Monday, May 31, 2010

Doggy Daily

My Doggy Daily for May 31, 2010

It has been a long three day weekend, and we are all very tired. So the Diva Miss Lilly says...bed time for everyone! She has taken her right spot in the middle of my bed. :)

Sleep well!

Until tomorrow...

Goodbye May!

Goodbye May 2010. Thank you for all the great colors!

God Bless Mom and Dad...

Yesterday would have marked my parent's 51 wedding anniversary.

We lost daddy in 2001 and mom in 2007, but we know they are celebrating their anniversary together in Heaven.

We know that because mom and dad had that forever kind of love that would stand the test of time.

I came across their wedding invitation, and created these to remember them...

Mom and dad, I miss you so much!

Love always,

Memorial Day...

This is a graphic I created years ago that I thought would be perfect to wear today.

God Bless all the men and women who have over the years, through today and all of our tomorrows, fought for peace, protected our great nation and kept our freedom safe.

God Bless this great nation and all of it's great soldiers, past
, present and future. ♥

May 31, 2010

My 365...

Mama needs a telephoto lens!

This is not a bad photo with a simple "point and shoot" camera, considering "Seňor Squirrel" was high up in the tree.

This is our friend squirrel, who loves to drive the dogs crazy!

He is a stinker, but we love him. :)

And on this last day of May, we want to thank Mother Nature for all the beautiful colors she has shared with us. They are amazing!!

Bring on June! One more week of school and the boys and I are free for a fabulous adventure filled summer!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

My Boys :)

Having some basketball fun, May 30, 2010.

Digital Editing

Some filter fun with this photo I took of Ducati.

Doggy Daily

Doggy Daily for May 30, 2010

Ducati is always so busy guarding his boy and the world, it is difficult to get him just to chill.

"Ok Ducati, how about a game of hide-n-go seek?"

"Close your eyes and count to three, then go find me!"


"Woof, uhmmm you are still sitting there mama?"

"Yay you found me, good boy!"


"Mama, what do you take me for...Dozer? Back to work for me!"

Oh Ducati, always busy being loyal and intense! :)

May 30, 2010

My 365...

It is all about the green. That is my city, luscious and green. Trees everywhere you look in all shapes colors and sizes. Considering that this area is mostly desert, I think that is amazing.

The foothills in the north end are very desert. You do not see the pine forest until you get to the higher elevations around the ski resort. It is beautiful up there and just a short drive from where we live.

The foothills in contrast to the green valley can be quite dramatic and so beautiful. I love living here!

A beautiful soft pine growing in the yard...

A perfect pine cone Blake found for me.

The foothills, where all the mansions are!

I envy their view from way up there, but the view down here is not half bad. :)

Hope all is green in your world.

Until next time...

Doggy Daily...

No Doggy Daily for was movie night with the boys.

Well maybe just two cute pictures I just shot of Miss Lilly curled up into a ball on my lap. She is still so tiny and sweet. :)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

May 29, 2010

My 365...

Blake and I had a great day today. We took a walk up to the park so he could run around and have some fun. We wanted to play basketball, but the big kids had the courts all taken.

So then we walked to the school, so he could get some b-ball action in. He is really good!

Unfortunately the school takes all the nets down for the weekend, but we had great fun anyway. And mama got some good exercise! :)

Until next time...

Desktop Wallpaper

My desktop wallpaper for the week, Bowman Lake, Glacier National Park, Montana.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Doggy Daily

Doggy Daily for May 28, 2010

"Ohhhh Miss Lilly, don't look now but mama has some cheese in her pocket for us. Hold real still for the camera Miss Lilly!"

"Miss Lilly! What part of STILL don't you understand?"

"Oh good gawd woman, I said STILL, now bow and act like a pretty pony, that never works with mama."

"At a girl, work the ear. Work it...."

"...and Puppy Dog eyes! Yes! That works every time. Oh Cheese, give me some cheese!"

Yes world, they got the cheese. :)

Until next time...

May 28, 2010

My 365...

Blake and I were watching a storm roll in over the foothills this evening through his window. The sky was amazing!

As we were watching he spotted a beautiful lilac flower blooming in the back yard that we had never seen before.

It is stunning!

And there are more than a dozen buds around it, so I will photograph it again when the blooms are all open.

This is our first spring in this home, and it has been interesting to discover all these great flowers that have been planted over the years that we had no idea were there. The yard is huge, so we have plenty of room to discover more botanical mysteries. :)

After the storm blew through, the temperature dropped into the 50's. No complaints from me though...I love it nice and cool!

Have a great weekend world...

Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

Thank you for stopping by! :)

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