Monday, January 21, 2013

January 21, 2013

My 365...

Happy Monday planet.  :)

Since January 1, we have had only 3 days above freezing here in Boise. January 8th with a high of 36 degrees, January 9th with a high of 46 degrees, and January 10th with a high of 35 degrees. The other 18 days have  been below freezing.  The high today was 15°f.  I LOVE the cold, but this is mind, body and soul numbing cold.

Blake and I have been wanting to build a snowman, but we last about 5 minutes outside before we have to come in and thaw out.  Today we were determined to build one. Even if it was a tiny one, there will be a snowman!  Wrong.  We managed to build a "Snow Splat."  lol  We froze, almost literally, and the snow is really soft powder and does not hold together very well.

We had fun though.  It was a nice micro adventure for a Monday afternoon. After we thawed out a bit, Blake wanted to show me how to play a new game on the computer that I had just downloaded for us.  He walked over and sat on my lap.  OMG!  When did he get SO BIG?  It seems like just yesterday that he was this tiny sweet little cuddly baby that I was carrying everywhere in a baby wrap.  Yep, I was one of those crunchy mamas.  Breast feeding, baby wearing attachment parent that loved every single micro second of it.  Blake spent much of the first two years of his life in mama's arms.  I snuggled him every chance I got!  No more babies for me, they are all grown up.  :*(  Well, that is not completely true...I still get to snuggle my grandchildren.  :)

Hope your day was great!

"It is freezing out here!!"
"I think I will name him Frederico Amadeus Montolongo the 1st."
For dinner I made some delicious Calabacita.

***Doggy Daily***
"Hola Frederico."
Music I am listening to today...Counting Crows , Big Yellow Taxi

Random Link of the Day...Magic in the Middles

The Daily V...


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,


Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

Thank you for stopping by! :)

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