Monday, September 28, 2015
September 28, 2015 - Super Moon, Super Weekend
We had a great weekend. Garrett's best friend Travis got married Saturday, congratulations Travis, so they asked Blake if he would mind coming over and watching every one's dogs for the day.
Blake really enjoyed his afternoon of dog sitting, and he sent me a lot of canine selfies. I kept Skype open so when would not feel so alone.
Photo by Blake.
Photo by Blake.
Until next time...enjoy life, and be kind to one another.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

My 365 Blog.
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Blake really enjoyed his afternoon of dog sitting, and he sent me a lot of canine selfies. I kept Skype open so when would not feel so alone.
Blake enjoyed the day with two Labradors, a Golden Retriever and a Pointer, and he did a great job taking care of everyone. He is such a responsible young man. I am very proud of my Blake. :)
Garrett enjoyed the wedding, and he said it was a beautiful event. Here is a picture of Garrett with his beautiful girlfriend Genevieve, taken by the groom's father on Gen's iPhone.
They make such a lovely couple. :)
Last night, Blake and I headed out for a photography adventure. The goal of the evening was to catch some photos of the Lunar Eclipse. It was certainly a beautiful sight to see! Taking pictures was not so easy though. Focusing on the moon with no light shining from it was difficult at best. But we still managed to get in a few shots. Blake's pictures are the best! I am so proud of him. I love that we share the same hobby too.
Photo by Blake.
Photo by Blake.
It was a chilly night last night too, but it felt great to get back on my bike again and take a ride to the park. Now that it is cooler, and my favorite season, it is time to ramp up the cycling adventures. And along with cycling adventures, Blake and I have decided that we will have photography shoot-offs with every adventure as well. He loves photography, and will be taking it is school next semester. He is also working with Garrett at the photography studio too, so he is around photography all the time.
Now not only will it be a Canon vs Nikon contest, but also a Blake vs Mama. Not that we will be competing against each other's photography skills, as Blake is an awesome photographer, but it will be fun to see our different perspectives on the same subject matter.
Garrett, Brandon, Casey and Blake are all amazing photographers. We are just a snap-happy kind of family. :)
Until next time...enjoy life, and be kind to one another.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

My 365 Blog.
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Wednesday, September 23, 2015
September 23, 2015 - Happy First Day of Autumn!
Happy First Day of Autumn!
Let the decorating commence. :)
Until next time...enjoy life, and be kind to one another.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

My 365 Blog.
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Let the decorating commence. :)
Until next time...enjoy life, and be kind to one another.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

My 365 Blog.
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Monday, September 21, 2015
September 21, 2015 - Garden Omelettes
Between Miss Annabelle, and the garden, we are having some fresh veggie omelettes for dinner tonight. Her eggs have been so perfect, and I had a nice mini harvest of tomatoes and peppers this evening. Now all I need to do is get a goat...and make some cheese.
I do love my little urban farm. :)
Until next time...enjoy life, and be kind to one another.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

My 365 Blog.
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I do love my little urban farm. :)
Until next time...enjoy life, and be kind to one another.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

My 365 Blog.
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Sunday, September 20, 2015
September 19, 2015 - Very Blessed
Today was a gloriously fun day. Grandson Cooper, and granddaughter Penny came to spend the entire day with me. Son Brandon and daughter-in-law Amber had a conflict in their work schedules, so they needed this grandma to fill in.
I will admit, I was a little bit worried about keeping up with an active 4-year-old and 2-year-old all by myself, but they were perfectly well behaved, and delightful company too.
Amber reminded Cooper and Penny of the rules before she left for work, and they recited them back without missing a single one. "Listen to grandma Ronica. Use your inside voice. Grandma knows about nose and toes." And then Penny said something about using her inside feet!" LOL! Yes, my precious little Penny now speaks in complete sentences. And little girlfriend has a lot to say!
Penny loved watching the chickens.
Annabelle, with her impeccable timing, laid the perfect egg for the children to discover. And, it was her largest egg yet! Well done Annabelle.
When Garrett and Blake got home from their photo shoot, the children were thrilled. Penny sat on the porch swing with uncle Garrett.
They discussed tattoos, the latest hair styles and football.
Miss Penny had a lot to say!
Penny is perfect in every way. She loves princesses, but she also loves her superheroes. She seems so delicate and sensitive, but in truth, she is tough as nails!
And Penny has the most loving and sweet little spirit too.
Cooper continues to amaze me. He is always very focused and determined and has the most incredible imagination. If you are not paying attention to everything he is telling you, and that can happen a lot when little sister interrupts, he will patiently wait for you to turn the attention back to him so he can continue his thought.
Cooper is a very old soul. His heart is huge, and he loves so beautifully.
I love this little boy so much!
Until next time...enjoy life, and be kind to one another.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

My 365 Blog.
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I will admit, I was a little bit worried about keeping up with an active 4-year-old and 2-year-old all by myself, but they were perfectly well behaved, and delightful company too.
Amber reminded Cooper and Penny of the rules before she left for work, and they recited them back without missing a single one. "Listen to grandma Ronica. Use your inside voice. Grandma knows about nose and toes." And then Penny said something about using her inside feet!" LOL! Yes, my precious little Penny now speaks in complete sentences. And little girlfriend has a lot to say!
Penny loved watching the chickens.
Annabelle, with her impeccable timing, laid the perfect egg for the children to discover. And, it was her largest egg yet! Well done Annabelle.
When Garrett and Blake got home from their photo shoot, the children were thrilled. Penny sat on the porch swing with uncle Garrett.
They discussed tattoos, the latest hair styles and football.
Miss Penny had a lot to say!
Penny is perfect in every way. She loves princesses, but she also loves her superheroes. She seems so delicate and sensitive, but in truth, she is tough as nails!
And Penny has the most loving and sweet little spirit too.
And Penny has informed me that chickens like Mac-N-Cheese. Imagine that? Here I thought I knew everything there was to know about my chickens. We will have to add some Mac-N-Cheese to their diet. Why? Because Penny said so, that is why. :)
Cooper is a very old soul. His heart is huge, and he loves so beautifully.
I love this little boy so much!
And I am so thankful for Blake. He has been sick with a terrible cold all this past week, and has not been sleeping well at all. He had to be out the door at 7:00 AM to work a photo shoot with Garrett, and they worked a long day. I honestly thought he would want to go straight to bed when he got home, and I wouldn't have blamed him one bit.
But instead he helped me keep Cooper and Penny entertained. They played a long game of hide-n-go-seek, all through the house. Then he made an awesome fort so they could watch movies together. He played with them until they left at 11:00pm.
He will probably sleep all day tomorrow. I think we both will. :)
Today I am thankful for my amazing family. I have been blessed with a loving, supportive husband. I have been blessed with four loving, remarkable, amazing sons. I have been blessed with the best daughter-in-law a mom could ever hope for, and two perfect and adorable grandchildren. Brandon and Amber are amazing parents. I am honestly in awe of them. Garrett has a beautiful girlfriend who is loving and kind. Casey's girlfriend is genuine and sweet. And Blake...well Blake is just freaking awesome.
As for me, grandma Ronica is exhausted, and wee bit delirious, but in a good way.
Life is good. <3
Until next time...enjoy life, and be kind to one another.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

My 365 Blog.
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Monday, September 14, 2015
September 14, 2015 - Jurassic Chicken
Garrett, Blake and I enjoyed an afternoon in the garden with the chickens today. They say that chickens are direct descendants of the T-Rex. Based on their behavior most days...I would have to agree. :)
Blake and I did enjoy the movie Jurassic World this weekend. I have decided that other than the original movie, Jurassic World has been my favorite Jurassic movie so far. It is SO good! And Chris Pratt is my new favorite superhero.
Some photos from today...
Blake, re-enacting the scene from the movie Jurassic World where Chris Pratt is trying to control the velociraptors. We laughed so hard!
Dino-Chicken stampede!
Garrett with Thelma the Welsummer. Garrett's beard is really not that red. The sunset was casting a glow that made his beard color match Thelma's feather color.
Blake chilling with Thelma.
Miss Lilly did not approve of this snuggle session.
This is Rosie after she had just spent the last 20 minutes terrorizing Miss Lilly. Rosie literally chased Miss Lilly around the yard. Miss Lilly jumped on the porch swing to hide behind my back, and Rosie jumped up too and continued to terrorize her. Poor pups.
Until next time...enjoy life, and be kind to one another.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

My 365 Blog.
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Blake and I did enjoy the movie Jurassic World this weekend. I have decided that other than the original movie, Jurassic World has been my favorite Jurassic movie so far. It is SO good! And Chris Pratt is my new favorite superhero.
Some photos from today...
Blake, re-enacting the scene from the movie Jurassic World where Chris Pratt is trying to control the velociraptors. We laughed so hard!
Dino-Chicken stampede!
Garrett with Thelma the Welsummer. Garrett's beard is really not that red. The sunset was casting a glow that made his beard color match Thelma's feather color.
Blake chilling with Thelma.
Miss Lilly did not approve of this snuggle session.
This is Rosie after she had just spent the last 20 minutes terrorizing Miss Lilly. Rosie literally chased Miss Lilly around the yard. Miss Lilly jumped on the porch swing to hide behind my back, and Rosie jumped up too and continued to terrorize her. Poor pups.
Thelma definitely has T-Rex eyes. :)
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

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Sunday, September 13, 2015
September 13, 2015 - Good-Bye Summer!
What a warm weekend we have had. Just when I thought summer was over...*bam*, two days in the upper 90's. But not to worry! The weatherman said we will have highs in the 60's next week. That sounds much more "Autumn" to me.
This has been a good, peaceful week here at home. The garden is still producing tomatoes and summer squash like crazy, and the peppers are starting to come in. Speaking of peppers, this evening I plucked a beautiful pepper from the vine. I thought it was a sweet banana pepper, so I took a bit bite. YIKES! It was NOT a banana pepper! The capsaicin was strong with that one!
Blake is back to working with Garrett and he loves it! It is photo-shoot season for the photography company Garrett works for, and they bring Blake on as an apprentice two days a week. He loves the job, and I am so thankful to Garrett for including his little brother. Blake will be taking photography next semester too. He has an amazing eye for photos.
The chickens had a great week too. Well, at least Annabelle did. She has given use 5 beautiful eggs so far. They are small eggs, but so delicious. The yolks are a deep orange, and they taste amazing. Well done Annabelle! Hopefully Rosie and Thelma will start laying soon.
We also celebrated a canine birthday this week. Ducati turned 10! That makes two senior citizen canines in the family. :)
Hope you had an amazing week everyone.
Here are some photos from my world...
Until next time...enjoy life, and be kind to one another.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

My 365 Blog.
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This has been a good, peaceful week here at home. The garden is still producing tomatoes and summer squash like crazy, and the peppers are starting to come in. Speaking of peppers, this evening I plucked a beautiful pepper from the vine. I thought it was a sweet banana pepper, so I took a bit bite. YIKES! It was NOT a banana pepper! The capsaicin was strong with that one!
Blake is back to working with Garrett and he loves it! It is photo-shoot season for the photography company Garrett works for, and they bring Blake on as an apprentice two days a week. He loves the job, and I am so thankful to Garrett for including his little brother. Blake will be taking photography next semester too. He has an amazing eye for photos.
The chickens had a great week too. Well, at least Annabelle did. She has given use 5 beautiful eggs so far. They are small eggs, but so delicious. The yolks are a deep orange, and they taste amazing. Well done Annabelle! Hopefully Rosie and Thelma will start laying soon.
We also celebrated a canine birthday this week. Ducati turned 10! That makes two senior citizen canines in the family. :)
Hope you had an amazing week everyone.
Here are some photos from my world...
Until next time...enjoy life, and be kind to one another.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,

My 365 Blog.
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Welcome to Mommy plus Five
I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.
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- September 28, 2015 - Super Moon, Super Weekend
- September 23, 2015 - Happy First Day of Autumn!
- September 21, 2015 - Garden Omelettes
- September 19, 2015 - Very Blessed
- September 14, 2015 - Jurassic Chicken
- September 13, 2015 - Good-Bye Summer!
- September 4, 2015 - A Beautiful Day for Balloons
- September 2, 2015 - We Had An Eggsciting Day!
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