Saturday, September 27, 2014
Good-Bye :)
My 365, Day number 1,732.
Hello Dear Family,
I guess this is as good of a spot as any, to end. Day number 1,732, will be the final day of my Mommy Plus Five blog.
This blog started as a challenge to myself, to take a single photo a day for 365 days. It has since grown into something much more me. It is my story, our story. A documentation of our history, my family's history, since December 17, 2009.
This blog means the world to me! Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. Everyone else is too busy, or too cool to let mama take their picture. So many rules! "Mama you can't share that, mama you can't write that, mama you can't...can't...can't..." It is enough to make a mama dizzy! Even though it is so important to me, it has stop being as important to everyone else. But that is okay, I understand. :)
However, I am far from done being creative. Miss Lilly and I are starting our own blog. She does not mind the pictures, and the fun we have. She makes mama happy, she makes my camera smile, and she does not have a list of rules and regulations that I must adhere too. I never have to worry about making her seem uncool to her friends. At least I don't think I do? It is never a bad day for Miss Lilly. I do love my little bug so.
I might keep up My 365 page through the end of the year. The OCD in me wants to make it a complete five years. I do enjoy taking a photo a day, and have worked too hard to stop now. There has to be a mama world record in there somewhere?
So this 53 year old mommy of five, grandmother of three, and fur mommy to four dogs, is going to exit stage left. I have absolutely LOVED writing this blog for 1,732 days. Good times and bad, it has been awesome. As my babies leave the nest, I can now subject my canines to "Smile for the camera!" It is time for a new chapter in life anyway. "Somebody better warn daddy to take cover!
Thank you to all my visitors from 129 different countries that have stopped by for a read over the past five years. So nice virtually meeting you all. :)
Remember to enjoy life, and be kind to one another. Much love...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

My 365 Blog.
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Hello Dear Family,
I guess this is as good of a spot as any, to end. Day number 1,732, will be the final day of my Mommy Plus Five blog.
This blog started as a challenge to myself, to take a single photo a day for 365 days. It has since grown into something much more me. It is my story, our story. A documentation of our history, my family's history, since December 17, 2009.
This blog means the world to me! Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. Everyone else is too busy, or too cool to let mama take their picture. So many rules! "Mama you can't share that, mama you can't write that, mama you can't...can't...can't..." It is enough to make a mama dizzy! Even though it is so important to me, it has stop being as important to everyone else. But that is okay, I understand. :)
However, I am far from done being creative. Miss Lilly and I are starting our own blog. She does not mind the pictures, and the fun we have. She makes mama happy, she makes my camera smile, and she does not have a list of rules and regulations that I must adhere too. I never have to worry about making her seem uncool to her friends. At least I don't think I do? It is never a bad day for Miss Lilly. I do love my little bug so.
I might keep up My 365 page through the end of the year. The OCD in me wants to make it a complete five years. I do enjoy taking a photo a day, and have worked too hard to stop now. There has to be a mama world record in there somewhere?
So this 53 year old mommy of five, grandmother of three, and fur mommy to four dogs, is going to exit stage left. I have absolutely LOVED writing this blog for 1,732 days. Good times and bad, it has been awesome. As my babies leave the nest, I can now subject my canines to "Smile for the camera!" It is time for a new chapter in life anyway. "Somebody better warn daddy to take cover!
Thank you to all my visitors from 129 different countries that have stopped by for a read over the past five years. So nice virtually meeting you all. :)
Remember to enjoy life, and be kind to one another. Much love...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

My 365 Blog.
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September 27, 2014
My 365, Day number 1,731.
My 365...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

My 365 Blog.
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My 365...
A gloomy day is the best day for chilling and a good read.
Music I am listening to today...Santana, Maria Maria
The Daily V...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

My 365 Blog.
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Friday, September 26, 2014
September 26, 2014
My 365, Day number 1,730.
Hello Dear Family,
It is official, I get too excited about life sometimes, and I babble on for days! That is quite apparent as I re-read my blog entry for yesterday. Sometimes my experiences are just too exciting for words. If I write a whole lot of "Oh my goodness," then you know I was overwhelmed in a good way. I seriously just want to cry when I think about what an amazing father my Brandon is.
Brandon is Mr Abrasive. He can be a bit of a jerk sometimes, and I mean that in a truly loving way. At least that is what he would have you believe, but I know better! All of us moms know When I watch him with his children, I see the tender loving man that Brandon really is, and it warms my heart. But shhh...don't tell him I said that. He may not call to wish me a Happy Mother's Day, or a Happy Birthday, because that would go against Mr. Abrasive's reputation as a jerk, but I know how big his heart really is, and I love that great big heart of his. Brandon is 100 percent in love with his children, and he would move heaven and earth for them. He is pretty much amazing, and I love him with all my heart. And little Miss Penny, my precious little granddaughter, she has daddy so tightly wrapped around her little finger that it makes me chuckle inside. Want to see a bear of a man melt into a puddle on the ground? Just watch Brandon with his little Penny. Oh my goodness!
I am babbling again aren't I?
This has been a very emotional day. My emotions are pretty much all over the place. Partly due to my crazy hormones, and partly...mostly...due to the fact that I am extremely passionate when it come to my children. They are my everything.
I had to pretty much explode at Casey today because I have been very unhappy with his behavior of late. The most important thing for me, is that my sons are the gentlemen I raised them to be. And they are. Sometimes Casey falls into this...for lack of a better word..."thug" mentality, and I hate it. He comes off as being very sharp around the edges, and not in a good way. I have no clue where it comes from, it is not representative of my family, or the way he was raised, at all. Today mama had to reel it in hard. It was time for a mama thermonuclear explosion of doom. I hate having to do that. :(
Casey has a great big heart, but sometimes it sits a little crooked in his chest. He can be chaos with a capital C, and it is so unnecessary. There is no room in my home for chaos. Hopefully he heard the words that rocketed from my lips today, and it makes a difference. If I did not care, I would say nothing...but I do care. "Casey, son, light of my life...knock it off!!"
For the record, raising men in the world today, is not easy. An awesome experience, one that I would not trade for anything in the world, yes...hard as heck? Absolutely! Men feel the need to posture. Act big and tough as nails all the time. I am not going to lie, it drives me a little bit crazy. Living in a house full of testosterone can be overwhelming at times. However, this mama can roar just as loud, and often louder, than any alpha male for at least 100 square miles. Rawrrrrr.....
Have an amazing weekend planet. I am hoping for some Autumn color adventures. My camera is starving for some reds, yellows, oranges and browns.
Until next time...enjoy life, and be kind to one another.
My 365...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

My 365 Blog.
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Hello Dear Family,
It is official, I get too excited about life sometimes, and I babble on for days! That is quite apparent as I re-read my blog entry for yesterday. Sometimes my experiences are just too exciting for words. If I write a whole lot of "Oh my goodness," then you know I was overwhelmed in a good way. I seriously just want to cry when I think about what an amazing father my Brandon is.
Brandon is Mr Abrasive. He can be a bit of a jerk sometimes, and I mean that in a truly loving way. At least that is what he would have you believe, but I know better! All of us moms know When I watch him with his children, I see the tender loving man that Brandon really is, and it warms my heart. But shhh...don't tell him I said that. He may not call to wish me a Happy Mother's Day, or a Happy Birthday, because that would go against Mr. Abrasive's reputation as a jerk, but I know how big his heart really is, and I love that great big heart of his. Brandon is 100 percent in love with his children, and he would move heaven and earth for them. He is pretty much amazing, and I love him with all my heart. And little Miss Penny, my precious little granddaughter, she has daddy so tightly wrapped around her little finger that it makes me chuckle inside. Want to see a bear of a man melt into a puddle on the ground? Just watch Brandon with his little Penny. Oh my goodness!
I am babbling again aren't I?
This has been a very emotional day. My emotions are pretty much all over the place. Partly due to my crazy hormones, and partly...mostly...due to the fact that I am extremely passionate when it come to my children. They are my everything.
I had to pretty much explode at Casey today because I have been very unhappy with his behavior of late. The most important thing for me, is that my sons are the gentlemen I raised them to be. And they are. Sometimes Casey falls into this...for lack of a better word..."thug" mentality, and I hate it. He comes off as being very sharp around the edges, and not in a good way. I have no clue where it comes from, it is not representative of my family, or the way he was raised, at all. Today mama had to reel it in hard. It was time for a mama thermonuclear explosion of doom. I hate having to do that. :(
Casey has a great big heart, but sometimes it sits a little crooked in his chest. He can be chaos with a capital C, and it is so unnecessary. There is no room in my home for chaos. Hopefully he heard the words that rocketed from my lips today, and it makes a difference. If I did not care, I would say nothing...but I do care. "Casey, son, light of my life...knock it off!!"
For the record, raising men in the world today, is not easy. An awesome experience, one that I would not trade for anything in the world, yes...hard as heck? Absolutely! Men feel the need to posture. Act big and tough as nails all the time. I am not going to lie, it drives me a little bit crazy. Living in a house full of testosterone can be overwhelming at times. However, this mama can roar just as loud, and often louder, than any alpha male for at least 100 square miles. Rawrrrrr.....
Have an amazing weekend planet. I am hoping for some Autumn color adventures. My camera is starving for some reds, yellows, oranges and browns.
Until next time...enjoy life, and be kind to one another.
My 365...
One of these things,,, not like the other. :)
Music I am listening to today...John Mayer, Say
The Daily V...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

My 365 Blog.
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Thursday, September 25, 2014
September 25, 2014
My 365, Day number 1,729.
Hello Dear Family,
Happy Thursday planet! I had an amazing day today. My son Brandon, and my precious grandchildren came to spend the afternoon with me. Oh my goodness, my grandchildren...where to begin? I know, every grandparent thinks her grandchildren are the smartest, most beautiful, gifted grandchildren on the planet...but my Cooper and Penny are!
My grandson Cooper is now 3 years old. Cooper is brilliant. He is extremely focused and so intelligent, with just the right mix of funny and loving. Oh my Cooper, what an absolute joy he is. We played some Playmobil together, then he set up the checker board so we could play some "Cooper" style checkers...this is where he makes all the rules. We also enjoyed playing some Minecraft together. Cooper is amazing on Minecraft. He can teach grandma a thing or two. He has let his hair grow long, and is very proud of the curl that hangs over his forehead. His hair is thick and beautiful. He is absolutely gorgeous my Cooper, and I adore him so much.
My granddaughter Penny is the perfect little lady. She loves hugs and snuggles, and has a smile that could melt an iceberg. There is nothing sweeter on the planet, than a Penny snuggle. SO PRECIOUS!! Just like her big brother, she is brilliant, with just the right mix of little stinker. She has this look that she gives you, because she knows she is a little stinker too. It is hilarious. She is fearless just like her big brother, and oh my goodness can she wiggle her little booty. Penny loves to dance, and she dances beautifully! At one point this evening, uncle Garrett was leaving and she wanted to rush downstairs to say goodbye. Without even thinking twice, she soared right off the bed. I swear if the child had wings, she would fly!
My grandchildren are healthy and happy. Brandon is now a full time daddy, and he is doing an amazing job taking care of his children while mama works. And mama works long days too. They have the perfect team approach, and I am very proud of them. I am in awe of the father that my son has become. Amber and Brandon are wonderful parents, and it shows in the awesome that is their children. And there is no greater joy for me than being their grandmother. I am very thankful to be blessed with such beautiful grandchildren.
In other news...Blake had his first school dance tonight. What? Are you kidding me right now? Dance? Noooo. Yep, first dance. Personally, I think 13 is way too young for a school dance, but that is not going to surprise anyone. I am sure I will be saying the same thing when Blake goes to his senior prom. Having said that though, big brother Casey picked Blake up from the dance and came home furious. He said the girls he saw were scantily clad and acting much older than they should have been. Blake told me some things that were very upsetting as well. Needless to say, the school has some serious explaining to do. It does not sound as if the event was properly chaperoned at all. Mama is not happy.
I hope you had a great day everyone. Hang in there, the weekend is just around the corner.
Until next time...enjoy life, and be kind to one another.
My 365...
My precious Cooper.
My precious little Penny.
Penny hanging ten on uncle Garrett's longboard. She is fearless!
Daddy snuggling with his little princess. :)
Cooper and Penny were so excited to see uncle Blake when he got home from school.
Blake had his first school dance this evening.
Again I say...too soon, too soon. :)
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

My 365 Blog.
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Hello Dear Family,
Happy Thursday planet! I had an amazing day today. My son Brandon, and my precious grandchildren came to spend the afternoon with me. Oh my goodness, my grandchildren...where to begin? I know, every grandparent thinks her grandchildren are the smartest, most beautiful, gifted grandchildren on the planet...but my Cooper and Penny are!
My grandson Cooper is now 3 years old. Cooper is brilliant. He is extremely focused and so intelligent, with just the right mix of funny and loving. Oh my Cooper, what an absolute joy he is. We played some Playmobil together, then he set up the checker board so we could play some "Cooper" style checkers...this is where he makes all the rules. We also enjoyed playing some Minecraft together. Cooper is amazing on Minecraft. He can teach grandma a thing or two. He has let his hair grow long, and is very proud of the curl that hangs over his forehead. His hair is thick and beautiful. He is absolutely gorgeous my Cooper, and I adore him so much.
My granddaughter Penny is the perfect little lady. She loves hugs and snuggles, and has a smile that could melt an iceberg. There is nothing sweeter on the planet, than a Penny snuggle. SO PRECIOUS!! Just like her big brother, she is brilliant, with just the right mix of little stinker. She has this look that she gives you, because she knows she is a little stinker too. It is hilarious. She is fearless just like her big brother, and oh my goodness can she wiggle her little booty. Penny loves to dance, and she dances beautifully! At one point this evening, uncle Garrett was leaving and she wanted to rush downstairs to say goodbye. Without even thinking twice, she soared right off the bed. I swear if the child had wings, she would fly!
My grandchildren are healthy and happy. Brandon is now a full time daddy, and he is doing an amazing job taking care of his children while mama works. And mama works long days too. They have the perfect team approach, and I am very proud of them. I am in awe of the father that my son has become. Amber and Brandon are wonderful parents, and it shows in the awesome that is their children. And there is no greater joy for me than being their grandmother. I am very thankful to be blessed with such beautiful grandchildren.
In other news...Blake had his first school dance tonight. What? Are you kidding me right now? Dance? Noooo. Yep, first dance. Personally, I think 13 is way too young for a school dance, but that is not going to surprise anyone. I am sure I will be saying the same thing when Blake goes to his senior prom. Having said that though, big brother Casey picked Blake up from the dance and came home furious. He said the girls he saw were scantily clad and acting much older than they should have been. Blake told me some things that were very upsetting as well. Needless to say, the school has some serious explaining to do. It does not sound as if the event was properly chaperoned at all. Mama is not happy.
I hope you had a great day everyone. Hang in there, the weekend is just around the corner.
Until next time...enjoy life, and be kind to one another.
My 365...
My adorable grandchildren, Cooper and Penny.
How beautiful they are. *love*My precious Cooper.
My precious little Penny.
Penny hanging ten on uncle Garrett's longboard. She is fearless!
Daddy snuggling with his little princess. :)
Cooper and Penny were so excited to see uncle Blake when he got home from school.
Again I say...too soon, too soon. :)
And I can't forget my #TBT for the week! My hubby Jack, the year we got married. What a handsome guy he was...and still is. We have been together for 31 years, and this February will be our 30th wedding anniversary. I love him more today than I ever have. :)
Music I am listening to today...The joyous sounds of my adorable grandchildren. :)
The Daily V...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

My 365 Blog.
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Wednesday, September 24, 2014
September 24, 2014
My 365, Day number 1,728.
Hello Dear Family,
Just when I think Blake is already too cool for school, he joins the chess club! He is thinking about going out for the basketball team too. My goodness he is the most awesome of all awesomeness. I don't even know how to play chess.
Then last night he tells me...
"Mom, I want to apologize to you."
"For what honey?"
"I know I have been a real jerk to you sometimes lately, and I am sorry. This puberty stuff is making me crazy!"
Yes, my 13 year old son told me that. *sigh* He is so precious, that youngest son-o-mine. I love him. :)
Hope you are having a great day everyone.
Until next time...enjoy life, and be kind to one another.
My 365...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

My 365 Blog.
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Hello Dear Family,
Just when I think Blake is already too cool for school, he joins the chess club! He is thinking about going out for the basketball team too. My goodness he is the most awesome of all awesomeness. I don't even know how to play chess.
Then last night he tells me...
"Mom, I want to apologize to you."
"For what honey?"
"I know I have been a real jerk to you sometimes lately, and I am sorry. This puberty stuff is making me crazy!"
Yes, my 13 year old son told me that. *sigh* He is so precious, that youngest son-o-mine. I love him. :)
Hope you are having a great day everyone.
Until next time...enjoy life, and be kind to one another.
My 365...
"Okay mama, we need to figure out this chess thing."
"You're move..."
The Daily V...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

My 365 Blog.
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Tuesday, September 23, 2014
September 23, 2014
My 365, Day number 1,727.
Hello Dear Family,
Today's blog entry started much different this morning. I was feeling really off and out of sorts with the world. Then I realized that when that happens, one simply needs to step away from the situation, rest the mind, then revisit when the heart and mind have rested. I did that, and what a difference a few hours makes. I now realize how insignificant that moment, and that person are. The boys really helped. "Mom, ignore that person. You know who you are." And they are right, my boys are always right. I do know who I am, and all is well on planet Veronica. The darkness that precedes this person is truly frightening sometimes. However, the sun shines brightly here, and there is no room for any darkness.
I called my aunty again this afternoon, and she was much better. This time she laughed, we laughed, as we talked about the day, and family, and my boys. She still does not remember much. She did not even remember my phone call yesterday, which is often the case. She asked me if I had a boyfriend? I reminded her that I have been married to Jack for the last 30 years, and that we are doing great, to which she responded..."Jack? Who is Jack?" That is actually a blessing in disguise...she never liked Jack much. lol :) It was a good visit, and one that I plan of having with her daily. Between my aunt Rita, my cousin Teresita and I, we can help her feel connected to family, and less alone in this world. All three of us are far away, but thankfully, distance is only a number. We can still reach out and let her know she is loved. The conversation ended with her usual, "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!" To which I reply..."If it is Christmas, where are my tamales lady?" She always made the BEST holiday tamales. We laughed and she told me..."It is your turn to make the tamales." Maybe I will this year.
Today was otherwise a very quiet day. Casey moved back home as his living situation ended up being not so great at all. I am so relieved actually. I did not have a good feeling about the people he was living with...and it seems mama was right. Not a good situation at all. He is pretty depressed about it, but I just have to remind him that everything will be okay. He has a good job now, and he has a plan and a means to put that plan into motion. He is on the right track. In the mean time, he is home, he is safe and he is loved. One day at a time.
Life is good. I have not a single complaint. I hope your day was a great one. A most epic, fantabulous, amazing day. :)
Until next time...enjoy life, and be kind to one another.
My 365...
She is my best friend, my little Lilly bug. Well, she is my "canine" best friend. ( are my human best friend!) Miss Lilly is 8 pounds of solid joy, and I love her so much. She will be five years old in January. I am so glad Garrett and Kori brought her into my world. Life just would not be the same without my Lilly bug. <3
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

My 365 Blog.
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Hello Dear Family,
Today's blog entry started much different this morning. I was feeling really off and out of sorts with the world. Then I realized that when that happens, one simply needs to step away from the situation, rest the mind, then revisit when the heart and mind have rested. I did that, and what a difference a few hours makes. I now realize how insignificant that moment, and that person are. The boys really helped. "Mom, ignore that person. You know who you are." And they are right, my boys are always right. I do know who I am, and all is well on planet Veronica. The darkness that precedes this person is truly frightening sometimes. However, the sun shines brightly here, and there is no room for any darkness.
I called my aunty again this afternoon, and she was much better. This time she laughed, we laughed, as we talked about the day, and family, and my boys. She still does not remember much. She did not even remember my phone call yesterday, which is often the case. She asked me if I had a boyfriend? I reminded her that I have been married to Jack for the last 30 years, and that we are doing great, to which she responded..."Jack? Who is Jack?" That is actually a blessing in disguise...she never liked Jack much. lol :) It was a good visit, and one that I plan of having with her daily. Between my aunt Rita, my cousin Teresita and I, we can help her feel connected to family, and less alone in this world. All three of us are far away, but thankfully, distance is only a number. We can still reach out and let her know she is loved. The conversation ended with her usual, "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!" To which I reply..."If it is Christmas, where are my tamales lady?" She always made the BEST holiday tamales. We laughed and she told me..."It is your turn to make the tamales." Maybe I will this year.
Today was otherwise a very quiet day. Casey moved back home as his living situation ended up being not so great at all. I am so relieved actually. I did not have a good feeling about the people he was living with...and it seems mama was right. Not a good situation at all. He is pretty depressed about it, but I just have to remind him that everything will be okay. He has a good job now, and he has a plan and a means to put that plan into motion. He is on the right track. In the mean time, he is home, he is safe and he is loved. One day at a time.
Life is good. I have not a single complaint. I hope your day was a great one. A most epic, fantabulous, amazing day. :)
Until next time...enjoy life, and be kind to one another.
My 365...
This is my view, first thing in the morning. Miss Lilly sleeps with Blake at night. Once he is asleep, she sneaks into my room and curls up on my chair. When I wake up in the morning, she is waiting for me.
"Let's go mama...let's get this day started!"She is my best friend, my little Lilly bug. Well, she is my "canine" best friend. ( are my human best friend!) Miss Lilly is 8 pounds of solid joy, and I love her so much. She will be five years old in January. I am so glad Garrett and Kori brought her into my world. Life just would not be the same without my Lilly bug. <3
Music I am listening to today...OneRepublic, If I Lose Myself
The Daily V...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

My 365 Blog.
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Monday, September 22, 2014
September 22, 2014
My 365, Day number 1,726.
Hello Dear Family,
Happy Monday everyone! Today has been a great day, and for a Monday, that is all one can ever ask for. So thank you Monday, you can come again next week...provided you behave yourself.
I slept so well last night, thank goodness! I think the long talk I had with Garrett and Casey really helped. Hearing their perspective on anxiety, and how they have dealt with it all their lives, made it so much easier for me. I love my boys so much. They are my shining stars. "Thank you Garrett, thank you Casey. You are my heroes!"
I am slowly but surely kicking Gertrude the Hysterical to the curb. Anxiety, shmangxiety, I've got this. "Rawrrrrr...." :)
I did get to call my aunty today for our regular phone call. For the first time ever, I could not understand a word she was saying, and it broke my heart. I am hoping that I possibly just woke her from a nap, and she was not quite awake. We did talk, or try to anyway, for a few minutes. I told her I would call again tomorrow to check up on her. She is 95 years old, but to me, she has never seemed 95 as she is very strong. Today she sounded 95. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. <3
This past holiday season, I ordered a beautiful gift for my daughter-in-law Amber. It is a precious, handcrafted, nursing necklace. My granddaughter loved it! The artists is a lovely young mother from the Ukraine, and she recently opened her Facebook store front. She also has an Etsy shop. I definitely recommend her if you are looking for the perfect gift.
You can click here *CREASPIR* for her Facebook page, and click here *Creaspir on ETSY* for her Etsy store. She does beautiful work! Thank you Svitlana. :)
Hope your Monday has been a good one.
Until next time...enjoy life, and be kind to one another.
My 365...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

My 365 Blog.
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Hello Dear Family,
Happy Monday everyone! Today has been a great day, and for a Monday, that is all one can ever ask for. So thank you Monday, you can come again next week...provided you behave yourself.
I slept so well last night, thank goodness! I think the long talk I had with Garrett and Casey really helped. Hearing their perspective on anxiety, and how they have dealt with it all their lives, made it so much easier for me. I love my boys so much. They are my shining stars. "Thank you Garrett, thank you Casey. You are my heroes!"
I am slowly but surely kicking Gertrude the Hysterical to the curb. Anxiety, shmangxiety, I've got this. "Rawrrrrr...." :)
I did get to call my aunty today for our regular phone call. For the first time ever, I could not understand a word she was saying, and it broke my heart. I am hoping that I possibly just woke her from a nap, and she was not quite awake. We did talk, or try to anyway, for a few minutes. I told her I would call again tomorrow to check up on her. She is 95 years old, but to me, she has never seemed 95 as she is very strong. Today she sounded 95. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. <3
This past holiday season, I ordered a beautiful gift for my daughter-in-law Amber. It is a precious, handcrafted, nursing necklace. My granddaughter loved it! The artists is a lovely young mother from the Ukraine, and she recently opened her Facebook store front. She also has an Etsy shop. I definitely recommend her if you are looking for the perfect gift.
You can click here *CREASPIR* for her Facebook page, and click here *Creaspir on ETSY* for her Etsy store. She does beautiful work! Thank you Svitlana. :)
Hope your Monday has been a good one.
Until next time...enjoy life, and be kind to one another.
My 365...
I spied these lovely roses on my walk today. It is almost Autumn, but they are still hanging in there.
Music I am listening to today...Matt Wertz, 5:19
The Daily V...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

My 365 Blog.
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Sunday, September 21, 2014
September 21, 2014
My 365, Day number 1,725.
Hello Dear Family,
Happy Sunday...Sunday is happy! And it has been a truly happy Sunday. I love it when that happens.
My anxiety is finally under some control, and I have son Garrett to thank for that. It seems that he has been dealing with the same sort of anxiety since he was in high school, only he has always attributed it to dehydration, or not enough carbs, or something more physiological. Being the emotionally strong, confident and calm person that he is, he had never even thought it might be due to stress and anxiety. Garrett is a big, strong man. He never shows any sign of stress. I feel terrible that he has been dealing with such horrible episodes all his life, and he has never said anything. :*(
He came in my room the other day to check on me, and asked..."What are you feeling mom?" When I explained my episodes to him, he immediately identified with me. I described exactly what he has experienced. Whoa.
He coached me in what he does when he is feeling this way, and it has helped me immensely. "Thank you Garrett." It seems that my children and I are genetically predisposed to anxiety. Because of that, it is even more important for me to keep my home as stress free, and drama free, as possible, Garrett has mentioned to me in the past that when I am feeling off, the entire house feels off. I have to remember that, and work even harder to keep my spirit positive and happy. I can do that.
When you have a family such as mine, there is no reason to be anything other than happy and positive. I have a great husband, Jack. He provides for this family with all that he is, and is so incredibly loving, patient and supportive of me, especially lately as I have been dealing with these anxiety attacks. "Thank you honey." I have four amazing sons, a superstar daughter-in-law, and two precious grandchildren Cooper and Penny who light up my life like a supernova times a million. How can my heart be anything but overflowing with joy? I also have a daughter, and my grandson Oliver. And even though they are not in my life, I hear they are doing great. Honestly, that is all that matters to me. That makes my heart happy for them, and it is enough to keep my heart happy as well. It is all good. :)
And a message to my son Brandon and daughter-in-law Amber...I am so proud of you both. I know life has not always been easy, but you are working it out. Amber, you are working so hard, and doing exceptionally well with your job. And Brandon, you are are taking care of your babies, and giving them the love, nurturing and attention that no day care could ever provide. I love you both so much, and think you both rock!!! And please tell my grandbabies that Gramma Ronica loves them so much!
Oh...and I can't forget the dogs! Dozer, Supra, Ducati and Miss Lilly. How anyone can manage to feel sad an anxious with this motley crew in the house is beyond me. These four dogs are the sweetest, most loving, attentive dogs on the planet. They give SO much, and ask for nothing in, after day, after day. I love these pups.
This is going to be an amazing week! I know this because I am freaking psychic. Note I did not say psycho? LOL. Honestly though, I insist that the coming week bring nothing but joy, positivity and happiness to my amazing family...who I love with all my great big huge heart. Make it so cosmos.
Have an awesome Monday everyone. Conquer your week with a hop in your step and a smile in your heart.
Until next time...enjoy life, and be kind to one another.
My 365...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

My 365 Blog.
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Hello Dear Family,
Happy Sunday...Sunday is happy! And it has been a truly happy Sunday. I love it when that happens.
My anxiety is finally under some control, and I have son Garrett to thank for that. It seems that he has been dealing with the same sort of anxiety since he was in high school, only he has always attributed it to dehydration, or not enough carbs, or something more physiological. Being the emotionally strong, confident and calm person that he is, he had never even thought it might be due to stress and anxiety. Garrett is a big, strong man. He never shows any sign of stress. I feel terrible that he has been dealing with such horrible episodes all his life, and he has never said anything. :*(
He came in my room the other day to check on me, and asked..."What are you feeling mom?" When I explained my episodes to him, he immediately identified with me. I described exactly what he has experienced. Whoa.
He coached me in what he does when he is feeling this way, and it has helped me immensely. "Thank you Garrett." It seems that my children and I are genetically predisposed to anxiety. Because of that, it is even more important for me to keep my home as stress free, and drama free, as possible, Garrett has mentioned to me in the past that when I am feeling off, the entire house feels off. I have to remember that, and work even harder to keep my spirit positive and happy. I can do that.
When you have a family such as mine, there is no reason to be anything other than happy and positive. I have a great husband, Jack. He provides for this family with all that he is, and is so incredibly loving, patient and supportive of me, especially lately as I have been dealing with these anxiety attacks. "Thank you honey." I have four amazing sons, a superstar daughter-in-law, and two precious grandchildren Cooper and Penny who light up my life like a supernova times a million. How can my heart be anything but overflowing with joy? I also have a daughter, and my grandson Oliver. And even though they are not in my life, I hear they are doing great. Honestly, that is all that matters to me. That makes my heart happy for them, and it is enough to keep my heart happy as well. It is all good. :)
And a message to my son Brandon and daughter-in-law Amber...I am so proud of you both. I know life has not always been easy, but you are working it out. Amber, you are working so hard, and doing exceptionally well with your job. And Brandon, you are are taking care of your babies, and giving them the love, nurturing and attention that no day care could ever provide. I love you both so much, and think you both rock!!! And please tell my grandbabies that Gramma Ronica loves them so much!
Oh...and I can't forget the dogs! Dozer, Supra, Ducati and Miss Lilly. How anyone can manage to feel sad an anxious with this motley crew in the house is beyond me. These four dogs are the sweetest, most loving, attentive dogs on the planet. They give SO much, and ask for nothing in, after day, after day. I love these pups.
This is going to be an amazing week! I know this because I am freaking psychic. Note I did not say psycho? LOL. Honestly though, I insist that the coming week bring nothing but joy, positivity and happiness to my amazing family...who I love with all my great big huge heart. Make it so cosmos.
Have an awesome Monday everyone. Conquer your week with a hop in your step and a smile in your heart.
Until next time...enjoy life, and be kind to one another.
My 365...
Let me introduce you to the Anxiety Elimination Squad.
Feeling blue? Dozer, Supra, Ducati and Miss Lilly to the rescue! :)
Oh how I do love this goofy crew so much.
The Daily V...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

My 365 Blog.
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I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.
Time to start a new 365.
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