Monday, December 31, 2012

Good-Bye December, and Good-Bye 2012!

My 365...

Another December come and gone.  Thank you for all the great memories!

My year in photos.  Goodbye 2012.

Welcome January, and welcome 2013!

My 365 Project marches on!

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

December 31, 2012

My 365...

As the year 2012 comes to a close, these are the lessons, memories, thoughts I want to take with me into 2013...

You can never love too much.  

There comes a time when you have to let go, and never look back.

There is good in all things that happen in our lives.  Every dark cloud does indeed have a silver lining.

It is important to be kind to yourself.

Remember to breathe...deeply, fill your lungs at least once a day.

My sons are the most amazing human beings on the planet.  

Being a grandmother is wonderful.

Life starts at 51...and it rocks!

There is no greater fun than riding a bike.

Always finish what you start.

Continue to capture every day in a photo or two.

Life is definitely worth the "occasional" struggle. :)

I know without any doubt that 2013 is going to be a "freaking AMAZING" year!

Our family is growing, with another grandbaby on the way....oh that makes me SO happy!  Garrett will be starting college in a few weeks and I know he is going to do so well.  Brandon is working hard, and life for him, Amber and my precious Cooper will be wonderful...especially with a new wee one on the way.  <3  Casey turns 18 in February, and I am going to have to start letting go a little more.  *Gasp*  "Really, do I have to?"  Yep, I have to.  His exciting journey in life is just beginning, and I know it will be full of adventure and awesomeness.  And Blake...Blake will continue to be the light of our lives.  I just pray I have the energy to keep up with him.

Thank you God for this past year, and thank you in advance for all the great, wonderful adventures to come.

Last photo for 2012 of four of my favorite people.  Brandon, Amber and Cooper are my favorite people too...they just could not be here today.  <3

Son Garrett, and his sweetheart Kori.

 Son Casey.
 Son Blake.
For dinner I made some Queso, and we had some delicious tamales with guacamole and salsas.
For desert, double fudge brownies topped with vanilla bean ice cream and fresh berry glaze.  All melty and delicious.

A perfect way to ring in the New Year.

Happy New Year Planet!!!

***Doggy Daily***

The two divas of the family.  Kori's Mini Aussie, Stella and of course Miss Lilly.

Music I am listening to today...Bon Jovi , Livin' On A Prayer

Random Link of the Day...Black-Eyed Pea Dip

The Daily V...


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

Photo-A-Day Challenge, December

Photo-A-Day Challenge Day 31 - Self-Portrait.

Self-Portrait?  Oh no, do I have to?  

Another fun Photo-A-Day Challenge.  Thank you for inviting me to play Shanna.  :)

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

Sunday, December 30, 2012

December 30, 2012

My 365...

Hello Lazy Sunday.  We had a nice snow fall last night.  Not too much, but enough to make everything look sparkly and new.  It is very soft powder.  Great for skiing, not so great for packing a snowman.

I stayed up rather late watching the Downton Abbey Christmas Special.  *Warning...Spoiler Alert*  Do not click the link if you have not seen it!!  It was much better than the season three finale, however the ending....*gasp*  Made me cry.  Oh Downton Abbey, why must you be so cruel.  I really love this series!

Back to my nice and relaxing lazy Sunday.  :)

 A perfect day...
 ...for snow hearts...
 ...and snow angels.  :)

And to end the day...cinnamon buns.  Yummy!
Have a great Monday planet!

 ***Doggy Daily***

"You call this a perfect day mama?"
 "I call it, 'I wish Santa had brought me some Puggs for my little frozen paws' kind of day."

Music I am listening to today...Aerosmith , Legendary Child  <---Yes, mama loves her Rock-n-Roll too.  :)

Random Link of the Day...Lucky Black-Eyed Pea Soup

The Daily V...


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

Photo-A-Day Challenge, December

Photo-A-Day Challenge Day 30 - Something that made you smile this year.

Blake made me smile every single day. :)

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

Saturday, December 29, 2012

December 29, 2012

My 365...

"They are home, they are home, my babies are home!"  Yes, I am that excited that Kori and Garrett are home.  I did not expect them before the end of the year, so when I saw them home today I was very happy. :)

I woke up thinking it was Sunday too.  When I turned on my computer, I did not believe what it was telling me.  Saturday?  No, it can't just be Saturday.  I went to Google the date and time and discovered that my mouse was not working.  "What the heck?"  Luckily I flipped it over to discover that Blake had taped a piece of paper over the sensor.  LOL, he is such a stinker!!  :)

There is also a new man in my life.  His name is Billy Blanks.  I used to do TaeBo years ago, and found it to be an amazing fitness routine.  Having gone from up to 30 miles a week on bike this Summer and Fall, to nothing since the cold weather settled in, I am feeling a bit blah.  Last night I decided to give TaeBo a try again.  Blake and I can do it together, and we do not have to go outside and face the freeze.  I am so excited!

While looking for his latest workouts, I stumbled upon Billy Blanks' son's page, Billy Blanks Jr.  It appears he has a fun exercise routine as well.  We may have to give it a try.

One of my New Years Resolutions is going to be to keep up the healthy, active lifestyle that I have been living for the last 6 months.  I love exercising.  It keeps the body young.  :)

Hope your day was awesome!!

Garrett and Kori are home!  <3
 Kori brought home some delcious pumpkin bread that her mom made.  It was SO good!

***Doggy Daily***
Music I am listening to today...The Faces , Ooh La La

Random Link of the Day...Inspired Toast

The Daily V...


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

Photo-A-Day Challenge, December

Photo-A-Day Challenge Day 29 - Hot

A nice hot cup of coffee, with a warm slice of pumpkin bread.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

Friday, December 28, 2012

December 28, 2012

My 365...

Happy Last Friday of 2012!!

Wow, I can't believe this year is already over, crazy.  It has been a good year, but more reflections of 2012 in another blog.

In the meantime...the boys and I are enjoying the last few days of our vacation doing whatever we want.  That usually consists of movies, Minecraft, chilling and fun.

Last night I was playing Minecraft with Blake, and he got tired of running from his room to mine every time he wanted to tell me something.   I installed Skype on my laptop and on his computer, and we had a lot of fun playing Minecraft and being able to talk to each other over Skype.  SO much easier.

He took it a step further though.  He went into the bathroom to take care of business, and realized he was out of toilet paper.  So what does Blake do you ask?  He pulled my old HTC Evo from his pocket, installed Skype and Skyp'ed me from the bathroom.  "Mom!  I need more toilet paper!"

LOL! We are such a geeky family.  I love it!

Hope your day was fun!!  :)

The "Number 1" best pet sitter on the planet!
 Blake has been taking care of Garrett's pets while he is away, and he is doing an awesome job.
This is Athena.
 This is Goblin.
This is Jauggernaut.  He is pretty magnificent when his fins are fully splayed.
These fish are huge, and so beautiful.

Some awesome pictures Garrett took with his Android tablet on his trip. He left his camera equipment at home for me to use. Now I wish he would have taken it! He takes the most amazing pictures. 

He and Kori will be home tomorrow. ♥

***Doggy Daily***
Oh, and I can't forget Supra the Wonder Dog

Music I am listening to today...Brandi Carlile, If There Was No You

Random Link of the Day...Blueberry Lemon Sweet Rolls

The Daily V...


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

Thank you for stopping by! :)

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