Saturday, May 31, 2014
Good-Bye May!
Good-Bye May!
Thank you for the memories. :)
Welcome to June, and all the fun it will bring. Hopefully it does not get too hot.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Thank you for the memories. :)
Welcome to June, and all the fun it will bring. Hopefully it does not get too hot.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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May 31, 2014
Hello Dear Family,
Blake and I enjoyed movie night last night. Daddy and Garrett joined us too, and it was nice. We have not all sat down to watch a movie in a very long time. Of course daddy fell asleep, he missed all the good at least he was with us. :)
Today marks day 1,612 of My 365 project. That is 1,612 consecutive days of posting at least one photo a day. WOW! I am pretty proud of myself. A little obsessive, yep, maybe just a little bit.
Plan for the plans!
Hope your weekend is going well planet.
Until next time...
My 365...
Dozer is so much bigger than Miss Lilly, but she always gets the best of him.
Dozer does not mind at all.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Blake and I enjoyed movie night last night. Daddy and Garrett joined us too, and it was nice. We have not all sat down to watch a movie in a very long time. Of course daddy fell asleep, he missed all the good at least he was with us. :)
Today marks day 1,612 of My 365 project. That is 1,612 consecutive days of posting at least one photo a day. WOW! I am pretty proud of myself. A little obsessive, yep, maybe just a little bit.
Plan for the plans!
Hope your weekend is going well planet.
Until next time...
My 365...
Dozer and Miss Lilly are best friends.
It is so funny watching them play.Dozer is so much bigger than Miss Lilly, but she always gets the best of him.
Dozer does not mind at all.
The Daily V...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Friday, May 30, 2014
May 30, 2014
Hello Dear Family,
I am sitting here at my desk, pondering the lessons of life. The awesome, the not so great, the "I wish I could have done things a little better"...and I get the most epic of all text messages, from the most amazing son on the planet...
Only you Garrett, would put on a donkey hat and create the perfect selfie. LOL, I love you son. :) I can't think of a more perfect way to start my weekend. With you as my "guardian donkey," I can face anything!
I am so very blessed blessed. *love*
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Until next time...
My 365...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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I am sitting here at my desk, pondering the lessons of life. The awesome, the not so great, the "I wish I could have done things a little better"...and I get the most epic of all text messages, from the most amazing son on the planet...
Only you Garrett, would put on a donkey hat and create the perfect selfie. LOL, I love you son. :) I can't think of a more perfect way to start my weekend. With you as my "guardian donkey," I can face anything!
I am so very blessed blessed. *love*
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Until next time...
My 365...
"I am watching you mama..."
"...still watching you mama..."
Music I am listening to today...Muse, Supermassive Blake Hole
The Daily V...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Thursday, May 29, 2014
May 29, 2014
Hello Dear Family,
Blake, only four more days of school left honey, you are almost there. However, staying up until almost 2:00AM because you took a 3 hour nap when you got home from school, is not conducive to waking up the next morning at 8:00AM. You are going to be dragging your feet the entire day. I know you would like to believe that you are a superhero, who does not need at least 8 plus full hours of uninterrupted sleep, but you are not.
Silly Blake. :)
I read a very interesting article today. Idaho made CNN's list of Top 10 "Dare to Go" places. I already knew my Idaho was freaking amazing. *CLICK*
Until next time...
My 365...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Blake, only four more days of school left honey, you are almost there. However, staying up until almost 2:00AM because you took a 3 hour nap when you got home from school, is not conducive to waking up the next morning at 8:00AM. You are going to be dragging your feet the entire day. I know you would like to believe that you are a superhero, who does not need at least 8 plus full hours of uninterrupted sleep, but you are not.
Silly Blake. :)
I read a very interesting article today. Idaho made CNN's list of Top 10 "Dare to Go" places. I already knew my Idaho was freaking amazing. *CLICK*
Until next time...
My 365...
"How was school today Blake?"
#TBT My Throwback Thursday this adorable son Blake at age 2. It is so hard to believe that he will be 13 in August! Blake, you will always be, my adorable baby boy. :)
Music I am listening to today...American Authors, Best Day of My Life
The Daily V...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Wednesday, May 28, 2014
May 28, 2014
Hello Dear Family,
Happy hump day planet. Hope the sun is shining brightly in your world today. It has been shining in mine. Good thing too, because the electricity has been going off and on and off all afternoon. Nothing better than a power outage to slow down your day. :)
Only five days of school left Blake! I am so proud of you honey. This was your first year in traditional school after home schooling, and you have done exceptionally well. You rocked it baby! Now you get to enjoy some summer vacation fun, then it is on to Junior High.
I love how motivated you are. You are not afraid to try new things, and you are so organized when it comes to school. Yes, I had to constantly nag you about homework, but you always got it done. You would not have it any other way. You are going to do great next year son.
Your big brother Garrett is excited to coach you in your sports activities. He says the one thing in life that taught him the most, was participating in sports. It taught him discipline, strength, motivation and team work. With Garrett's support and guidance, you will soar! And I will be your number one cheerleader. Next year will be an amazing adventure for you! Go Blake! *\o/*
Until next time...
My 365...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Happy hump day planet. Hope the sun is shining brightly in your world today. It has been shining in mine. Good thing too, because the electricity has been going off and on and off all afternoon. Nothing better than a power outage to slow down your day. :)
Only five days of school left Blake! I am so proud of you honey. This was your first year in traditional school after home schooling, and you have done exceptionally well. You rocked it baby! Now you get to enjoy some summer vacation fun, then it is on to Junior High.
I love how motivated you are. You are not afraid to try new things, and you are so organized when it comes to school. Yes, I had to constantly nag you about homework, but you always got it done. You would not have it any other way. You are going to do great next year son.
Your big brother Garrett is excited to coach you in your sports activities. He says the one thing in life that taught him the most, was participating in sports. It taught him discipline, strength, motivation and team work. With Garrett's support and guidance, you will soar! And I will be your number one cheerleader. Next year will be an amazing adventure for you! Go Blake! *\o/*
Until next time...
My 365...
Big brother Garrett, giving Blake some basketball tips this afternoon. :)
Music I am listening to today...Shiny Toy Guns, If I Lost you
The Daily V...Rest in peace.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Tuesday, May 27, 2014
May 27, 2014
Hello Dear Family,
It is not Monday, it is not is not Monday. The only bad thing about a three day weekend, is keeping the rest of the week straight. I guess it is worth the confusion though.
Summer seems to be here early. The weatherman is saying the high today was only 81°f, but with the sun shining so brightly, it feels like 101°f. Thank goodness for air conditioning. It does look like a lovely forecast ahead...
After all the stress and excitement of last week, everything is settling down. My heart is happy once again, and I have my two eldest sons to thank for that. Garrett for helping me keep a level head, and Brandon for being so wise. Thank you boys, I would not have survived without you. I love you. :)
Today was a good day in my world. Hope it was an awesome day in yours. :)
Until next time...
My 365...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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It is not Monday, it is not is not Monday. The only bad thing about a three day weekend, is keeping the rest of the week straight. I guess it is worth the confusion though.
Summer seems to be here early. The weatherman is saying the high today was only 81°f, but with the sun shining so brightly, it feels like 101°f. Thank goodness for air conditioning. It does look like a lovely forecast ahead...
After all the stress and excitement of last week, everything is settling down. My heart is happy once again, and I have my two eldest sons to thank for that. Garrett for helping me keep a level head, and Brandon for being so wise. Thank you boys, I would not have survived without you. I love you. :)
Today was a good day in my world. Hope it was an awesome day in yours. :)
Until next time...
My 365...
Pretty flowers...
Music I am listening to today...Lee DeWyze, Blackbird Song
The Daily V...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Monday, May 26, 2014
May 26, 2014
Hello Dear Family,
Happy Memorial Day!
We had a great day today. It ended up being way too hot to take that 20 mile bike ride. Even if it hadn't been, Blake would not have wanted to go. Yesterday, while we were riding, he spotted a basketball hoop on the ground in front a house down the street. He asked his father to go inquire about said basketball hoop, and the lady sold it to him for $5.00. With some help from Garrett and daddy, he now has his very own basketball hoop at home. He is SO happy! It is an awesome hoop too.
Today he wanted to spend the day shooting some hoops. First with me...I lasted about 20 minutes in the hot sun. Thankfully daddy can handle the sun better than I can, and he and Blake played basketball for most of the day. Then after basketball, Blake made daddy go skateboarding with him. Jack came in laughing and said.."Mama, Blake is going to kill me today!" lol :)
Casey came home last night to pick up some of his things, and he is spending a few days with his big brother Brandon in Nampa. This is a good thing. It gives Casey and I both a break from the drama, and it helps Brandon, in that Casey can give him car rides into Boise for work. I am very thankful to Brandon and Amber for offering to let Casey stay for a few days. Casey did stop by at home this afternoon to give me a hug, tell me he loves me, and introduce me to his new friend.
So what is the lesson here planet? For me it is the same lesson that keeps presenting itself to me over and over and over again, but I have a hard time grasping it. And that is..."mind your own business mama!" If one of the boys is making a choice that I don't agree with, it is not up to me to make that determination. Unless of course this is referring to Blake...I still have some say there. Seriously though, I am not the one walking in Casey's shoes, therefore I have no say. My only responsibility, once my boys became adults, is to be here with a hug, and an "I love you"...and spare them the "What the hell son?"...and the "I told you so." I can do that...then scream into my pillow when no one is watching. :)
Hope you had a great day planet! A big "THANK YOU," to all of our brave service men and women. We are the land of the free, because of the brave.
Until next time...
My 365...
Some basketball with daddy.
Woot! Go daddy!
Happy Memorial Day.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Happy Memorial Day!
We had a great day today. It ended up being way too hot to take that 20 mile bike ride. Even if it hadn't been, Blake would not have wanted to go. Yesterday, while we were riding, he spotted a basketball hoop on the ground in front a house down the street. He asked his father to go inquire about said basketball hoop, and the lady sold it to him for $5.00. With some help from Garrett and daddy, he now has his very own basketball hoop at home. He is SO happy! It is an awesome hoop too.
Today he wanted to spend the day shooting some hoops. First with me...I lasted about 20 minutes in the hot sun. Thankfully daddy can handle the sun better than I can, and he and Blake played basketball for most of the day. Then after basketball, Blake made daddy go skateboarding with him. Jack came in laughing and said.."Mama, Blake is going to kill me today!" lol :)
Casey came home last night to pick up some of his things, and he is spending a few days with his big brother Brandon in Nampa. This is a good thing. It gives Casey and I both a break from the drama, and it helps Brandon, in that Casey can give him car rides into Boise for work. I am very thankful to Brandon and Amber for offering to let Casey stay for a few days. Casey did stop by at home this afternoon to give me a hug, tell me he loves me, and introduce me to his new friend.
So what is the lesson here planet? For me it is the same lesson that keeps presenting itself to me over and over and over again, but I have a hard time grasping it. And that is..."mind your own business mama!" If one of the boys is making a choice that I don't agree with, it is not up to me to make that determination. Unless of course this is referring to Blake...I still have some say there. Seriously though, I am not the one walking in Casey's shoes, therefore I have no say. My only responsibility, once my boys became adults, is to be here with a hug, and an "I love you"...and spare them the "What the hell son?"...and the "I told you so." I can do that...then scream into my pillow when no one is watching. :)
Hope you had a great day planet! A big "THANK YOU," to all of our brave service men and women. We are the land of the free, because of the brave.
Until next time...
My 365...
"Mom, I was shooting a basket, and the roses jumped out in front of me. Sorry!"
Some basketball with daddy.
Woot! Go daddy!
Happy Memorial Day.
Music I am listening to today...John Mayer, Say What You Need to Say
The Daily V...
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Welcome to Mommy plus Five
I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.
Time to start a new 365.
Thank you for stopping by! :)
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