Thursday, January 31, 2013

January 31, 2013

My 365...

I woke up this morning feeling genuinely happy.  Really, truly, 100 percent grade A content.  Why?  Because I know, deep down in my core, that every day is a gift.

Sure, there are many stresses in my life right now.  If I had to sit down and write the good things on the right side of a page, not-so-good things on the left side of the page, I would probably need two pages of "left" sides.  However, that does not mean that my day has to be bad.  Quite the contrary, that gives me more incentive to make darn sure this day is fabulous.  One can not conquer woes, with woe in the heart and spirit.  Not possible.

Today truly is a gift, and one that I shall celebrate with a huge smile on my face and boat loads of optimism in my spirit.  This way only good will come my way.

No, wait....EVERY day is truly a gift, one that I shall celebrate with a huge smile on my face and boat loads of optimism in my spirit.  Only good will come my way.  *Insert cheesy ear to ear grin here*

Sending you some positive vibes....

*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~don't worry, be happy~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

New Tea Alert!  Kori brought me some Dragon Eye, Oolong Tea, and it was delish!  I do not like tea bags at all.  They are usually a small bag of tea dust, and other dregs that are scooped out of the bottom of the tea barrel.  Mesh tea bags, where you can see the contents, I don't mind.  These were mesh bags, and you could see the nicely rolled tea leaves and other ingredients.  Very nice, smooth citrus after taste as well.  I really like it.

Thank you Kori.  <3
Dozer greeting me for the morning.  How could my day be anything less than fabulous when it starts with this gorgeous spirit saying hello?

***Doggy Daily***
"What about me mama?"

"Diva, the entire planet knows you just want a piece of cheese."

I was going through some of my old videos, and stumbled on this one.  Can you tell we love our doggies?
Life just would not be the same without Dozer, Ducati. Miss Lilly, Supra and Stella.  :)

Music I am listening to today...Heather Small, Proud

Random Link of the Day...Jamaican Meat Patties

The Daily V...

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,


Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

Thank you for stopping by! :)

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