Monday, March 31, 2014
Good-Bye March!
Good-Bye to March!
We have had a great month, and we are ready for Spring. Thank you for all the great memories March, you have been kind. :)
I have had a very s l o w start to my cycling for this year, but least it is a start. April will be better.
Welcome to April!
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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We have had a great month, and we are ready for Spring. Thank you for all the great memories March, you have been kind. :)
I have had a very s l o w start to my cycling for this year, but least it is a start. April will be better.
Welcome to April!
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
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March 31, 2014
My 365...
Hello Monday. I know everyone hates you, but I don't hate you. I will be your friend, Monday.
I enjoyed my babies so much yesterday. Have you ever laughed so hard that you cried? That was me...and now I have a headache. But you know what? If my headache came from laughing too hard, I don't mind at all. Amber and the boys are just too funny for words. When we get together, we laugh a lot. Especially when all four boys and Amber are in the same room. Good heavens, they are regular comedians! I have a very hilarious family. Good times. :)
Last night Casey, Blake and I watched the final episode of The Walking Dead for the season. I won't give away any spoilers, but I have to say, we were mondo disappointed. Usually at the end of the season, I am left saying..."OMG! What just happened?" Then I wait anxiously for the season to start again. Last night it was so anticlimactic. The boys and I looked at each other and gave a simultaneous..."Meh." So boring...smh...we were disappointed. Bad Walking dead writers, bad.
Hope your Monday has been good. If it has not been, don't worry, it is almost over.
Until next time...
"I have missed him."
"I will just sit here in the window, and patiently await his return." *sigh*
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Hello Monday. I know everyone hates you, but I don't hate you. I will be your friend, Monday.
I enjoyed my babies so much yesterday. Have you ever laughed so hard that you cried? That was me...and now I have a headache. But you know what? If my headache came from laughing too hard, I don't mind at all. Amber and the boys are just too funny for words. When we get together, we laugh a lot. Especially when all four boys and Amber are in the same room. Good heavens, they are regular comedians! I have a very hilarious family. Good times. :)
Last night Casey, Blake and I watched the final episode of The Walking Dead for the season. I won't give away any spoilers, but I have to say, we were mondo disappointed. Usually at the end of the season, I am left saying..."OMG! What just happened?" Then I wait anxiously for the season to start again. Last night it was so anticlimactic. The boys and I looked at each other and gave a simultaneous..."Meh." So boring...smh...we were disappointed. Bad Walking dead writers, bad.
Hope your Monday has been good. If it has not been, don't worry, it is almost over.
Until next time...
"Mama, Blake just got home, why did he have to leave already?"
"I know school is important and all, but it is just not fair to me.""I have missed him."
"I will just sit here in the window, and patiently await his return." *sigh*
"Cut! And scene. How did I do mama? Believable?"
Such a brat!
Music I am listening to today...Santana, Maria, Maria
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Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
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Sunday, March 30, 2014
March 30, 2014
My 365...
Hello Sunday. :)
I am having one of those days. Those reflective, thankful, "I am in awe of my blessings" sort of day. I am in the process of redoing the banner on my blog pages, so of course I have to go through the thousands of photos I have taken in the last five years. One of my favorite things to do by the way. I can sit for hours and look at all the pictures I have.
As I am organizing these photos, picking out my favorites, I realize how incredibly blessed I am. *insert silent moment here* Can I just add...I adore my family. I truly, sincerely, without question...adore my family. Thank You God for blessing me with four loving sons, an amazing daughter-in-law, and two precious share my life with. Thank You.
That is all. :)
Have an amazing Monday, and first week of April ahead. I know ours is going to be wonderful. Our tax return is coming next week, so I am going to pay a lot of bills, then we are having Christmas in April. A well deserved Christmas in April I might add. Everyone is going to get a little something special.
Until next time...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Hello Sunday. :)
I am having one of those days. Those reflective, thankful, "I am in awe of my blessings" sort of day. I am in the process of redoing the banner on my blog pages, so of course I have to go through the thousands of photos I have taken in the last five years. One of my favorite things to do by the way. I can sit for hours and look at all the pictures I have.
As I am organizing these photos, picking out my favorites, I realize how incredibly blessed I am. *insert silent moment here* Can I just add...I adore my family. I truly, sincerely, without question...adore my family. Thank You God for blessing me with four loving sons, an amazing daughter-in-law, and two precious share my life with. Thank You.
* LOVE *
There are more of us. My daughter, her husband, and my grandson Ollie. I love them too. I don't know them very well anymore, as they have not been part of our family for quite some time, but I adore them from afar. Perhaps some day I can add their smiles to my family picture. I hope so.That is all. :)
Have an amazing Monday, and first week of April ahead. I know ours is going to be wonderful. Our tax return is coming next week, so I am going to pay a lot of bills, then we are having Christmas in April. A well deserved Christmas in April I might add. Everyone is going to get a little something special.
Until next time...
My boy noise is home!
A flower for me.
I had a nice visit with my son Brandon...
my daughter-in-law Amber, and my precious grandbabies, Cooper and Penny. :)
Music I am listening to today...John Mayer, Good Love Is On The Way
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Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
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Saturday, March 29, 2014
March 29, 2014
My 365...
Hello Saturday. I am enjoying a nice, peaceful Saturday. It is still raining outside, and quite chilly. Rainy, grey days are nice when you don't have to be out in it. The news was saying that the Boise river will be flowing at 6 times its capacity by Monday. Between the rain, and the annual spring thaw, the river transforms into a giant. Hopefully next week I can ride down there to take pictures. It is amazing to see how high the water gets this time of year.
I am also computer shopping. I got my HP in January, 2010, so it is definitely time for an upgrade. I am not getting another laptop though. I do 75% of my computing on my GalaxyTab, and you can't get more portable than an android tablet. (I love my Galaxy Tab!) I am over the whole Apple thing too. I had wanted an iMac for years, but really do love the Windows 8 environment. I have been shopping for months now, watching YouTube reviews, and reading up on every All-In-One available on the market today. I think I have settled on the Acer Aspire A5600U. It will be perfect for my photography and graphic design work, and it is so pretty. So maybe next week, mama will get a new computer. I do have a birthday coming up after all. *wink*
Blake is still in Nampa with his big brother Brandon. Brandon found a new game called Goat Simulator and they have been playing the heck out of it for days. Today I went ahead and installed in on Blake's computer so that he can play when he gets home. That a word..."HUH?" LOL, honestly, the game was set for release on April 1st, which would make sense as it is the perfect April Fool's joke. I have to admit, as I was sitting here giving the game a test run, I was literally laughing out loud. Therefore I shall secretly go on record as giving this game a thumbs up...shhh, don't tell anyone. If you want to know more about the game, check out this game play video from my favorite gamers, Simon and Lewis...*CLICK HERE*
Note to my future self: "Future self, when you finally get around to creating your new YouTube channel, Grandma V does Gaming, you must start with the Goat Simulator!"
Hope your day has been great!
Until next time...
"He will be returning soon right mama?"
Don't look now Blake, but there is a mad goat on your computer screen. :P
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Hello Saturday. I am enjoying a nice, peaceful Saturday. It is still raining outside, and quite chilly. Rainy, grey days are nice when you don't have to be out in it. The news was saying that the Boise river will be flowing at 6 times its capacity by Monday. Between the rain, and the annual spring thaw, the river transforms into a giant. Hopefully next week I can ride down there to take pictures. It is amazing to see how high the water gets this time of year.
I am also computer shopping. I got my HP in January, 2010, so it is definitely time for an upgrade. I am not getting another laptop though. I do 75% of my computing on my GalaxyTab, and you can't get more portable than an android tablet. (I love my Galaxy Tab!) I am over the whole Apple thing too. I had wanted an iMac for years, but really do love the Windows 8 environment. I have been shopping for months now, watching YouTube reviews, and reading up on every All-In-One available on the market today. I think I have settled on the Acer Aspire A5600U. It will be perfect for my photography and graphic design work, and it is so pretty. So maybe next week, mama will get a new computer. I do have a birthday coming up after all. *wink*
Blake is still in Nampa with his big brother Brandon. Brandon found a new game called Goat Simulator and they have been playing the heck out of it for days. Today I went ahead and installed in on Blake's computer so that he can play when he gets home. That a word..."HUH?" LOL, honestly, the game was set for release on April 1st, which would make sense as it is the perfect April Fool's joke. I have to admit, as I was sitting here giving the game a test run, I was literally laughing out loud. Therefore I shall secretly go on record as giving this game a thumbs up...shhh, don't tell anyone. If you want to know more about the game, check out this game play video from my favorite gamers, Simon and Lewis...*CLICK HERE*
Note to my future self: "Future self, when you finally get around to creating your new YouTube channel, Grandma V does Gaming, you must start with the Goat Simulator!"
Hope your day has been great!
Until next time...
Grey skies today.
"I am keeping Blake's chair warm until he returns.""He will be returning soon right mama?"
Don't look now Blake, but there is a mad goat on your computer screen. :P
Music I am listening to today...Regina Spektor, How
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Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
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Friday, March 28, 2014
March 28, 2014
My 365...
Happy Friday! Hear that? Neither do I. It is too quiet up in here. No matter how hard I try, I will never get used to the absence of my "boy noise!" Not to worry though, only two more days of quiet, and my life will be back to its normal, noisy, self.
I did enjoy a brilliant round of TV last night. Quite intense TV I might add. Thursday night provides a line-up of all my favorite series. The Vampire Diaries, Reign, Grey's Anatomy and Scandal. Oh goodness, how I love these shows. I have decided that Shonda Rhimes is the greatest writer in the history of television. Grey's Anatomy and Scandal are, in my humble opinion, the best shows ever written. They are so intense, yet magically entertaining. The character development, the plot lines, all incredibly brilliant! Shonda Rhimes is my literary hero.
The plan for today...I have no clue? And that my friends is okay with me. I have downloaded the Divergent series, by Veronica Roth, and may start to read them. I do love a good read. I am hoping this series does not disappoint.
Not to my future self. "Future self, you have an amazing story...write it."
Have a wonderful weekend planet. :)
Until next time...
Son Garrett continues to work on his piece of art..."The Kraken." I say piece of art, because that is how he is approaching this truck restoration. Detail by glorious detail, and taking great care in creating a blank slate from which to build.
It is going to be beautiful when he is all done.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Happy Friday! Hear that? Neither do I. It is too quiet up in here. No matter how hard I try, I will never get used to the absence of my "boy noise!" Not to worry though, only two more days of quiet, and my life will be back to its normal, noisy, self.
I did enjoy a brilliant round of TV last night. Quite intense TV I might add. Thursday night provides a line-up of all my favorite series. The Vampire Diaries, Reign, Grey's Anatomy and Scandal. Oh goodness, how I love these shows. I have decided that Shonda Rhimes is the greatest writer in the history of television. Grey's Anatomy and Scandal are, in my humble opinion, the best shows ever written. They are so intense, yet magically entertaining. The character development, the plot lines, all incredibly brilliant! Shonda Rhimes is my literary hero.
The plan for today...I have no clue? And that my friends is okay with me. I have downloaded the Divergent series, by Veronica Roth, and may start to read them. I do love a good read. I am hoping this series does not disappoint.
Not to my future self. "Future self, you have an amazing story...write it."
Have a wonderful weekend planet. :)
Until next time...
Spring, breaking through the drab of winter.
Quite brilliantly I might add. :)Son Garrett continues to work on his piece of art..."The Kraken." I say piece of art, because that is how he is approaching this truck restoration. Detail by glorious detail, and taking great care in creating a blank slate from which to build.
It is going to be beautiful when he is all done.
Music I am listening to today...The Lumineers, Flowers in Your Hair
The Daily V...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
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Welcome to Mommy plus Five
I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.
Time to start a new 365.
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