Monday, July 25, 2011

July 25, 2011

My 365...

I am too busy being a mom, to worry about you.

I am too busy loving my life, to worry about you.

Perhaps if you took the time to see how amazing being a mother is, you would not have worry about me.

Perhaps if you took the time to celebrate your children, there would be no time for bitterness or anger.

Life is a gift.  It is here one moment and gone the next.  No one knows what happens at the end when the light fades.

I want to live while the light is still shinning bright.

Sharing the magic of that light with the people I love.

Cast your shadow in another direction.

We will not have it in our world.

Life is good.  :)

Use your time it.

And that my that.

My photo of the day...

I decided to work in my room today as it is much cooler and quiet back here.  Sometimes quiet is a good thing.

But who was I kidding?  I am never alone....

*** Doggy Daily ***

Music I am listening to today...India Arie.

Random link of the day...Cloud covered valley in Italy.

Until next time..."I am so thankful for the life God gave me, and the beautiful children he left in my care."

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,


Kids Worksheets said...

Nice Hairstyle Kiddo and also nice photography.

Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

Thank you for stopping by! :)

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