Saturday, September 11, 2010

Doggy Daily

Doggy Daily for September 10, 2010

Today I should call it "Doggy Drama" not Doggy Daily!

Dozer has just about lost his mind.  Miss Lilly is going into her first heat, and Dozer does not know what to do with himself.  He whines and barks and can not settle down for anything!  Needless to say we are getting Miss Lilly spayed ASAP so hopefully Dozer will return to the sweet calm laid back canine he has ALWAYS been!

Tonight I had Miss Lilly in her crate.  Where was Dozer?

Planted right next to her crate standing watch...

 ...sweeping in for the occasional smooch.

Poor Dozer I miss the old you.  *sigh*  Ducati will still have nothing to do with Miss Lilly.  He thinks she is an absolute nuisance, and he thinks Dozer is a complete buffoon!  At the moment mama tends to agree!


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