Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My 365 Year Five! Welcome 2014!

My 365...

As I sit here on this last day of 2013, I am smiling from ear to ear.  I did it, year number four done, and not a single day missed!  I have managed to post at least one photo a day for another 365 consecutive days.  Yay me  And what a wonderful year it has been too.  Milestones all around, and a new baby welcomed into the family too.  My precious granddaughter Penny.

I am also wondering...what I could have possibly done so right to be blessed with so many amazing people in my humble little life?  My riches can not be weighed in gold, my wealth is immeasurable pride and gratitude for a life that is filled with precious little moments in time that remind me how amazing my life really is.

Four years ago, I picked up a camera and decided that I would take a few minutes out of every single day to capture a moment in time in my life.  No excuses, good times or bad, sunshine or storm, a camera had to come out of the bag, and I had to make the effort to snap a photo.  I started with a cell phone camera, graduated to a simple point and shoot Nikon and Pentax, and thanks to the influence of my amazing photographer son Garrett, have graduated to a Canon DSLR.  I am still waiting patiently to have camera's permanently implanted in my retina's so that all I have to do to capture a photo is blink.  Oh wait, that is already possible and it happens every second of every day.  Thank you brain. 

The other day I mentioned to my son Brandon that I had decided that this would be the last year of my 365.  It is too much to worry about.  I am always stressing that I might miss a day.  I do not do well with deadlines ya know.  Maybe for 2014, I will change to My 52?  A photo a week for 52 weeks?  He looked at me, and asked "Why?"  And it is not the simple fact that he asked why?  It is the tone I caught in his voice when he did ask.  I got the same sentiment for everyone in my family...."Why mom?"  Good question?  So the answer is...I am ready for year number five.  What is one more "365 days" of memories?  It is 365 more days of taking a few minutes out of my day to pause and capture one of the many, many, many simple moments that we are gifted with every single day.  Besides, it is not like I have nothing to photograph.  Four amazing sons, a beautiful daughter-in-law, two beautiful grandchildren, three dogs, and two grand-doggies, and I live in one of the most beautiful cities in the country.  Yep...lots of camera candy up in here.  I will simply combine the Daily Photo with the Doggy Daily to make it easier.  I can do this.  

Welcome to "My 365" year number five.  My little family journal, chapter five...with pages yet to be written.  This is a good thing.  :)

Happy New Year planet!  Take a moment every day to breathe deeply.  Take a moment out of every day to realize how precious every single second of life that we are blessed with truly is.  Surround yourself with people who love you, and inspire you..distance yourself from those who don't.  And if you happen to have a camera in your hand...take a picture!  Make it last forever.

Here is to year number five!  *Cheers!*

Much love from "Grandma Camera" in Idaho.  <3

My Year 2013 in Pictures...


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Good-Bye December!

My 365...

Another December come and gone.  We have enjoyed an amazing December.  Lots of family fun, and beautiful memories created.  I am very thankful.  :)

Welcome to January, and welcome to 2014!


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December 31, 2013

My 365...

Happy New Year's Eve!

We are enjoying a nice evening tonight, my Blake and I.  Garrett and Casey are out for the evening of course.  I made our favorite New Year's Eve snack, spinach/artichoke dip, and we will be toasting in the New Year with grape Kool-Aid. Yep, no alcohol in this here home.  We could have done Coke, Pepsi or Dr. Pepper, but that is not nearly as hilarious as grape Kool-Aid.  :)

Tomorrow I will see Brandon, Amber and the babies, and our New Year will start off on the right foot!

Have a safe and Happy New Year's Eve everyone.  See you next year.  :)

One last photo of our Christmas tree.  I am going to miss it.
 Casey, I caught him before he went out for the evening.
 Enjoying some delicious spinach/artichoke dip on Ritz crackers.

***Doggy Daily***

Music I am listening to today...Auld Lang Syne

Random Link of the Day...Chocolate Cranberry Cake

The Daily V...


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Monday, December 30, 2013

December 30, 2013

My 365...

Since Blake is on a break from school, our sleep schedules are all backwards once again.  There is no need to be up at the crack of dawn, so why must we be in bed at a decent hour?

Take crazy, backwards sleep schedule, coupled with a growing pre-teen boy...and the kid would sleep ALL day if I let him!  He had the brilliant idea to simply not go to bed at all last night, stay awake through the morning and afternoon, and just like magic...he would be back on schedule.  Right?  Wrong!

After trying for two hours to wake him up this evening, I finally decided that the best way to get a growing boy's attention is with food.  I called our local Pizza Hut, and ordered some pizza.  I personally am NOT a fan of pizza, but the boys love it.

The door bell ringing did not wake him up.  The dogs barking like crazy...that is doorbell part two...did not wake him up.  However, me standing at the foot of the stairs and calling up....

"Blake, Pizza is here!"

Worked like a charm.  The boy went from snoring to 100 miles per hour in about three seconds flat.  I swear he leaped from the top stair to the bottom one in a single bound. ":I am awake!"  LOL, I love my boys. :)

Hope you had a great Monday planet!

Until next time...

"I'm awake!"

***Doggy Daily***

Music I am listening to today...We The Kings, I feel Alive

Random Link of the Day...Migas...my boys' favorite midnight snack.

The Daily V...


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Sunday, December 29, 2013

December 29, 2013

My 365...

Hello Sunday.  Nothing extraordinary to report today.  It has been a nice, easy, peaceful and quiet day.  I like it that way!

Until next time...
Miss Lilly has a confession to make.  She is horribly addicted to Candy Crush Saga.  

We are currently seeking a support group to get her some much needed council and guidance. :P

***Doggy Daily***

I was going to take the Christmas tree down today, but Miss Lilly said NO!  Apparently it is bad luck to take it down before January 3rd.  

Music I am listening to today...Michael McDonald, Sweet Freedom

Random Link of the Day...Dark Chocolate Port Truffles

The Daily V...


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Saturday, December 28, 2013

December 28, 2013

My 365...

Happy Saturday planet!  Hope you enjoyed a nice peaceful day.

Today was a beautiful, cold, clear Idaho winter day.  Our temperature just barely crawled above the freezing mark.  I feel like it has been so long since I have been out to enjoy some fresh air and sunshine, as the weather has been so cold for the past two months.  I really miss my bike rides.  Hopefully come Spring, I will not have forgotten how to ride.  I am really looking forward to my trip to McCall for the Winter Carnival in January that my son Brandon and daughter-in-law Amber are treating me to.  It is going to be an amazing adventure!

Usually about this time, I am feeling the "post-Christmas" blues.  But I don't feel that way at all this year.  Our focus this Christmas was not gifts.  Rather than concentrating on all the "wants", we celebrated all that we already "have."  No spending money we really could not afford to spend, just to give a carload full of gifts that would soon be forgotten...then stressing about finances after the season.  This year our focus was family. Being together, enjoying each other's company, being thankful for the roof over our head, and the food on our table. Glorious simplicity.  Come to think of it, I feel that way every single day of the year.  It should not take a special holiday to appreciate our blessings.  The holiday spirit should carry us through the entire year.  This year I know it will, which is why there are no blues.   :)

This evening I am making some delicious potato/lentil/carrot soup.  I had the last of the ham, and the ham bone left, so making a hearty winter soup sounded like a great idea.  It smells amazing!

Until next time...
Casey...always ready for adventure.
Idaho blue skies.

  Beautiful sunset.
Soup is ready!

***Doggy Daily***

Music I am listening to today...John Mayer, In Your Atmosphere

The Daily V...


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Friday, December 27, 2013

December 27, 2013

My 365...

Ever have one of those days?  Yep, either have I.  :)

Today I was up to my elbows in paperwork.  End of year stuff, medical pre-authorizations, taxes, retirement, (Yes, as of January 1st, this mama is officially retired...YAY!), insurance, and all that, "OMG, I HATE red tape" sort of stuff.  On top of the paper work, I was lost in a sea of...

"Press 1 for English."
"Press 2 for Spanish."
"Press 297 for Pirate Speak."
"Press 935 if you would like to jump off a bridge."

I would get to the right department, get to the right representative, go through all the information and.....*click*...dial tone.......

But you know what planet?  All is well in my world.  Just as I was ready to take option 935, "Jump off the Bridge", Garrett reminded me that life is good.  He does that my son Garrett.  I have never met a more positive, happy spirit in all my life.  He always has a smile on his face, and he keeps us all grounded.  "Thank you son."

Add Casey's never ending, ridiculously crazy, sense of humor, a giant, strong Brandon bear hug, and Blake's awesomeness, and this mama never has a reason to feel blue or upset in any way, shape or form.   Life is good.

I was just about finished with everything, as 5:00PM was quickly approaching, and my sweet hubby Jack placed a box of delicious Cordial Cherries on my desk.  Yes!  Chocolate makes everything better.  :)

Amber and the babies might be coming over later this evening.  They always make me happy.

Have an amazing weekend planet!

Until next time...
Sweet surprise from my hubby Jack.  

My precious grandbabies are here!

***Doggy Daily***

Where does a Great Dane sit?  Anywhere he wants to.  :)

Music I am listening to today...Yes, Owner of a Lonely Heart

Random Link of the Day...Cheddar Jalapeño Biscuits

The Daily V...


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Thursday, December 26, 2013

December 26, 2013

My 365...

Happy "Day after Christmas!"

Another Christmas has come and gone, and I am so thankful for the wonderful family Christmas we enjoyed yesterday.  There was one thing missing though.  I had been unable to reach my aunt Maggie in Texas for two days.  I was not worried, because I knew if something was wrong, my aunt Rita in Dallas would have let me know.  Between she and I, we make sure all is well with aunt Maggie.  Finally this evening I was able to reach her, and we enjoyed a nice long phone conversation.  We laughed together, and she sounded like she was in good spirits, so I can now say Christmas is complete.

There was another person missing from our celebrations, but not because she is not loved or welcomed...she simply chooses not to be a part of the "awesome" that is this family.  This family, who is all about love, fun, freedom from judgement and angst...and just a whole freaking lot of fun!  After several years of being sad and hurt about it, we have simply chosen to accept that it is what it is...and have moved on.  It is a situation that is completely beyond our comprehension and control, so no more worry is placed.  Perhaps some day that will be different, but again...not up to us.  :)

Today we chill!  A full day of rest and relaxation with my boys and the dogs.  Casey was off from work today, so I was able to spend some time with him which always makes me happy.  He has challenged me to a game of Starbound this evening, and all I have to say is..."It is SO on dude!"  Casey purchased himself a new speaker system, and is in charge of the music.  The music he is playing as I type this is some Ray Charles blues...followed by A Flock of Seagulls...lol.  I love it!  I am making some Queso dip, and we are going to partake in a Starbound party.  Woot!  Hey, I may be a grandma, but I am a "gaming" grandma, and I can out "video-game" just about anyone!

Until next time...

Awesome, soft, snuggly blanket from Brandon, Amber, Cooper and Penny.  I LOVE it!
 My Casey.  :)
Casey Instagrammed this photo, and was so excited because LRG liked it!  Dude!

***Doggy Daily***

Music I am listening to today...John Mayer, Katy Perry...Who You Love

Random Link of the Day...Delicious Ro*Tel Queso Dip.

The Daily V...


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

Thank you for stopping by! :)


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