Thursday, June 23, 2011

Lightning Storm

Tonight we had a crazy severe lightning storm.  At first I thought it was fireworks, because tonight was opening night for the Boise Hawks, and they usually celebrate that with a nice fireworks display that echos through the valley.  But when the flashes started, I realized it was not fireworks.

We have been in Boise sine 1996, and I don't remember lightning as severe as it was tonight.  I was outside shooting pictures when a strike hit the power pole just across the street around the block.  The following explosion was crazy!  And it took out the power for just under two hours.

After that happened the boys ordered me inside!  There were several strikes a little too close for comfort.

I shot the first part of this video through the living room window using my HTC Evo 4G.  When the battery died, Casey took over with the Pentax.

Mother Nature put on quite a show!

The lightning did spark several foothills fires, but nothing too serious as far as I can tell.  Here is the local news story from KTVB , along with some pretty amazing photographs!

One thing I realized tonight is that I need to upgrade my camera equipment.  We really enjoyed trying to capture images tonight, but my camera does not quite have what it takes.  I need a big girl camera.  :)



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