Monday, October 31, 2011

Goodbye October!

My 365...

What an incredible October this has been.  I have learned so much this month.

1.  God (or nature if you are not God inclined) gives us one life, one heart, one body, one chance to get it not waste a single micro-second of a single day not knowing, loving and appreciating that fact.

2.  I have...the most amazing family in the world.  A husband who, although I do not completely understand and he drives me insane 90% of the time, is a great provider.  Four of the most amazing, loving, creative, funny and epic sons in the world.  The cutest, smartest most cuddly grandson in the world.  Two young women who are part of our family, Kori and Amber who are good people and I love them.  And an aunt who loves and prays for me every day.  What more could I possibly want?

3.  I have a daughter who is missing out on all of the above.  And although I love her with all my heart, I can not help but feel sorry her.  She does not get to enjoy the awesome family that is us!

5.  I have earned the right to be ME!  And quite frankly, I really like me.  :)

6.  It makes much more sense being honest and real about life.  Anything else is a waste of time.

7.  Speaking of time...back to number 1 see above, don't waste it!  *bazinga*

Thank you October, you rocked my world!

Welcome November...we are ready for you!

If you take life for granted, you will miss the details.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

October 31, 2011

My 365...

Happy Halloween!

I asked Blake if he wanted to go Trick-o-Treating tonight.  Up until today it was "Naw...that is boring."  This afternoon it was a resounding "Yes!  Duh mom, free candy."  :)

"What are you going to dress up as?"

"I will figure something out."

No need to purchase a brand new shiny costume as Blake saves all of his old ones.  May I present.....Blake the "almost" teenage sk8ter grim reaper dude with an epic vampire cape of doom.  How cool is he?  I would say "way" epic cool!  I am happy because it is going to be 35 degrees tonight and I won't have to worry about frostbitten extremities.

Casey, although he is 16, will no doubt partake in a little Trick-O-Treating as well.  Teenagers never say no to free candy.  Heck the last time I went Trick-o-Treating I was a freshman in college.

Casey will throw together a last minute Halloween costume of epic-ness as well.  It should be a fun night!  For his trick today...he switched the nobs on the dryer and we could not figure out how to start it.  LOL.

And for baby Cooper's first do you dress a baby warm enough for a freezing night?  You put him in a Christmas stocking!
 His mommy Amber came up with a brilliant costume!
**Edited to Add**

"I am not sure what all of this is grandma, but it looks like fun!"
 "Oh glorious candy!"

My photos of the day...

Blake attending his morning math class with Miss Lilly.
*gasp* I spy scare-crows...are you scared?
*** Doggy Daily ***

"What will you be for Halloween Miss Lilly?  You look a bit like Little Red Riding Hood's sweet grandmother."
"Oh my grandmother, what big eyes you have!"

Music I am listening to today...Tracy Chapman

Random Link of the Day...Happy Halloween!

Until next time..."There is no greater gift than waking up every morning feeling 99.999% inspired about life.  Yep, that is me."

Be safe tonight!

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
Sunday, October 30, 2011

October 30, 2011

My 365...

I had a great day with my eldest son Garrett and his girlfriend Kori.  We went to tour the historical Idaho State Penitentiary, and then they took me out for delicious sandwiches.  I really enjoyed their company.  <3

The Penitentiary was very interesting.  I took so many pictures, it is hard to pick just a few for the blog.  Along with the prison itself, there is also a very cool historic weapons museum.

Here are the pictures I took of all the historic weapons.  Son Casey is a historical weapons buff, and he was able to name every weapon in these photos!

Idaho State Penitentiary Arms Exhibit

I also took pictures of death row, and the execution room.  Back then it was execution by hanging, so sad, but I won't post those pictures.  *shivers*  That would be weird.  :P

The entire property is said to have a lot of paranormal activity, but thank goodness I did not experience anything out of the ordinary.  It was featured on the Travel Channel's program Ghost Adventures.

Click here for video.

It was such a beautiful day outside, and there are roses all over the property. Quite the stark contrast to the setting itself.
 My photos of the day...

Solitary confinement.
The laundry room.

My handsome son Garrett.  <3
His gorgeous honey Kori.  :)
Thanks for a wonderful day Garrett and Kori!

When we got home I took grandson Cooper outside to take some pictures with the pumpkin Blake and I carved yesterday.  He was more interested in crawling all over the lawn than the pumpkin until he realized the top came off.  Then he wanted to eat all the pumpkin goodness inside.
He is so precious!  :)

*** Doggy Daily ***

Music I am listening to today...Lifehouse

Random Link of the Day...Bubbles

Until next time..."This was an amazing weekend, here is hoping for an equally epic week ahead."

Have a great Monday!

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

Thank you for stopping by! :)

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