Sunday, September 8, 2013

September 8, 2013

My 365...

I woke feeling a little sad and frustrated today.  I enjoy riding my bike so much.  It is fun, it is great exercise, the bike paths here in Boise are beautiful and fun to ride, my camera gets lots of input, I enjoy riding with the boys, I love everything about it.  Up to now, I have been able to ride without any problems.  But it is getting harder.  :*(

I have been slowly losing function and strength in my hands and wrists.  My legs are still powerhouses, and I can peddle for miles, but my hands and wrists needed to hold on to the handle bars and steer, are not as strong as they once were.  It is so frustrating to me!  There is nothing worse than when the mind and spirit are willing, but the body says..."Screw you Veronica, we are not working today."  Stupid body.  I am sure there is a way around it, it just has not been invented yet.  And I don't quite have the budget for bionic wrists and hands.  Oh I can see it now...The Million Dollar Grandmother!  Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound!  And I will wear Google Glass so I will also be able to take my daily photos with a single blink...while checking Facebook...texting with friends....balancing my checkbook...paying online bills...reading and writing emails, blogging and keeping up with my Youtube videos all while enjoying endless biking adventures without limitations!  lol :)

I am not giving up yet!  I may need to wait a day or two or three between rides, and take things a little slower...figure out a way to steer with my elbows *grin*...but I am not ready to give up the hobby I enjoy the most, riding my bike.  Especially during my favorite season of the year!

So today is a bit of an "off" day.  It happens. I simply need to remember not let it get me down.  The most critical thing when dealing with any illness is to keep your spirits high.  Mom taught me that..."thanks mom." I need a good swift kick in the pants, and for someone to tell me to "GET OVER IT!"  There you have it, sometimes I get sad.  I also need to realize that feeling sad is okay too, as long as I don't let it have too much audience.

*~~~~~~~~~breathe in~~~~~~~~~breathe out~~~~~~~*

The good news is that my grandchildren will be here to spend the evening with me.  It is impossible to feel sad when they are here.

Tomorrow will be a better day.  :)
Smiling for grandma.  :)

 How adorable are these two?  I love them!

 Uncle Garrett getting some big smiles from Penny.  *love*

Amber baked this delicious Red Velvelt with Cheesecake...Cake.  YUMMY!!

***Doggy Daily***
"If the little humans are coming today mama..."
 "I am going to hang out in here if it is okay with you."

Music I am listening to today...The Piano Guys  , Home

Random Link of the Day...Just Dance :)  Go Tommy!

The Daily V...


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,


Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

Thank you for stopping by! :)

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