Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 26, 2011

My 365...

Something magical happens when you turn 50, and it is an amazing and welcomed change.

You stop caring about the things that don't matter.  Am I thin enough?  Do I look good in this outfit?  Am I wearing enough makeup?  I can't leave the house unless my hair is all did...lol

Instead you worry about things that matter.  Is this a healthy choice for dinner, I need to wear my sunscreen, pony tail or hat?  I prefer sweet smelling soap and shampoo...to more hair spray and Channel No. 5.  I like my face just the way it is.  No need to apply 20 pounds of makeup, botox or expensive wrinkle creams.  I celebrate my tiny lines. Now does that mean I don't like to dress up and look pretty amazing from time to time?  No, it just means I think I am pretty just being me.  However, we do have to moisturize ladies!

I am not saying at 50 we all start looking like grandmas in house coats and "chanklas", but for me it is more about looking kind and welcoming rather than made up and distant.

Another great transition is mental maturity and calm.  When someone attacks me verbally I don't think of a great comeback and attack back.  Instead I sit, take a deep breath, then express my feeling with more than a word or two, and offer advice on how to make it better or ask what I can do to help?

I have always been honest, but now everything that comes out of my mouth is how it really is.  I am 50 years into this ride, I do not need to pretend. It is not important to impress anyone other than myself.  I am settled into the person that I have become and I like me.

I have to tell you, it is the most amazing way to be.  There is no room for anger, bitterness or hate in my heart,  nor is there room for any regret because there is an overload of love and happiness and wonder to fill every single empty space.

The truth is, life does begin at 50, and it can be remarkable and so freaking comfortable!  :)

My photos of the day...

Spending a quiet moment with my grandson Cooper.

*** Doggy Daily ***

"Mama?  Have I been replaced by the little human?"

Music I am listening to today... Emily Haines & the Soft Skeleton  

Random Link of the Day...29 ways to stay creative.  

Until next time..."At the worst, a house unkempt cannot be so distressing as a life unlived."  ~Rose Macaulay

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,


Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

Thank you for stopping by! :)


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