Wednesday, August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

My 365...

What inspires you?  What are you passionate about?  For me that list is crazy long!  So much inspires me, and I am passionate about everything I love.

Sure there are times where everything in life seems to royally suck.  I think of all I have been through in the past 10 years, in particular the last 60 days, and I think why bother?  This is all so ridiculous at times!

"Why bother?"  Why they heck not?  You only get one life, are you seriously going to let the bad things in life make life not worth living?  No, of course not.  The plan...fix it!  Do not settle for anything less than absolutely magnificent...and fix it.  That has been my motto for the past forever years and 60 days, and it has not let me down yet.

Life has, without question, the possibility of being amazing.

No more whining.  No more complaining.  No more blaming the world and the people in your life for not being perfect for you.  Your life is what YOU make of it.  Nothing more...nothing less.  If you are not happy,  or if you find yourself alienated from the people in your life that mean the most, you have only yourself to blame.

One of my favorite Youtube vloggers is Shay Carl Butler.  He has accomplished so much in his life, in particular the last 12 months.  He lost 100 pounds in one year just through healthy diet and exercise.  A complete lifestyle change for the better.  He inspires me, and everything he says is so true.

Watch inspired.

I double-dawg dare you!!  :)

My photos of the daily dose of inspiration.

Can I interest you in a honey bun my honey bun?

"Hey mama, can we talk?"

"About everything, anything or nothing at all?"

"Yes son, we sure can."  <3
The view from my bedroom window.

In other news...I won a prize!  Thank you Phorum, my Gorilla Pod arrived today.  What a lovely surprise.  :)

***Doggy Daily***

Supra the Wonder Dog!  My son Garrett's Great Dane "Supra", and Kori's lovely little Mini Aussie Stella.  My "grand" puppies.  :)

Music I am listening to today...JJ Heller

Random Link of the Day...Five Friends

Until next time...

Random cuteness...oh my gawd!


Be happy!!

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,


Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

Thank you for stopping by! :)

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