. If it is, I feel a bike ride coming on. :)
Until next time...
I wanted to take a picture of Casey after his appointment today, to document his progress. This is what he does for me. LOL, silly Casey. :)
Day 42, post double orthognathic surgery, and cleared for solid foods!
And the best part of the whole day...I got a visit from a grizzly bear! My awesome some Brandon. *love*
Music I am listening to today...AC/DC Thunderstuck
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Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
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Welcome to Mommy plus Five
I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.
Time to start a new 365.
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