Sunday, August 19, 2012

August 19, 2012

My 365...

Can we keep her?

My boys are famous for letting strays follow them home.  Dogs, puppies, cats, kittens, name it, they are ready to give them a home.  Today, Casey was skateboarding at one of our local parks, and he said a huge female Pit Bull came charging at him across the parking lot.  He stepped off his board thinking he was going to have to use it as a weapon.  Just as she reached Casey, she did a barrel roll and lay at his feet wagging her tail wanting a belly rub.


So Casey did what Casey loves to do...and he gave her a belly rub.  :)

She then proceeded to follow him all the way home.  When I went outside to meet our new guest, I will admit I was a bit cautious as she is huge.  Jack had her on the end of a strong lead so that he could control the situation just in case she got nervous.  However, she was the sweetest little darling I have met in a long time.  What an absolute doll!  And I say little...she was huge and powerful.  Jack could barely control her.  She could literally drag him if she wanted to.

Thank goodness she was wearing a collar and tags, so we were able to reach her owners and they came to pick her up.  We had a nice short visit with her and that was fun.

I fear for her though.  I hope she is not in the habit of escaping too much.  Having seen all the stories in the news lately about her very misunderstood breed, running the streets would not be safe for her.  :*(

My photos of the day...

Hello gorgeous!

Blake fell in love with her.  Even though Blake has been the victim of a dog attack, he was not the slightest bit afraid.  He felt completely at ease with her as he does with all dogs. <3

 "Gimme a kiss!"

For dinner, I made some delicious pasta.  The boys love elbow macaroni, me...not so much.  We have lots on hand, so I cooked come up.  

The sauce, sauteed garlic, Italian sausage, carrots and fresh spinach.  Finished off with a thick marinara sauce, and topped with Parmesan cheese.

It came out pretty darn yummy.  :)

***Doggy Daily***
"Casey is MY boy!"
 "Yes Ducati, everyone knows that Casey is your boy."

Music I am listening to today...Santana  Maria Maria

Random Link of the Day...Carrot Cake Cookies

Until next time...

Have a great Monday planet!


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,


Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

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