Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Like father like son... brother like nephew?

I took the photo of grandson Cooper on the right with his new fancy shades on, and remembered I had a picture of Blake when he was a baby wearing sunglasses.

So Blake on the left with daddy taken sometime in 2002 when he was about the same age as grandson Cooper, and Cooper on the right with daddy Brandon taken today.

They are both so cute!

All in the family!  :)

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

Goodbye August!

My 365...

Goodbye August, thank you for the memories.  They were all pretty amazing.  :)

Bring on September with "bouquets of sharpened pencils", cooler temperatures and amazing colors.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

August 31, 2011

My 365...

Happy last day of August...thank GOD!  Good bye summer, it has been nice having you, but you have my permission to hit the road.

We did have a cool front move in last night bringing some cooler temperatures.  I am hoping the heat is gone for good!  Well at least until next year.  :)

I spoke to my Nana on the phone today, and she is doing great!  There are no residual affects of the stroke she had, and to be honest, she has never sounded stronger.  When I am 92, I want to be as strong as she is!  "Waiter, I will have what she is having!!"

My photos of the day...

Catching some rays in the Great Northwest.

Bran cereal, it is whats for breakfast...lunch...and sometimes dinner.  I am still in denial with this diabetes thing, but at least I know a bowl of bran and fresh fruit won't do me in.  Amber is such an amazing chef/baker that it makes it hard for me to watch what I eat.  However she is careful with ingredients to help keep me safe.  Thank you sweetheart.  <3

*** Doggy Daily ***
"Resistance is futile."

"Once you are trapped in a 'Blake' are there forever!"

Music I am listening to today...Matt Nathanson

Random Link of the Day..."Mama loves you."

Until next time..."A Happy face on the outside doesn't always signal a happy heart of the inside."

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August 30, 2011

My 365...

Casey:  "I need a social life!

Me:  "Yay, of course you do son and I am so happy you feel that way.  Now study first...socialize second!"

Casey has always been a bit of a late bloomer.  Up to now, he was happy with the little bit of social life he has had with friends through instant messaging and online games.  I have been waiting for the day that he wants to get his license and "hang out" with friends and I welcome it.

We have been teaching him how to drive, and he is very comfortable with that now, so all that is left is to get his license.  He has reconnected with many of the friends he went to mainstream school with, and they are all starting to make plans for getting together on the weekends, and I am happy for that.  I knew all this would come in good time.

Many "naysayers" were predicting that the home school environment was not a good idea because it prevents a child from developing their social skills and they lack much needed social interaction.  To them I say poppycock!  Casey is very comfortable in a room full of people, and can hold his own just fine.  He is funny, smart, friendly and a great friend to anyone who is fortunate enough to be able to have him as a friend.  He is not socially awkward or withdrawn.  Quite the contrary, he is strong, outgoing, and an all around awesome young man.  And just like his brothers, very considerate and respectful of others as well. We just need to work on his temper.  Hmmmm, I wonder where he gets that from?  :)

Oh dear...but what about girls?  A mother's worse nightmare?  Nah, Casey will do just fine with those creatures as well.  Besides, this mama can be pretty scary when she wants to be....bwaaaahhaaahhaaa!  Better watch out girlies!

Amber and I were talking the other day and I reminded her that someday she will be faced with girlies trying to take her Cooper for a ride.  She laughed and told me she would have a shotgun ready.  I replied....

"Yeah, those girls with have to deal with mama AND grandma!"...the poor dears.  lol

Life always comes full circle...eventually.  :)

My photo of the day...

Growing too fast.

*** Doggy Daily ***

All that stick chewing has done a number on the old man's teeth.  We may need to get his some senior dog biscuits.

Music I am listening to today...Amy Winehouse.

Random Link of the Day...On This Day.

Until next time..."I find happiness in the simplest of things."

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
Monday, August 29, 2011

Dinner is served!

So delicious!

Amber made this tasty navy bean vegetable goodness with fresh tomato sammies for dipping!  Thank you Amber.  My mom would have loved this soup.  <3

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

August 29, 2011

My 365,

Happy Monday world.  I pray the N.E. is doing well today after the stressful weather weekend they experienced.  We could use some of that rain up here in Idaho.

Blake and I were working on sentence structure today for school, and I had him creating and writing sentences.  I look over to check his progress and spied some interesting choices of words.

"The teacher was reading a funny story that made us LOL."

"I had to leave when the game had just started, so I told my best friend Charlie I would BRB."

"I had just finished building my house when a creeper came along and blew it up."

Oh dear, Internet speak with a Minecraft reference.  What am I to do with this boy?  At least the structure was "spot on", however, I made him drop the Internet slang.  :)

My photos of the day...

Chubby little baby feet.
 Study time for Blake.  I could tell by that sneaky smile that it was going to be an interesting school session.
 *** Doggy Daily ***

"Mama please!  School is for humans not divas!"

Music I am listening to today...Owl City.

Random Link of the Day...Go Panda!

Until next time..."I am a flamingo in a flock of pigeons."

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
Sunday, August 28, 2011

August 28, 2011

My 365...

While I was working yesterday, I had MSNBC on for some background noise.  Listening to their sensationalistic reporting hour after hour about how HORRIBLE the coming storm was going to be.  Not to say that it was not a dangerous storm, because I know it was, but their reporting was so over the top.

It reminded me of a book I am reading called Aftershocks: Stories from the Japan Earthquake.  It is a great book, and free on Amazon.  The book touches on the sensationalistic journalism taking place at that time by foreign press.  There was an entry titled Contrast.  It read;

"Big Contrast:  While the foreign media are obsessed with Apocalypses, the Japanese people are already talking of rebuilding."

"The foreign press was scrambling, plastering headlines with alarming words and shocking pictures.  Fear mongering over the possibility of another Chernobyl was rampant as was doom-saying about nuclear fallout over Tokyo, which is 200 km south of the affected area.  Misinformation about radiation spread, overshadowing the plight of the people in the stricken areas of northern Japan."

It makes me wonder how our "press" will handle reporting on the next serious crisis when this nation needs the facts, and reassurance, not ratings driven dribble that grabs attention and misrepresents the true facts of the situation at hand simply to stir emotion and panic.  When did news become more an avenue of entertainment as opposed to reporting of the news in an unbiased way?

This afternoon I decided to tune in to MSNBC to see what was being reported now.  I heard a lot of "It could have been", and "what if it had been" reports.  Really?  Then Geraldo Rivera opens his show with "Armageddon, it was not the end of the world as we know it!"   No kidding turkey, I would have never known, thank you.  How about just telling us how it was and how things are now.  Who needs help and how can we fix things?  I am thankful that people on the east coast are safe, and I pray that they get their power back soon.  I know that is a serious problem, being without power, and I hope the people in charge keep it organized and get it done!

The true disaster of this century is the media itself...not the crisis or perceived crisis that they are reporting on.  Thank God for social media such as Twitter and Facebook.  At least then people in the affected area can reach out and report what IS happening and get the facts out where our press continues the sensationalism.

Dinner tonight was amazing!  Amber made us a Swiss-cheesy delicious quiche.

My photos of the day...

I got to spend the entire afternoon and evening with my grandson so his mommy and daddy could finally unpack all their boxes and get organized.  It was wonderful!

Taking his afternoon nap.

Waking up all smiles!
Blake was being silly with Brandon this afternoon.  So silly in fact, he decided to shave off an eyebrow.  Ugh, what am I to do with these boys?

*** Doggy Daily ***

Music I am listening to today...Jim Brickman

Random Link of the Day..."Dear Human."

Until next time..."How about sticking to the facts Pinocchio...that huge nose looks ridiculous on you!"

Have a great Monday everyone.  :)

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
Saturday, August 27, 2011

August 27, 2011

My 365...

Happy Saturday everyone.  :)

We are enjoying a nice lazy Saturday here.  It is not too hot outside at 85 degrees, but we sure could use some rain.  Everything is so dry.

Blake and Amber are going to start preparing snacks for movie night tonight.  I have to get in 4 hours of work, then I can really relax and enjoy some family time.  We are going to watch Stardust and Johnny English.

My photo of the day...

My sweet grandson Cooper just after his noon nap.  He is so precious!! <3

 *** Doggy Daily ***

Old man Dozer watching over things.

Music I am listening to today...The Script.

Random Link of the Day...Face to Face

Until next time...never underestimate the strength of a woman.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
Friday, August 26, 2011

August 26, 2011

My 365...

Happy Friday everyone!

Moving into the weekend, I hope everyone stays safe on the east coast with this storm brewing in the Atlantic.

We are hoping for a nice relaxing family weekend.  Amber is planning a movie night for us complete with yummy snacks.  It should be a lot of fun.

I am not sure if we are going to the last few days of the Idaho State Fair as the weather is so hot, but we may try to catch the closing day fireworks from the top of the hills.

My photo of the day...

Mr "tough" guy?
 ...nah, he is a sweetheart.  <3

Amber's little container garden.

*** Doggy Daily ***

Music I am listening to today...Pink Martini

Random Link of the Day..."Oh daddy!"  <---reminds me of Brandon with Cooper.  :)  Have I mentioned that I think my son is an amazing father?  Well he is.

Until next time..."Sometimes, you need to step outside, get some air, and remind yourself of who you are and who you want to be."

Love and prayers to my Nana.  She is feeling better today.  <3

Have an amazing weekend everyone!

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
Thursday, August 25, 2011

August 25, 2011

My 365...

I had an interesting school afternoon with Blake today.  We were sitting together working on his language assignment, and he said a very "Blake" thing that gave me a much needed chuckle.

He was identifying the parts of a sentence, the subject, predicate etc.  After each sentence, he had to write the identifier on the line provided.

"Mom, why can't I just copy and paste all of this.  It is such a waste of time!"

Keep in mine he is "writing" this assignment with pen and paper, not working on the computer.

"Oh Blake, if only life provided a cut and paste in all situations."  :)

My photos of the day...

Partaking in some science lessons with the little Diva.

Studying his online vocabulary lists.

 Amber brought me some Chai tea today when she went to the store.  My favorite!  Thank you Amber.  :)

*** Doggy Daily ***

Music I am listening to today...Florence + the Machine.

Random link of the day...This will slow you down.

Until next time...Thoughts and prayers to my family in Texas as they deal with the stress of caring for my elderly aunt who is ill.  I am 2,000 miles away and no help at all, but I want them to know I love and appreciate them for their strength and for all they are doing for her.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

August 24, 2011

My 365...

Day one of school down.  Jack was off today, so he got the math duties.  Then mama worked on language arts and everything else.

Casey had a very light day, and only had to report to homeroom to get his teacher assignments and syllabus.  His classes start officially on Monday.

My photos of the day...

 Blake working on his writing.

It is great starting school in the middle of the week as opposed to a Monday.  That makes the week go by much faster for the boys.

*** Doggy Daily ***

Miss Lilly keeping Blake company during school.  One of the fun things about home schooling!

Music I am listening to today...Harry Connick Jr.

Random Link of the Day...Awwww.

Until next time..."Clarity comes when you pause to think before you speak.  I gained some much needed clarity tonight.  Thank God for breathing."

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August 23, 2011

My 365...

Another long day in the house of V, but a good day.  School starts tomorrow for the boys.  Blake seems excited, Casey has not said much.  I think they are both ready to get into some sort of routine.  We are still waiting on some of the curriculum to be shipped, but I have enough to get this year going.  I am excited!

My photo of the day...

"Goodbye summer!"

 *** Doggy Daily ***

"Say cheeeeese!"

If her goofy faces don't make you smile...nothing will!

Music I am listening to today...Helen Jane Long

Random Link of the Day...Some awesome things.

Until next time..."Puppies still have bad breath...even after feeding them a TicTac."

Thoughts and prayers for Nana!  We love you, get better soon.  <3

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
Monday, August 22, 2011

August 22, 2011

My 365...

Hello Monday.  :)

I did very well on my test from the weekend, I only missed one question...yay me!  I am so happy that test is behind me, I hate tests!

I am loving these two new clients so far.

My photo of the day...

Amber had some baking goodies left over from her cake order and she put together this delicious cake for Blake.  It is three different chocolate cake layers, her home made graham cracker and marshmallow layer, and home made strawberry jelly.  Nothing on this cake is from a box.  It came out beautifully!

Blake really loved the "smore" level with graham cracker and marshmallow!

 *** Doggy Daily ***

My little study buddy.  :)

Music I am listening to today...David Gray

Random Link of the Day...My Dream Home.

Until next time..."If people are trying to bring you down, it only are above them."

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,
Sunday, August 21, 2011

August 21, 2010

My 365...

It is a lazy hazy Sunday...or is it?

Truth of the matter is I do have a couple of hours of work to do, and a test for class, but I am being lazy today.  I will probably wait until that last possible minute just so I can enjoy some down time.  I better hide my "NOW" charm or I will just feel guilty for waiting.  lol

My photo of the day...

Meet my nemesis!  I love my Android tablet, but it is the reason I feel so tired today!  It sits on my night stand calling to me...."Veronica, you don't need sleep.  How about some Big Brother live feeds, Angry Birds or even better....Netflix!"

Then I reach over and grab it, click the on button, and I find myself at 6:00am finishing the final episode, Season 1 and 2 of "The City" on Netflix and sleep has once again escaped me.

Last weekend it was every single episode of Camelot!  That was an incredible series.  I am so sad that they did not continue it for a new season.  :(

So the question I get to work, or reach for my nemesis and partake in a little cinema?

Damn I love/hate technology!  I do love it, but it is the number one reason I procrastinate.  Can't live with it...can't shoot it.  :P

Cooper could not sleep last night either.  About 3:00am Casey says to me, "Mom look, there is a monster by your door."  I look down to see little Cooper sitting there with a huge grin on his face.  He was keeping his mommy and daddy awake so Brandon quietly opened my door, placed him on the floor, then closed the door.  It was so funny!  Cooper was ready to play that little stinker. :)

*** Doggy Daily ***

"I never procrastinate mama!  After all, a diva needs her rest."

Music I am listening to today...Tracy Chapman  Love her website.

Random Link of the Day...Work in Progress.

Until next time..."What is green and has wheels?  Grass.  I lied about the wheels."  

Have a great Monday!

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

Thank you for stopping by! :)

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