Friday, August 10, 2012

August 10, 2012

My 365...

Happy Friday planet!  This has been an amazing week, and we are ready for an amazing weekend.  No big plans, just a lot of biking adventures, Minecraft and family time.

Speaking of biking adventures..."Smoke, smoke, go away...mama wants to ride her bike!"  The air is so smoky today due to area wild fires.  I am really missing Idaho clear blue skies.  :*(  We were going to try to ride after dinner this evening, but the air quality is horrid.  We need a good stiff cleansing wind to blow through here and clear things up...although, that would be bad for the fires.

I have recruited Jack to take over Blake's math lessons as I am not a fan of methematics.  Blake loves having the extra one on one time with daddy.  When I told him it was time for a little math practice this afternoon he said...

"But mom, today is my day off!  Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday is a day off from school work."

"Oh really Blake?  I guess mama did not get that memo.  Now sharpen that pencil, and get your math on!"


For dinner tonight we are having left-overs.  I cook dinner every single night of the week...Friday is my day off from cooking.  I just decided

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

My photos of the day...

A little math practice with daddy.

I love the smell of gardenias, and it was my mom's favorite scent as well.  Garrett's girlfriend Kori brought me some delightful Gardenia body cream last night.  "Thank you Kori!"  <3

***Doggy Daily***

Notice anything strange about these photos?
Miss Lilly the photo-bomber.  Little diva always has to be in the spotlight.  

Music I a listening to today...ACDC,

Random Link of the Day...My kind of Campfire Cooking!

Until next time...


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,


Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

Thank you for stopping by! :)

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