Sunday, August 22, 2010

August 22, 2010

My 365...

Such a gorgeous day today, it is hard to believe that the last 24 hours have been insane!  The boys and I were enjoying a nice quiet evening at home, when we lost power just before 10pm.  I was completely puzzled, because I had not really noticed any severe weather?  There was some lightning, but it did not seem particularly bad from where we were.  Then the winds got pretty intense.

I thought surely the lights would only be out for a few minutes, but a few minutes turned into well over 12 hours!  I had one single candle, two tiny birthday candles, my iPod, Netbook and Blackberry.  That was the extent of our "emergency" supplies.

The boys decided it was the perfect time for a game of
They are so silly. At first it was fun, then they started to get irritated, then we all got a little hysterical. It is amazing how easy it is to take "electricity" for granted.
Blake was happy the internet and the TV were gone, so we had no distractions and could spend time with each other.
Just after 3:00 A.M., when our candle was about to go out, Garrett showed up to be sure we were okay, and to give us another candle. He and Kori had a pretty crazy night. He said it seemed that the city was going nuts without lights. At one point, they even found themselves in the midst of a S.W.A.T. stand off when some crazy man started shooting!  

The Western Idaho Fair was going full swing when the winds hit causing some significant chaos.  I am thankful to say, other than the inconvenience of no electricity, we were all safe and that is all that matters.  We did have some tree limbs down, and the post to the side gate was damaged, but nothing compared to the fires and damage a lot of other people experienced.

Casey finally got to sleep just after 6:00 A.M., Blake stayed awake with mommy until noon, then fell fast asleep.  As for me, I got a three hour nap after the lights came back on just before 1:00 P.M. today. Casey said he is going to prepare an emergency kit for us so we never get caught off guard again!  Hopefully we can all sleep peacefully tonight.  :)

Idaho Storms, August 21, 2010


Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

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