Tuesday, January 29, 2013

January 29, 2013

My 365...

Happy Tuesday!  The sun is shining bright today, and we were off to a great start.  A little later than I had planned, but that is one of the perks of home schooling.  :)

Garrett and Kori had a long night last night.  Out of the clear blue sky, Garrett's right hand swelled up like a balloon.  It was very painful too, but he had no clue what could have possibly happened to it. Five hours in the ER later, the Doctor said, "I really have no clue what is wrong with your hand?"  Really doctor?  They did do x-rays, and did a blood panel, but nothing conclusive.  How frustrating!  The nurse wrapped it up nice and tight, and gave him a solid brace to wear while it heals.  It may be a broken blood vessel...who knows.  You would think that in 2013, a fully equipped hospital would know what the problem is?

Poor Garrett, he has not had a good year thus far. I told Kori it was time to trade him in for a new model.  LOL, just kidding of course.  Garrett is awesome...even though his body breaks in mysterious ways from time to time.  My poor baby.

Hope your Tuesday has been great!

Early photos of the day.  I took these pictures at 2:00AM this morning.  With the fresh fallen snow, it looked like daytime outside, I did not even use a flash.  So beautiful! 

 What a difference a few hours makes.
 Ready for school mom!

***Doggy Daily***
"I am ready for a nap mama."

Music I am listening to today...Lindsey Stirling , Transcendence

Random Link of the...Chile Lime Chicken Wings

The Daily V...


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,


Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

Thank you for stopping by! :)


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